Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

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Iscritto il: 16 ottobre 2011, 13:28

Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da Vultur » 27 marzo 2018, 15:19

Una portaerei cinese (forse la Liaoning) preceduta e seguita da una quarantina di battelli, tra navi e sottomarini, è stata fotografata dai satelliti a sud di Hainan. La squadra cinese è protetta anche dall'ombrello dell'aviazione a lungo raggio con aerocisterne e appare procedere in una doppia linea di fila, probabilmente più adatta a una parata navale che a una azione di guerra.
L'aviazione cinese intanto è almeno da ieri coinvolta in una esercitazione che ha previsto il suo passaggio attraverso le acque internazionali dello stretto di Miyako, tra le isole giapponesi di Miyako e Okinawa; questo stretto è strategico, perché per i cinesi è probabilmente l'accesso con acque internazionali più diretto verso il Pacifico. Tra gli aerei cinesi anche i Su-35 e bombardieri Xian H-6K, versione cinese del Tu-16.
Nei giorni scorsi navi americane sono transitate vicino a isole cinesi, alcune delle quali artificiali o semi-artificiali, nel Mar Cinese Meridionale. ... SKBN1H3135 ... rpAyYhubGg

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da Vultur » 30 marzo 2018, 18:25

I Su-35 cinesi in un' esercitazione. Le doti di autonomia del Su-35 sembrano usate in questo caso in un ruolo simile a quello di pattugliatore marittimo a lungo raggio, sul Mar cinese meridionale. A quanto mi risulta, la Russia si è impegnata a consegnare alla Cina 24 Su-35 in versione da esportazione. Il radar è una versione diversa da quella degli aerei russi e i Su-35 cinesi hanno la predisposizione per un proprio sistema di navigazione satellitare, il cinese Bei-Dou (che da quel che ho capito sarebbe il nome cinese dell'Orsa Maggiore?).
I primi quattro Su-35 per la Cina, costruiti dalla KnAAPO di Komsomol sull'Amur, sono stati assemblati nel 2016 e consegnati il 25 dicembre dello stesso anno; un successivo lotto di cinque aerei è stato consegnato il 3 luglio 2017 e altri cinque sono arrivati il 30 novembre 2017. In tutto quattordici aerei. I rimanenti dieci si pensa saranno consegnati entro il 2018. I Su-35 della PLA sono schierati nella 6°Brigata dell'Aeronautica, 2° Divisione aerea, presso la base di Suixi, nel sud della Cina, vicino Zhanjiang (provincia del Guangdong), sulla costa del Mar cinese meridionale vicino Hainan. La 6°Brigata aerea nel Guangdong risulta equipaggiata soprattutto con Su-27SK. ... ium=social ... confirmed/

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da kompressor » 10 giugno 2018, 22:11

ognuna di quelle isole è l'equivalente di una (o forse anche più di una) super portaerei ma ad una frazione del costo. sinfonia del posto 37 k

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 maggio 2019, 9:50

C' era una volta, fra Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica, il fantomatico "Missile Gap" ...

... ...

... ... issile-gap ...

Ai tempi nostri, invece, la Cina si accinge a chiudere il suo "Aviation Gap" ...
Beijing continues to make strides in developing modern airpower capabilities across the full spectrum of platforms, from strategic bombers to armed UAVs.
In its most recent report to Congress (*), the US Department of Defense notes progress with fighters such as the Chengdu J-20 and AVIC FC-31, the Xian H-6K bomber, the development stealth bomber to be designated H-20, and well as the greater integration of special mission aircraft.
In addition, combat training in China is becoming more realistic.
... ... "China “rapidly closing” gap with Western air forces: Pentagon" ...

