La fine dei Warthog?

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 ottobre 2016, 0:17

La vita eterna ..... 8)
USAF Depots Work To Keep A-10s Flying ‘Indefinitely’ .....
Lara Seligman - Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (AW&ST) - Oct. 24, 2016

Despite the U.S. Air Force’s stated plan to begin mothballing the A-10 Warthog next year, the service’s depots are ramping up capacity to keep the aging attack fleet operating well into the future, according to a top general.
“They have re-geared up, we’ve turned on the depot line, we’re building it back up in capacity and supply chain,” said Air Force Materiel Command chief Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski in an Oct. 24 interview.
“Our command, anyway, is approaching this as another airplane that we are sustaining indefinitely.”
Beloved by troops for the roar of its Gatling gun, the A-10 is the Air Force’s only asset designed solely for protecting soldiers on the ground.
The service has been trying to sunset the Warthog for years so it can move resources to standing up the fifth-generation F-35.
But each year the Air Force has caved to pressure from Congress and the public and postponed the fleet’s retirement date, most recently citing the A-10’s critical role in the campaign against Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria.
This cycle is not likely to let up any time soon, and the prospect of a new administration next year lends even more uncertainty to the A-10’s fate.
Pawlikowski is not taking any chances.
As Air Force leadership and Congress hash out the details of the divestment plan, AFMC has begun rebuilding depot line capacity and the supply chain to accept more A-10 sustainment throughput, Pawlikowski told Aviation Week in an Oct. 24 interview.
“My approach from a sustainment perspective is to approach this as if we’re just going to continue to keep these airplanes operating.” Pawlikowski said.
“We will wait as the dust settles as far as what the strategy will be; that discussion continues to go on and I think it always will as we look at the fact that our demand signal for our airplanes continues to be high.”
The latest budget blueprint has the Air Force beginning to stand down Warthog squadrons in fiscal 2018, with the last aircraft heading to the boneyard in the early 2020s.
But the Air Force recently signaled it may once again postpone plans to sunset the A-10, with Secretary Deborah Lee James telling Aviation Week in a recent interview that the air arm is considering keeping the jets in inventory longer than planned.
If this happens, AFMC will be ready.
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s A-10 division at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, does most of the maintenance and repair work on the Air Force’s fleet of 283 A-10s, and has drastically improved sustainment over the last year, Pawlikowski said.
The A-10s flew nearly 87,000 flight hours worldwide in fiscal 2015, at an aircraft availability rate of 67.9% - a 5% gain over the previous year.
Among other upgrades, the Air Force is currently rewinging the current fleet of Warthogs under a $2 billion contract awarded to Boeing in 2007 that was originally intended to keep the jets flying until 2028.
The depots are seeing some corrosion in the fleet, but that is to be expected in all aging aircraft, Pawlikowski said.
Right now, the A-10’s fate hangs not just on the Air Force’s fiscal 2018 budget request, but also the final defense policy bill.
Lawmakers have inserted a number of provisions into a draft version of the bill designed to keep the A-10 flying, most notably Arizona Republican Rep. Martha McSally’s provision to make retirement of the jet contingent on a flyoff with its slated replacement, the F-35.
However, given the November elections and looming administration turnover, the budget likely won’t be finalized until next year.
In the meantime, the Air Force also is looking at possibilities for the next generation of close-air support (CAS) aircraft as a whole.
Top service officials are kicking around a plan to pursue not one but two new aircraft programs to augment and eventually replace the A-10.
The controversial plan involves pursuing a low-end, light-attack “OA-X” to augment the A-10 in a CAS role in the short term, while simultaneously aiming for a more robust A-10 replacement that could operate in a more dangerous threat environment down the line.
“There is a discussion about what can we do to meet the capacity requirements that we have and whether a high-low mix, so to speak, might be a way to do that,” Pawlikowski said.
“The big question is, is that really an effective way as we go in the future? The question becomes in the broader sense, where do we think the threat is going to be?”
The Air Force is looking at doing a series of “experiments” designed to help planners better understand what kind of mix of CAS platforms will be needed in the coming decades, Pawlikowski said.
These experiments could include modeling, simulation and wargaming, or even a possible flight demonstration of existing, off-the-shelf aircraft, and could start as early as next spring.
The experiments are part of a larger Air Force effort to make informed decisions about several key replacement programs in the coming years, Pawlikowski said.
“The Air Force has been at war for a long time, and every time we think things are going to slow down for us something else happens,” Pawlikowski said.
“We struggle with, how do we find that balance between modernization and the sustainment of what we have?”
L'articolo (con i commenti) ..... ... definitely

Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski ..... ... owski.aspx

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 novembre 2016, 9:34

E' stato creato un nuovo ufficio che, fra l' altro, studierà alcuni velivoli che, in futuro, potrebbero affiancare, con minori costi, il Warthog nelle operazioni contro i gruppi estremisti .....
The Air Force could soon begin testing light attack aircraft to see if they're a viable option for close-air support.
The work is being led by a new office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, that was stood up to experiment with new technologies and strategies and to help keep the service on track with its 30-year plan.
The Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation Office was created after the force released its Strategic Master Plan to guide the service in organizing, training and equipping airmen.
The office will conduct experiments that include live exercises and simulation, and it will help senior Air Force leaders decide which technologies to fund.
One of the first experiments the office is taking on is to test light attack planes.
“We’re bringing in vendors that have light attack airplanes and flying them against a series of test objectives,” said Jack Blackhurst, director of the office.
The experiment is expected to run for about 135 days, and will help the service determine if light attack planes are a viable, low-cost option to supplement the A-10 Warthog.
The Air Force has pushed back the retirement of the A-10s until at least 2022 following stiff opposition from Congress.
Lt. Gen. James M. "Mike" Holmes, the service’s deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and requirements, has floated a number of close-air support options to Air Force leaders, including the flight demonstration of inexpensive, off-the-shelf tactical airplanes.
Among the aircraft mentioned are turbo-propeller aircraft like Embraer's A-29 Super Tucano and the Beechcraft's AT-6 Wolverine, Textron AirLand’s Scorpion jet or a variant of the Alenia Aermacchi M-346.
Holmes has stressed that a new light attack craft would supplement, not replace the A-10 Warthog fleet.
But it would give combatant commanders a low-cost option for battling violent extremist groups in light of the high operations and maintenance costs associated with the A-10 and various fighter jets currently doing that job.
Il resto dell'articolo ..... "New office tests light attack aircraft, other new technologies for future Air Force" .....

Inoltre ..... "New office looks to shape future force" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 novembre 2016, 0:10

Kelly Ayotte, fiera sostenitrice del mantenimento in servizio dello A-10, non è riuscita a farsi rieleggere, per un pugno di voti, al Senato USA ..... :(

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte was defeated in her re-election bid, losing to Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan by just over 1,000 votes, officials said today.
The race was so close that it took the New Hampshire Secretary of State well into Wednesday afternoon to make the results official, announcing that Hassan won by 1,023 votes among approximately 740,000 total ballots counted so far.
Fonte ..... "New Hampshire Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte Loses to Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan" .....

John McCain e Martha McSally mantengono invece i rispettivi seggi ..... :)
Most notably, SASC Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) won despite contentious primary and general elections.
His ally, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), was not as lucky.
New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan beat the incumbent by only 1,023 votes, according to a release.
Of the four senators on SASC who were up for re-election, only Ayotte lost.
HASC Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and ranking member Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) held onto their seats.
Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), an Air Force veteran and former A-10 pilot, also won.
Fonte ..... "Surviving the Election" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 novembre 2016, 7:54

Ringraziamenti e commiato .....