(*) ... ... REPORT.pdf ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 agosto 2019, 19:26

Cominciano ad emergere le prime immagini di un nuovo vascello da assalto anfibio attualmente in costruzione ...
Recent photos reveal the construction of China’s largest amphibious assault ship is progressing at a shipyard in the metropolis of Shanghai, as the country strives to plug gaps in its military’s amphibious capabilities.
One photo, taken from a boat sailing on the Huangpu River, which runs through Shanghai, eastern China, shows the main bridge structure has recently been joined to the hull of the first Type 075 amphibious assault ship.
... ... "Photos reveal progress on China’s largest amphibious assault ship" ...

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 maggio 2020, 19:07

... il nuovo bombardiere strategico cinese H-20 potrebbe essere pronto e presto presentato ufficialmente al pubblico.

Fonte ... RID ... ... ,3572.html ...

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 maggio 2020, 9:48

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 marzo 2022, 15:40

Riapro questa discussione interrotta un paio di anni fa ...

Operazioni navali statunitensi nel Mar Cinese Meridionale in occasione di una serie di esercitazioni combinate con le marine dei paesi dell'area ...
Aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) is on a Manila port visit in Manila after operating in the South China Sea while Expeditionary Support Base USS Miguel Keith (ESB-6) is in the Philippines for the upcoming U.S-Philippines joint exercise Balikatan 2022, while U.S destroyers conducted firing exercises in the Philippine Sea on Thursday.
Balikatan 2022 will run from March 28 until April 8 across Luzon, Philippines and involve 3,800 Armed Forces of the Philippines personnel and 5,100 U.S military personnel according to a U.S Embassy Philippines release issued on Tuesday.

news.usni.orgCarrier USS Abraham Lincoln, USS Miguel Keith Operating in South China Sea


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 maggio 2022, 0:59

Il gruppo d'attacco della portaerei cinese Liaoning in navigazione dalle parti del Giappone ...
The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) dispatched an eight-ship carrier group, led by the carrier CNS Liaoning (16) and accompanied by five destroyers, a frigate and a replenishment ship, into the Pacific Ocean via transit of the Miyako Strait Monday, marking the first time since December 2021 that the carrier has operated in the area.
The Joint Staff Office (JSO) of the Japan Self Defense Force (JSDF) issued a release Monday on the group’s passage along with photographs of the ships in the group, identifying them by class and pennant number.
news.usni.orgChinese Carrier Liaoning Strike Group Steaming Near Japan, Says MoD


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 maggio 2022, 16:30

Esiste davvero la possibilità che la Cina impieghi forze aviotrasportate per compiere azioni di sorpresa nel Mar Cinese Meridionale?


Riporto da Flight International ...
PLAAF could see role for paratroopers in South China Sea: report ...

By Greg Waldron - 9 May 2022

A Japanese analysis suggests that China could use strategic transport aircraft for airborne missions to seize islands in the South China Sea.
The analysis considers the events of 31 July 2021, when around 16 People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) strategic transports – a mix of Xian Y-20s and Ilyushin Il-76s – conducted a long-range sortie to within 60nm (111km) of East Malaysia on the island of Borneo.
The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) intercepted the PLAAF aircraft with BAE Systems Hawk 208 fighters based on the island of Labuan.
The RMAF tweeted about the incident with a map of the incursion, but China had little to say other than that its aircraft – which ignored air traffic control queries – had operated safely in international airspace.
The US corroborated Malaysia’s contention about a large number of aircraft.
The event created a brief stir in the media, with speculation suggesting that Beijing was sending a political message to Kuala Lumpur, with which it has territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
Other speculation suggested the PLAAF was conducting a navigation exercise, or was trying to assess Malaysia’s reaction capabilities.
A Japanese analysis, however, suggests another possibility.
Originally published in July 2021 by a Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) think tank, the analysis was recently translated into English by analyst Derek Solen of the US Air Force’s China Aerospace Studies Institute (*).
It notes that maintaining a separation of 60nm, the PLAAF transports flew at 290kt (536km/h) between 23,000-27,000ft.
This indicates that the aircraft would have passed over the same point at intervals of 12min 30s.
The JASDF analysis doubts that the flight was either a navigation exercise or an effort to learn more about Malaysian defences.
It contends that using a 16-aircraft sortie for navigation work is “unrealistic” given the costs involved as well as the availability of modern simulation technology.
Similarly, a large armada of aircraft is a costly way to gather electronic intelligence.
On the other hand, it points to Chinese defence sources, which sees a role for paratroopers seizing key objectives early in a conflict.
It also notes the increasing publicity China’s defence ministry gives to the training of paratroopers.
In the specific context of the 31 July incursion, it conjectures that the mission flew over several strategic South China Sea islands controlled by other countries, such as Malaysia’s Swallow Reef, the Philippines’ Thitu Island, Taiwan’s Itu Aba Island, and Vietnam’s Spratly Island.
All four islands have runways of varying lengths.
The JASDF report, noting that 16 transports can carry around 1,600 paratroopers, indicates that seizing them would help Beijing secure its sea lanes of communication.
“This kind of flight, which can be taken as a demonstration of strength by China, can be thought of as a scenario in which airborne forces are dropped on airfields on Taiwan’s Taiping Island, Malaysia’s Swallow Island, Vietnam’s Spratly Island, and the Philippines’ Pag-asa Island,” says the JASDF report.
“It is likely that as a part of that, the crew of each aircraft practiced a basic flight profile including familiarising themselves with the surrounding topography.”
While unusual in its composition and direction, the 31 May 2021 flight is consistent with overall patterns of Chinese air activity.
On a daily basis, Beijing conducts probing flights around Taiwan, sometimes with large numbers of aircraft.
More recently, the aircraft carrier CNS Liaoning has conducted flight operations in the Pacific Ocean off Taiwan’s east coast.
(*) ... ... ... laysia.pdf ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 maggio 2022, 10:33

Il gruppo d'attacco della portaerei cinese Liaoning continua le esercitazioni nei pressi del Giappone ...
China’s aircraft carrier CNS Liaoning (16) has been launching fighters near Japan since last week all the while being shadowed by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer helicopter carrier JS Izumo (DDH-183), according to Japanese forces.
Liaoning, together with the Type 055 destroyer CNS Nanchang (101), Type 052D destroyers CNS Xining (117), CNS Urumqi (118) and CNS Chengdu (120), Type 052C destroyer CNS Zhengzhou (151), Type 054A frigate CNS Xiangtan (531) and Type 901 fast combat support ship CNS Hulunhu (901), sailed into the Pacific Ocean via the Miyako Strait on May 2.
Chinese officials said the Liaoning Carrier Strike Group was training in the western Pacific Ocean and that it was a routine training event organized by the Chinese navy, according to its annual plan and in line with relevant international law and international practice, and not targeting any party.
news.usni.orgChinese Carrier Strike Group Continues Drills Near Japan

🇨🇳 :argue: 🇯🇵

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 maggio 2022, 0:50

Un incrociatore lanciamissili dell'US Navy attraversa lo Stretto di Taiwan dopo la fine delle esercitazioni aeronavali cinesi ...
Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Port Royal (CG-73) transitioned the Taiwan Strait Tuesday, the Navy announced in a release.
Port Royal, homeported in Hawaii, conducted a routine transit through the Taiwan Strait, according to a 7th Fleet release (*).
The cruiser, one of the Ticonderoga-class slated to exit the fleet in five years, went through a corridor in the strait that is not part of territorial sea of a coastal state, according to the release.
The strait transit was done in accordance with international law.
news.usni.orgU.S. Cruiser Transits Taiwan Strait Days After Chinese Naval, Air Exercises

(*) Fleet Cruiser Transits Taiwan Strait


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 maggio 2022, 15:10

Grande Muraglia di bersagli navali scoperti nel deserto cinese ...
China has been honing its ship-killing skills for potential future conflicts on new targets in a remote desert, according to new satellite photos reviewed by USNI News.
New analysis shows the People’s Liberation Army is testing the ability to hit ships in port with long-range ballistic missiles.
Since USNI News reported China has been building aircraft carrier targets in the Taklamakan Desert, other target sites have emerged forming a string of large-scale target ranges running along the eastern edge of the desert, according to new satellite photos.
Several of these are naval and two have layouts that appear to be modeled on ships in port.
news.usni.orgGreat Wall of Naval Targets Discovered in Chinese Desert