I just spoke with Governor Hassan to congratulate her on her election to serve in the U.S. Senate.
I wish Governor Hassan, her husband Tom, and their children Ben and Meg the very best.
I also want to thank my family – my husband Joe and our two children, Kate and Jake.
I could not serve New Hampshire without their support.
I want to thank our family, friends, supporters, and volunteers who worked their hearts out for our campaign.
I could never fully express how grateful and humbled I am by the outpouring of support our campaign has received since day one.
It has been a tremendous privilege to serve New Hampshire in the Senate and to make progress on addressing our heroin epidemic, making it easier for our small businesses to create good paying jobs, and supporting those who keep us safe in a dangerous world.
This is a critical time for New Hampshire and our country, and now more than ever, we need to work together to address our challenges.
The voters have spoken and now it’s time all of us to come together to get things done for the people of the Greatest State in this Nation and for the Greatest Country on Earth.
I want to thank the people of New Hampshire for their support, encouragement, and friendship over the past six years, and for the tremendous honor of serving as their voice in the Senate.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 dicembre 2016, 19:11

Mantenetene in servizio almeno 171 .....
​While lawmakers are unsurprisingly prohibiting the Air Force from retiring any A-10s, the Fiscal 2017 National Defense Authorization Act also pushes the Pentagon to further study any shortfalls in the F-35's close air support capability.
The compromise on the authorization bill, announced Wednesday, calls on the Air Force to keep a minimum of 171 operational A-10s and to not make any reductions in manning of A-10 squadrons.
Fonte ..... "Lawmakers Preserve A-10, Call for Study on F-35 CAS" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 dicembre 2016, 21:01

Diconsi 6000 ore di volo .....

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. John Marks smiles in front of his 303rd Fighter Squadron artwork at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2014.
The 303rd Fighter Squadron is attached to the 442d Fighter Wing, a Reserve wing located at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri.
(Courtesy photo provide by Lt. Col. Marks)

A pilot a Whiteman AFB, Mo., recently logged his 6,000th hour in the A-10 Thunderbolt II - that’s roughly 250 days spent in the venerable Warthog’s cockpit.
Over the course of nearly 30 years, Lt. Col. John Marks, an Air Force Reserve pilot with the 303rd Fighter Squadron, has flown about 3,500 sorties and completed 11 combat deployments, racking up more than 950 combat hours, according to a base release.
Fonte ..... "6,000 Hours in the A-10" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 gennaio 2017, 18:53

Non li vogliono ..... però continuano ad aggiornarli .....
​Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., is in the process of upgrading its Active Duty A-10C with new lightweight airborne recovery systems.
The LARS V-12 will provides GPS coordinates of troops on the ground, and improves communication with those forces through voice or text, said SSgt. Andre Gonzalez, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron avionics technician, in a Jan. 6 release. (*)
Fonte: AFA ..... "Warthogs Receive New Airborne Recovery System" .....

(*) ..... "Upgrade advances A-10s search capability" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 febbraio 2017, 10:06

Un sospiro di sollievo .....
A-10 Warthog fans can breathe a sigh of relief: the Air Force won’t start retiring the famed close-air support plane until 2021, at the very earliest.
The decision delays initial retirement of the aircraft by three years, as the Air Force had planned to begin mothballing the A-10 as early as 2018.
However, the service is still deliberating the future of the platform, including whether it still needs to start a new program to replace it, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein said Tuesday.
“We’re going to keep them until 2021, and then as a discussion that we’ll have with [Defense] Secretary [Jim] Mattis and the department and the review over all of our budgets, that is what will determine the way ahead,” he told reporters.
Fonte: Defensenews ..... "The famed 'Warthog' will stick around until at least 2021" .....

Anche su FlightGlobal ..... "A-10 fleet spared retirement through 2021" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 maggio 2017, 17:54

Era da un pò di tempo che non si avevano notizie ..... ora ve ne sono ..... e sono positive .....
Rumors of the A-10 and U-2’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.
As of the fiscal year 2018 president’s budget request, there are no plans to retire either famed the A-10 Warthog or the venerable U-2 spy plane, Air Force officials said Tuesday.
“The world has changed, so we’re trying to maintain capacity and capability,” said Maj. Gen. James Martin, the Air Force’s deputy assistant secretary for budget.
“Regarding the U-2, we plan to keep that platform well into the future. … There is not a retirement date [set] for the U-2 in this budget.”
After the briefing, an Air Force spokeswoman confirmed that the A-10’s retirement had also been pushed off indefinitely.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Stayin’ alive: No retirement in sight for the A-10 and U-2" .....