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 maggio 2022, 0:46

In missione di intelligence al largo dell'Australia ...
A People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) intelligence ship is currently operating off the north-west shelf of Australia, the Australian Department of Defence said Friday.
Australia’s DoD identified the vessel as China’s Dongdiao-class auxiliary intelligence ship Haiwangxing (792) and released imagery and video of the ship.
A graphic of Haiwangxing’s voyage showed the ship crossed Australia’s exclusive economic zone on the morning of May 6.
On Sunday, it was approximately 70 nautical miles off the Harold E. Holt Communications Station, in Exmouth, Western Australia, while a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft monitored the ship.
Harold E. Holt Communications Station provides Very Low Frequency (VLF) communication transmission services for Australian, the United States and Australian-allied submarines.
news.usni.orgChinese Navy Ship Operating Off of Australia, Canberra Says


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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 maggio 2022, 8:59

Le Forze Aeree Cinesi dovranno fronteggiare seri problemi se la Russia, a causa della guerra attualmente in corso, non sarà più in grado di fornire motori e relativi pezzi di ricambio per i loro aerei da combattimento ...
China’s dependence on Russian fighter aircraft engines may soon affect the People’s Liberation Army Air Force fleet if Russia can’t service or provide engines or parts for up to 40 percent of the Chinese fighters, experts at the China Aerospace Studies Institute conference said May 17.
China has yet to wean itself off Russian engines by mastering the technology, experts explained during a panel discussion on military cooperation between China and Russia.
If Russia must resupply its own military over the course of a protracted war, that competing demand for parts could prompt China to focus more intently on building up internal expertise.
“China is still quite dependent on Russian components and probably will be for the foreseeable future,” said David R. Markov of the Institute for Defense Analysis.
airforcemag.comDependence on Russian Aircraft Engines Could Prompt China to ‘Fix Their … Problem’

:signhelp: 🇨🇳 :signhelp:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 giugno 2022, 10:05

Una intercettazione "molto pericolosa" ...
Defence advises that on 26 May 2022, a RAAF P-8 maritime surveillance aircraft was intercepted by a Chinese J-16 fighter aircraft during a routine maritime surveillance activity in international airspace in the South China Sea region.
The intercept resulted in a dangerous manoeuvre which posed a safety threat to the P-8 aircraft and its crew.
The Australian Government has raised its concerns about the incident with the Chinese Government. interception of P-8A Poseidon on 26 May 2022

Anche qui … surface on China's 'dangerous' interception of RAAF P-8A

🇦🇺 :x: >>> 🇨🇳

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 giugno 2022, 16:12

La Cina nega tutto e scarica la colpa su Australia e Canada ...
Beijing is denying that People’s Liberation Army forces harassed Australian and Canadian patrol aircraft in the Western Pacific, claiming that in both cases the aircraft endangered China’s security.
news.usni.orgChina Denies Harassing Canadian, Australian Patrol Aircraft in the Western Pacific

:lol: 🇨🇳 :lol:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 giugno 2022, 23:24

La terza portaerei cinese è stata varata ...
China launched its third aircraft carrier on Friday, as the United States wrapped up its Valiant Shield 2022 exercise.
Meanwhile, Chinese and Russian ships have been operating around Japanese waters this week, the Japan Ministry of Defense said in news releases.
On Friday morning, China launched its third aircraft carrier, named Fujian (18), carrying hull number 18, at Jiangnan Shipyard of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation in Shanghai, reported the People’s Liberation Army’s official media channel, China Military Online (*).
The 80,000-ton carrier is China’s first flat deck carrier and uses Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS)-powered catapults to launch its aircraft, in contrast to the ski jump of its other two carriers.
The EMALS system can launch heavier aircraft, such as the J-35 fighter and airborne early warning aircraft, to operate off its flight deck.
news.usni.orgChina Launches Third Aircraft Carrier as U.S. Wraps Major Pacific Exercise

(*) Navy's third aircraft carrier launched in Shanghai

Anche qui … launches third aircraft carrier


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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 giugno 2022, 14:23

La Cina ha condotto con successo un test ABM ...
China successfully conducted an anti-ballistic missile test on Sunday night, according to the country's Defense Ministry, part of ongoing military efforts to enhance the country's defensive capabilities.
It was a land-based mid-course missile tested within China's borders, the ministry said in a brief statement (*), adding the test was defensive in nature and not targeted against any country.
Anti-ballistic missile systems are meant to shield a country from potential attacks by using projectiles to intercept incoming missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
Some analysts liken it to shooting down a bullet with another bullet.
edition.cnn.comChina claims successful anti-ballistic missile interceptor test

(*) conducts land-based mid-course missile interception test


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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 luglio 2022, 15:58

FBI e MI5 hanno diramato un avviso congiunto relativo alle operazioni di spionaggio a livello mondiale della Cina ...
The director of the FBI and head of the United Kingdom’s domestic intelligence arm warned China’s continued “planned professional activity” of worldwide espionage poses an increasing danger to their countries’ national security, technological developments in aerospace and communications and long-term economic well-being.
“We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses the biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray at a joint appearance Wednesday in MI5’s London headquarters.
“By ‘our,’ I mean both of our nations, along with our allies in Europe and elsewhere. Beijing is no longer “flying under the radar” as a major threat.” Wray said.
MI5 Director Gen. Ken McCallum said the Chinese government’s “covert pressure across the globe” amounts to “the most game-changing challenge we face.”
news.usni.orgFBI, MI5 Issue Joint Chinese Espionage Warning


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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 luglio 2022, 15:51

Mar Cinese Meridionale ... le operazioni "non sicure" e "non professionali" da parte dei piloti Cinesi continuano ...
Questa volta è toccato ad un C-130 statunitense ...
A Chinese fighter jet had an “unsafe” and “unprofessional” interaction with a U.S. special operations C-130 aircraft in the South China Sea last month, according to two people with knowledge of the incident.
The interaction, which has not been previously reported, comes amid more aggressive military actions by Chinese pilots in the East and South China seas in recent months involving Australian and Canadian aircraft.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin condemned the behavior in Singapore last month.
“We’ve seen an alarming increase in the number of unsafe aerial intercepts and confrontations at sea by PLA aircraft and vessels,” Austin said.
“This should worry us all.”
politico.comChinese fighter jet had ‘unsafe’ interaction with U.S. military plane in June

🇺🇸 :argue: 🇨🇳

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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 agosto 2022, 10:28

Il think tank CSBA getta uno sguardo sul futuro della Marina Cinese ...
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy possesses the resources to field up to five aircraft carriers and 10 nuclear ballistic missile submarines by 2030, according to a new think tank report on Beijing’s ongoing military expansion.
Using the its computer assisted Strategic Choices Tool, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment’s study, “China’s Choices,” found, “the PLA has the resources necessary to continue its modernization over the 2020s,” according to the report.
For “China’s Choices,” CSBA assumes, as a starting point, Beijing’s military will grow at a rate of 3 percent above inflation into the early 2030s according the tool’s model.
news.usni.orgChina’s Navy Could Have 5 Aircraft Carriers, 10 Ballistic Missile Subs by 2030 Says CSBA Report


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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 agosto 2022, 19:30