Anche su FlightGlobal ..... "Budget spares U-2 and A-10 from retirement" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 giugno 2017, 9:53

Ed ora salta fuori la notizia che mancano i fondi necessari alla sostituzione delle ali su tutti i velivoli ..... :scratch:
Three squadrons of A-10 Warthogs will go out of service unless the Air Force comes up with funding to pay for new wings, the head of Air Combat Command confirmed in an exclusive interview with Defense News.
Although the Air Force fully funds the operations and maintenance of all nine A-10 squadrons in its fiscal 2018 budget request, Lt. Gen. Arnold Bunch, the service’s top uniformed acquisition official, and Lt. Gen. Jerry Harris, its deputy chief of staff for plans, programs and requirements, committed in written testimony to Congress to retaining only six squadrons long term.
The crux of the issue, according to head of Air Combat Command Gen. Mike Holmes, is that new wing sets have been ordered for only 173 of 283 Warthogs, or about six squadron’s worth.
La parlamentare McSally è, ovviamente, già all' opera .....
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., asked Bunch and Harris to explain the Air Force’s apparent decision to cut a third of its A-10 squadrons.
McSally, an A-10 pilot herself, represents Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, which is home to five A-10 squadrons, according to Air Force data.
“From my view and my experience, if we need that capability until a proven, tested replacement comes along, nine squadrons is the absolute minimum,” she said.
Due to House votes, the hearing was called to a close before McSally could receive an answer from Bunch and Harris.

Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Air Force to cut three A-10 squadrons unless funding for new wings emerges" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 giugno 2017, 20:45

richelieu ha scritto:Ed ora salta fuori la notizia che mancano i fondi necessari alla sostituzione delle ali su tutti i velivoli ..... :scratch:

..... DefenseNews ..... "Air Force to cut three A-10 squadrons unless funding for new wings emerges" .....
Ora, invece, i soldi sono saltati fuori .....
The House Armed Services Committee has taken its first steps toward preserving three A-10 Warthog squadrons that, without funding for new wings, could begin retiring as early as the mid-2020s.
The HASC chairman’s mark of the fiscal year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, released Monday, adds $103 million for an A-10 “unfunded requirement.”
In its FY18 unfunded priorities list, the U.S. Air Force included an equivalent amount of cash, which if appropriated would be used to restart production of A-10 wings and manufacture four wing sets.
As of now, the Air Force plans on retaining its A-10s through at least the next five years.
Past then, some parts of the fleet will need modifications to keep flying.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "House lawmakers authorize $103M for A-10 wings to save 3 squadrons from retiring" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 luglio 2017, 0:34

La parlamentare McSally può ora cantare vittoria .....

..... "McSally Wins Again For A-10: Secures Funding for Full Fleet, Wings & Other Upgrades" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 luglio 2017, 10:19

Di nuovo in prima linea ..... :knight:

Dal sito dell' AFA .....
Moody A-10s, Airmen Deploy for ISIS Fight .....

More than 300 airmen and A-10s from Moody AFB, Ga., deployed to Southwest Asia to continue the coalition’s fight against ISIS.
The airmen and aircraft, assigned to the 74th Fighter Squadron, deployed July 10-11 to an undisclosed location, according to a Moody release (1).
A-10s with the 354th Fighter Squadron, deployed from Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., are flying from Incirlik AB, Turkey, in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, according to Air Forces Central Command (2).
The deployment comes as the coalition shifts its priorities to focus on Raqqa, Syria, following the liberation of ISIS from Mosul, Iraq.
OIR Commander Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend said last week that a “greater level of resourcing,” including strike aircraft, will focus on Raqqa.

(1) ..... ... west-asia/ .....

(2) ..... ... 001778566/ .....
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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 luglio 2017, 11:11

Incertezza ..... :scratch:
Air Force Weighs Scrapping A-10 Replacement .....