I progressi nucleari della Cina e gli interrogativi senza risposta che sollevano ...
Pentagon and Air Force officials have repeatedly warned in recent months that China is making rapid progress in building up its arsenal of nuclear weapons.
But as that growth continues, key questions are still unanswered about how the Chinese will structure their strategic forces, according to a new report.
The China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI) at Air University issued the third edition of its PLA Aerospace Power Primer on Aug. 19, three years after its previous update.
And in that time, the People’s Liberation Army’s nuclear capabilities have changed dramatically.
airforcemag.comNuclear Advances by China Raise Questions on Command and Control, Structure


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Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 settembre 2022, 12:31

Le truppe di Taiwan hanno abbattuto un drone (molto probabilmente) cinese ...
Taiwanese troops on Thursday (Sept. 1) shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that had intruded over an island in Kinmen County and failed to heed warnings.
The Army's Kinmen Defense Command (KDC) at 1:40 p.m. on Thursday announced that at 12:03 p.m., an unidentified "civilian" UAV entered the airspace over the restricted waters of Shiyu Islet in Kinmen's Lieyu Township.
Taiwanese troops responded by following standard operating procedures.
After the drone ignored warnings, troops fired live rounds at the UAV and succeeded in shooting it down.
The command stated that it will continue to maintain vigilance and closely monitor the situation. troops shoot down intruding drone


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 settembre 2022, 1:03

Possibili sanzioni degli Stati Uniti nei confronti della Cina quale deterrente all'invasione di Taiwan ...
The United States is considering options for a sanctions package against China to deter it from invading Taiwan, with the European Union coming under diplomatic pressure from Taipei to do the same, according to sources familiar with the discussions.
The sources said the deliberations in Washington and Taipei’s separate lobbying of EU envoys were both at an early stage - a response to fears of a Chinese invasion which have grown as military tensions escalate in the Taiwan Strait.
In both cases, the idea is to adopt sanctions beyond measures already taken in the West to restrict some trade and investment with China in sensitive technologies like computer chips and telecoms equipment.
The sources did not provide details of what is being considered, but the notion of sanctions on the world’s second-largest economy and one of the global supply chain’s biggest links raises questions of feasibility. considers China sanctions to deter Taiwan action

🇺🇸 :argue: 🇨🇳

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2022, 11:27

Anno 2026 ... in un "wargame" tenutosi nel mese di Agosto si ipotizza che gli Stati Uniti e Taiwan riuscirebbero a respingere un'invasione cinese dell'isola ... ma il prezzo sarebbe molto alto ...
In a pessimistic, but realistic, 2026 war game scenario, a combined sabotage and information operation campaign helped Chinese military forces land on the shores of Taiwan.
The United States, caught off guard due to another global crisis, must rapidly respond.
In this near future, the United States has some, but not all the weapons, units and ships it needs for this fight.
But there is no magic bullet that’s going to solve this invasion in a matter of hours or even days.
Players in the air-conditioned offices of the Center for Strategic and International Studies huddled around conference room tables on Aug. 5.
One room had the U.S. map of the Pacific region laid out, dotted with blocks of blue representing U.S. ships, airpower and units.
Beside this map is another, dotted in red, showing the Chinese military view of the conflict.
In another room a detailed map of Taiwan sits, red forces already positioned and moving to take control.
militarytimes.comIn think tank’s Taiwan war game, US beats China at high cost

🇺🇸 + 🇹🇼 :leftfighter4: 🇨🇳

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 settembre 2022, 12:25

La Cina ha decretato sanzioni nei confronti degli amministratori di Raytheon e Boeing Defense ma, con tutta probabilità, sta abbaiando alla luna ...
China announced sanctions on Friday against the chief executives of American defense contractors Raytheon and Boeing Defense over a major U.S. arms sale to rival Taiwan.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning did not specify what the sanctions would be against Gregory Hayes, chairman and CEO of Raytheon Technologies, and Ted Colbert, president and CEO of Boeing Defense, Space and Security.
It wasn’t immediately clear what impact they would have on the executives or their companies, but such sanctions are often mainly symbolic in nature.
The U.S. announced a $1.09 billion arms sale to Taiwan last week, including $355 million for Boeing’s Harpoon missiles and $85 million for Raytheon’s Sidewinder missiles.
defensenews.comChina sanctions Raytheon, Boeing Defense CEOs over Taiwan