Lara Seligman - Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (AW&ST) - July 17, 2017

The U.S. Air Force is looking closely at the future of close-in warfare, but the service’s top general says that future may not include a direct replacement for the A-10 Warthog.
The Air Force has for years contemplated building a follow-on, dedicated close-air support (CAS) platform to replace the Warthog when it reaches the end of its service life, but that effort now appears to have stalled.
When asked whether the service is taking steps to develop a single-role “A-X,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein said “not yet.”
So does that mean a single-mission CAS platform will eventually go away?
“Maybe,” Goldfein says.
“I don’t disagree that a single-role platform sets an incredibly high bar for the rest of the force,” he said during a wide-ranging interview with Aviation Week July 16.
“But remember, [combatant commanders] have got the entire spectrum of conflict that I’ve got to support, from the highest end, the lowest end and everything in between, and I’ve got a certain amount of money that I’ve got to use to build the best Air Force that money can buy.”
Goldfein spoke with Aviation Week on an Air Force C-40 during the flight back from his visit to the Royal International Air Tattoo, the world’s largest military air show, at Royal Air Force Fairford, England.
As the air component commander in Afghanistan, Goldfein saw firsthand how the Air Force now relies on a family of systems, not just the A-10, for the close-air support (CAS) mission.
The Warthog was not always his first choice to protect soldiers in battle: in the mountainous terrain of the east, an MQ-9 Reaper was the best choice to quickly navigate the peaks and valleys; in the volatile west, where operations could quickly take a turn for the worse, the multirole F-15E would give maximum agility; for the north, a B-1B bomber - with its endurance and large payload - worked best.
“If we can start having a conversation about that family of systems, and not which one weapon system is the most important, we’re going to actually have a 21st-century close-air-support discussion,” Goldfein said.
“There’s very few mission sets that we have where I’m throwing a single bullet at it.”
The Air Force is planning to fly the Warthog until the mid-2020s, although it needs additional funding in order to keep all nine A-10 squadrons in the skies past 2021.
But the question of whether the Air Force will build a direct A-10 replacement hangs on adequate funding and stable budgets, Goldfein stressed.
Sequestration and budget uncertainty - including year after year of continuing resolutions - wreak havoc on the military’s ability to plan, he said.
“It’s impossible to predict where I would go with that kind of a strategic trade relative to the amount of topline I have and where it fits,” he said.
“Nothing comes for free.”
Before making a decision, Goldfein will consult the CAS community about what the future of the mission looks like, because it may not look like the past.
Experts argue that the A-10 performs well in an environment of total air dominance, like Iraq and Afghanistan, but as advanced anti-air weapons and surface-to-air missiles proliferate, it becomes more and more dangerous to fly a bulky, unstealthy Warthog into battle.
“Before we have any conversation about replacements ... we want to make sure that anything we talk about is moving us forward into new ways of doing business,” Goldfein said.
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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 settembre 2017, 10:32

Due generali USAF stanno studiando un piano che potrebbe portare all' eliminazione dei velivoli di precedente generazione ..... A-10 compreso .....
As the Air Force increases its F-35 buy rate and more joint strike fighters come online, the question is not if it will begin retiring its legacy combat aircraft, but when.
Air Force leaders hope to have a better answer to that question later this fall, when Air Combat Command head Gen. Mike Holmes and Lt. Gen. Jerry Harris, the deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and requirements, hash out a fighter recapitalization roadmap as part of initial budget planning meetings for fiscal year 2020, Holmes told Defense News in a Sept. 11 interview.
“We’re trying to work to get a fighter recapitalization roadmap that everybody agrees on in the Air Force so that then we can take that on to the Hill … and try to be able to show everyone that we do have a plan for the future,” Holmes said.
The plan would lay out “where their unit would fall out and what the plan is to replace it,” with the ultimate goal of “tak[ing] some of that angst away.”
The Air Force knows it could be facing a political battle as it considers how to best phase out three beloved combat aircraft: the F-16, F-15C/D Strike Eagles and the A-10.
Fonte: ..... "Fate of A-10, F-15 to be decided this fall" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 settembre 2017, 21:03