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 ottobre 2022, 0:35

Esercitazioni combinate fra varie Marine ... in un Oceano che, ogni giorno che passa, sembra essere sempre più affollato ...
A U.S. carrier strike group is holding an anti-submarine warfare exercise with the South Korean and Japanese navies as North Korea holds ballistic missile tests nearby.
Meanwhile, the Russian Navy and China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) combined surface action group is now operating near Japan in a move Tokyo officials are calling provocative.
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), cruiser USS Chancellorsville (DDG-62) and destroyer USS Benfold (DDG-65), along with a U.S submarine, are drilling with Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) destroyer JS Asahi (DD-119) and Republic of Korea Navy destroyer ROKS Munmu the Great (DDH-976), according to U.S. 7th Fleet.
news.usni.orgU.S. Carrier Reagan Drilling With Japan, South Korea as North Korea Tests Missiles; VP Harris Calls Out Chinese Aggression

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 ottobre 2022, 16:21

Mar del Giappone ... cresce la tensione fra la Corea del Nord e i paesi dell'area dopo il lancio di un missile balistico a raggio intermedio che ha sorvolato il Giappone ...
The Reagan Carrier Strike Group is now in the Sea of Japan following the launch of a North Korean ballistic missile earlier this week, a U.S. defense official confirmed to USNI News on Wednesday.
Moving the carrier off the coast of the Korean Peninsula follows the Tuesday launch of a North Korean intermediate-range ballistic missile over the Japanese home islands - the first test since 2017 (*).
The suspected Hwasong-12 missile flew about 2,800 miles and landed in the Pacific Ocean, South Korean and Japanese officials said yesterday.
news.usni.orgCarrier USS Ronald Reagan Headed Back to Korean Peninsula After North Korean Missile Launch

(*) Korea Fires Missile Over Japan For First Time In Five Years

Inoltre … news.usni.orgU.S. Marine F-35Bs, Japanese Fighters Fly Show of Force Mission Following North Korean Missile Test

🇰🇵 :pain10: 🇰🇷 🇯🇵 🇺🇸

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 ottobre 2022, 0:34

Ancora a proposito della crisi fra la Corea del Nord e gli altri paesi dell'area ... un commento di fonte USA ...
The U.S. military and allied forces engaged in a robust response to a North Korean missile test Oct. 4.
The Department of Defense released video Oct. 5 showing four South Korean Air Force F-15K Slam Eagles and four U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons joining together in a show of force in response to North Korea’s recent missile tests.
The two air forces formed a combined attack squadron to strike the uninhabited South Korean island of Jikdo in the Yellow Sea, according to U.S. Forces Korea.
The aircraft dropped two Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guided bombs, successfully hitting their target.
The exercise was in response to the latest moves by North Korea, showing that the two air forces can conduct precision strikes to take out threats.
airandspaceforces.comUSAF, South Korea Drop JDAMs in Allied Response to North Korean Missile Tests

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 ottobre 2022, 1:17

Il dispiegamento di una portaerei cinese ha provocato un record di decolli su allarme di caccia giapponesi ...
In a six-month period from April to September, Japanese fighters scrambled 446 times to intercept threatening aircraft from China and Russia, according to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.
Many of the aircraft intercepted belonged to the air wing embarked on the People’s Liberation Army Navy aircraft carrier CNS Liaoning (16).
The Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) scrambled its fighter aircraft 446 times in the first half of the 2022 Japanese fiscal year, in contrast to 390 scrambles in the same period last year, the Joint Staff Office (JSO) in the Ministry of Defense reported on Friday.
The bulk of the scrambles happened because of Chinese aircraft activities, which accounted for 340 scrambles, or 76 percent of the overall total.
The scrambles against Chinese aircraft in the first half of FY 2022 also increased by 59 from FY 2021’s total of 281 in the same period.
news.usni.orgChinese Aircraft Carrier Deployment Prompted Record Japanese Fighter Scrambles