Oltre 100 A-10 potrebbero essere radiati in anticipo sui tempi previsti .....
The Air Force may be forced to ground a portion of its A-10 Warthog squadrons, perhaps as early as 2019, as their wings age out before replacements can be provided, the head of Air Force Materiel Command said Wednesday.
Although the service plans to keep the majority of its A-10 fleet into the forseeable future, leaders have acknowledged that it will be forced to retire about 110 of its 283 Warthogs — about three squadrons worth — unless it is given money for new wings.
But even if Congress funds the additional wingsets, the Air Force will not be able to hold a competition, award a contract and modify its A-10s with new wings before the service life of at least some of the the old wings runs out, said Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski, commander of Air Force Materiel Command.
Fonte: ..... "Air Force could ground more than 100 A-10s as early as 2019 as life of wings runs out" .....

Si attende con trepidazione la reazione della Congressista McSally ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Vultur » 19 ottobre 2017, 0:57

Problematiche simili anche per il Su-25. Probabilmente pompate dalle case produttrici. Il redattore capo della pubblicazione "Arsenale della Madrepatria", Dimitri Drozdenko, in un'intervista rilasciata con "Economy today", ha detto che presso il Ministero della Difesa ci sarebbe un piano per la sostituzione del Su-25 con un nuovo aereo per l'aviazione frontale.
Peccato che trovare un sostituto all'altezza del Su-25 sia quasi impossibile. Il Su-25, "Gracii" (Corvo) per i russi, ha un curriculum in grado di sbaragliare qualsiasi concorrente, ammesso che ne esista uno. L'aereo ha combattuto su tutti i fronti, in tutti i conflitti sovietici e post-sovietici, in tutte le guerre e i massacri che infestano i paesi del terzo mondo. Come un affidabile carro armato, il Su-25 non ha bisogno quasi di nulla, tranne che di combustibile e munizioni. E' ritornato alla base in ogni condizione possibile a anche oltre. Sorvolo sulle storielle edificanti e sugli aneddoti riguardanti la robustezza del mezzo (perchè mi sanno anche un po' di spot pubblicitario). Ma l'aereo ha trascorsi di tutto rispetto. E' ritornato alla base in qualunque condizione immaginabile. Senza un motore, con motori allagati di combustibile, senza ali, con più di 150 buchi, senza impianto idraulico, senza parabrezza e pure quasi senza pilota. Testato in Afghanistan nella primavera del 1980, è stato incorporato in un'unità a livello di squadrone, poi portato a reggimento. La sua capacità di volo a bassa velocità in ambiente ostile aumenta la precisione dei suoi attacchi, cosa che i cacciabombardieri come il Mig-27 non potevano fare nello stesso modo del Su-25. La prima caratteristica richiesta agli ingegneri è stata la sopravvivenza, anche a scapito del payload. Sopravvivere in ambienti "estremi" è ordinaria amministrazione per il Su-25. Scendere a bassa quota e bassa velocità significa mettersi nel raggio d'azione di tutte le armi portatili possibili e immaginabili, dallo schioppo ad avancarica dell'ottocento fino al SAM spalleggiabile. I Su-25 sovietici compirono in otto anni di guerra afghana qualcosa come sessantamila missioni. Vennero colpiti da quattro a sei volte più degli altri aerei sovietici. In tutto vennero perduti da 23 a 34 Su-25 (24 in volo e 10 in incidenti al suolo o attentati), uno ogni circa 2.800 ore volate. Per ogni Su-25 perduto, si calcola l'uccisione di 80-90 nemici. Nessun aereo è andato perduto per esplosione dei serbatoi centrati dal fuoco nemico. Per quanto riguarda i piloti di Su-25 che hanno perso la vita in Afghanistan, si va da zero a dodici, a seconda delle fonti, molti dei quali deceduti non per motivi direttamente legati all'aereo, ma perchè uccisi dal nemico, una volta caduti nelle sue mani. Nessun aereo sovietico o non sovietico conosciuto ha numeri comparabili.
Dinnanzi a tutto ciò lo Yak-130, sebbene incomparabilmente più moderno, non pare nemmeno avvicinarsi ai requisiti richiesti. Sebbene esista una sua versione da attacco al suolo. Gli irrobustimenti e l'avionica richiesti sembrano quasi impossibili da istallare a bordo dell'aereo Yakovlev.
Molto diverso invece il discorso per il Su-34. L'aereo è stato testato in guerra ed ha dimostrato ottime caratteristiche. Tuttavia non è stato ancora mai testato nel volo a bassa quota in ambiente ostile, perchè le sue carateristiche gli permettono di attaccare da quote molto più alte, fuori del raggio d'azione delle armi leggere e dei manpads. In questo senso, una versione irrobustita del Su-34 e "dedicata" all'assalto frontale pare molto promettente.
Alcuni "esperti" asseriscono che gli aerei d'assalto hanno fatto il loro tempo, perchè i loro aeroporti a ridosso del fronte ricadrebbero nel raggio delle armi nemiche (come i missili cruise). Ma questo discorso varrebbe allora anche per altri mezzi, come gli Apache americani o i Mi-28 o i Ka-52.
L'inizio degli studi per un PAK - Shturmovoy Aviatsii, nell'attuale situazione finanziaria russa, appare impossibile. Probabilmente il Su-25 continuerà a volare per molto e molto tempo. La versione più aggiornata oggi è la SM3, day and night, ognitempo, con nuovi sistemi di navigazione e attacco.