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 ottobre 2022, 20:40

La tempistica accelerata da parte della Cina per impadronirsi di Taiwan solleva interrogativi su quali siano le priorità del Pentagono ...
E' quanto afferma il membro del Congresso Mike Gallagher che esprime la propria preoccupazione sul fatto che il Pentagono si stia modernizzando con eccessiva lentezza ...
China is looking to speed up its timeline for taking control of Taiwan to 2027, raising concerns with one member of Congress that the Pentagon is modernizing too slowly.
U.S. Navy officials have pointed to 2027 as the year when China wants to have the capability to take over Taiwan. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), a former Marine who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, pointed to that timeline on Tuesday as a reason why the Pentagon needs to modernize faster and prepare for a conflict with China in the Indo-Pacific region.
“China’s just throwing so much money into military modernization and has already sped up its timeline to 2027 for when it wants the [People’s Liberation Army] to have the capability to seize Taiwan, that we need to act with a sense of urgency to tackle that threat because that is something unlike anything we’ve seen in modern history, at least,” Gallagher said.
news.usni.orgAccelerated Chinese Timeline to Seize Taiwan Raises Questions on Pentagon Priorities, Says Gallagher

🇺🇸 + 🇹🇼 :argue: 🇨🇳

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 ottobre 2022, 0:49

Alcuni B-1 sono atterrati a Guam per partecipare ad una serie di missioni di addestramento multilaterali nell'area dell'Indo-Pacifico ...
An undisclosed number of B-1B Lancers arrived at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, on Oct. 18 to participate in a bomber task force mission in the Indo-Pacific, Pacific Air Forces announced.
The B-1Bs, from the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., will participate in “several” training missions during their deployment, integrating with allies while doing so, PACAF said in a statement (*).
Airmen from the 28th Bomb Wing began arriving in Guam several days earlier, according to images posted by PACAF.
airandspaceforces.comB-1s Land in Guam to Start Bomber Task Force in Indo-Pacific

(*) Bomber Task Force returns to Guam for multilateral training operations


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 novembre 2022, 0:34

Il Giappone protesta :cussing: ...
A People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) survey ship vessel entered Japan’s territorial waters near islands south of Kyushu this week, according to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.
The Shupang-class survey ship was sighted sailing northeast through Japan’s contiguous zone west of Gaja Island and entered Japan’s territorial waters southwest of Kuchinoerabu Island at 12:10 a.m. local time on Wednesday.
The ship departed Japan’s territorial waters after three hours of operating near Yakushima Island and sailed southeast.
According to Japanese officials, the transit was the fourth intrusion of a foreign warship this year, marking a record high.
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force fast attack craft JS Otaka (PG-826), JMSDF P-1 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) from Fleet Air Wing 1 out of Kanoya Air Base, Kyushu and Fleet Air Wing 4 operating from Naval Air Facility Atusgi, Honshu, and a JMSDF P-3C Orion MPA from Fleet Air Wing 5 operating from Naha Air Base, Okinawa, monitored the PLAN ship.
Japan has lodged a diplomatic protest over the incident.
news.usni.orgTokyo Protests Chinese Surveillance Ship Transit in Territorial Waters, Japan Prepares for Fleet Review

🇯🇵 :pain10: 🇨🇳

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 novembre 2022, 1:16

Operazioni aeronavali nei pressi del Giappone ...
Chinese and Russian surface action groups have transited past Japan on their voyage home, while Chinese aircraft have transited in an out of the Pacific Ocean through the Miyako Strait, according to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.
Meanwhile, the U.S. and Japan are in the midst of conducting multinational exercises around Japan, with one exercise ending today.
news.usni.orgChinese, Russian Surface Action Groups Operating Near Japan; U.S., Japan Ships Exercise Nearby