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 ottobre 2017, 21:08


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 novembre 2017, 0:13

La Congressista McSally comunica .....
The final defense bill the House passed today correctly prioritizes and supports our state’s assets.
It restarts much-needed A-10 upgrades and authorizes $103 million to begin re-winging the Warthog fleet .....
..... "U.S. Rep. McSally Statement on Final FY18 Defense Authorization Bill" .....

Inoltre .....
 The bill fully funds the A-10 Warthog and EC-130H Compass Call, restarts much-needed upgrades and the production of new wings for the A-10 fleet, funds missions at Ft Huachuca, and supports Raytheon’s missiles.
“Now that we’ve prevented the A-10 Warthog’s retirement, it’s time to invest in this aircraft so that it can keeping doing what no other airplane can: provide close air support to American troops in combat and keep them alive. This bill provides funding for the Air Force to re-wing the remainder of the A-10 fleet, which will prevent 110 A-10s from being indefinitely grounded,” said Congresswoman McSally.
..... "NDAA Fully Funds A-10, Compass Call, Ft Huachuca, Raytheon Missiles & Other S. AZ. Priorities Advanced by Rep. McSally" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 dicembre 2017, 10:36

Se lo dice lei .....

I happen to be kind of a fan of the A-10 myself,” (USAF Secretary Heather) Wilson says.
Fonte: ..... "Congress puts confidence in new A-10 wings" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 dicembre 2017, 20:56

Cade un pretesto ..... :tongue1:
The US Air Force no longer needs to rob its A-10 fleet’s maintainers to support the incoming Lockheed Martin F-35As, according to a Congressional report.
The F-35 delivery plan currently outpaces the number of maintainers the USAF can maintain and recruit until fiscal year 2020.
In the interim, the service is hiring contract maintainers through 2019 in non-deploying squadrons to allow the USAF to stand up new F-35 squadrons, but Congress remains wary of a long term gap.
Fonte: ..... "USAF finds F-35 maintainers outside A-10 fleet" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 dicembre 2017, 23:48

20 legislatori, di diversa appartenenza politica, ora chiedono ..... le ali ..... =D>
​Twenty lawmakers on Friday called for funds needed to re-wing the remaining A-10s in the Air Force’s fleet in order to avoid creating “a significant capability gap” in the close air support and combat search and rescue missions.
The service has already replaced the wings on 173 of its active A-10s, but 110 more will require new wings to extend their service life, the lawmakers write in a letter sent to congressional appropriators.
The A-10 funding request was included in the service’s Unfunded Priority List, as well as the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act and the House’s defense appropriations bill.
Now 20 lawmakers, led by Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), are asking Senate appropriators to include the funding in their bill as well.
McSally is a former USAF A-10 instructor pilot.
The letter is signed by Republicans and Democrats from both the House and Senate.
Fonte: ... Lawmakers Plead with Appropriators for A-10 Funds" ...


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 gennaio 2018, 21:04

Episodi di ipossia ..... coinvolti anche gli A-10 .....
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base grounded 28 of its A-10 aircraft after two pilots reported physiological incidents while flying.
During the week of Nov. 27, two A-10 Thunderbolt II pilots at the Arizona base said they experienced hypoxia-like symptoms, where an oxygen deficiency can cause impairment and loss of consciousness.
In both cases, the A-10’s backup oxygen supply system worked, and the pilots followed the correct procedures to safely land, Davis-Monthan spokesman Capt. Josh Benedetti told Air Force Times.
The incidents were first reported by Aviation Week.
Fonte: ..... "Air Force grounded dozens of A-10s in November after hypoxia incidents" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 gennaio 2018, 10:40

Nonostante tutto ..... l' USAF ha deciso di adottare lo slogan "Resistere, resistere, resistere" ..... :wallb:
The US Air Force is letting its close air support workhorse die a slow death by shelving plans to replace the remaining wings on the rest of its Fairchild-Republic A-10C fleet, according to a government watchdog group.
Despite cries from Congress to keep the A-10 flying and funding for new wings outlined in the fiscal year 2018 defence policy and appropriations bills, air force leadership neither has plans to implement the re-winging programme nor fly more than the aircraft that already received upgrades, according to a 17 January from the Project on Government Oversight (*).
Fonte: ..... "Air Force snubs A-10 re-winging effort: POGO" .....

(*) ..... ..... "Investigative Lead: Air Force Actively Defies Congressional Mandate to Maintain A-10 Fleet" .....

In trepida attesa dell' intervento della (sicuramente) inferocita Rappresentante McSally ..... :angry4:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 gennaio 2018, 15:12

Ritorno in Afghanistan .....
As the 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron (EFS) headed home on January 21 from Incirlik, Turkey, with a good job done in the skies over Syria, the 303rd EFS from Whiteman AFB, Missouri, had already headed in the opposite direction to replace the Moody-based detachment in Operation ‘Inherent Resolve’.
However, such is the shift in operations, Whiteman’s 303rd and its dozen A-10Cs were diverted to Kandahar (via Al Udeid, Qatar) in order to help support the ramp up in activity in Afghanistan.
Fonte: ..... " Hawgshead back to Afghanistan " .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 gennaio 2018, 14:11

Ipossia ..... scatta l'indagine .....
During the week of Nov. 27, two A-10 pilots at the Arizona base reported physiological incidents while flying.
One aircraft was outfitted with the Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS), and the other A-10 was equipped a Liquid Oxygen System (LOX).
The Air Force is in the process of transitioning away from the LOX system, which uses cryogenically held liquid oxygen, to the modern OBOGS system, similar to those in use on other aircraft such as F-16s and F-35s.
OBOGS uses filtered, conditioned engine bleed air to generate backup oxygen for the pilot.
“The Air Force takes these physiological incidents seriously and our focus is on the safety and well-being of our pilots,” Davis-Monthan officials said in a statement.
Fonte: ..... "Investigation into Root Cause of A-10 Physiological Incident Ongoing" .....

Anche qui ..... ..... "General Tapped to Lead Investigation into Hypoxia Incidents" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 gennaio 2018, 13:03

Dalle nostre parti lo chiamano ..... tira e molla ..... :mrgreen:
Rest easy, Warthog fans.
In the fiscal 2019 budget request, the Air Force will be asking for more wings needed to sustain the life of the beloved A-10 Thunderbolt II, but how many squadrons the service will retain long term is still up in the air, the head of Air Combat Command said Thursday.
The Air Force confirmed last year that it could have to retire as many as three of its nine A-10 squadrons unless Congress funded new wings for about 109 aircraft.
Although a 2018 spending bill has not been passed, the defense committees have been supportive of a $103 million unfunded requirement to start a new A-10 wing line and purchase four wingsets.
The service will request even more money in the fiscal 2019 budget to continue the rewinging effort, Gen. Mike Holmes, head of Air Combat Command, said at the Brookings Institution.
Fonte: ..... "Air Force to order more A-10 wings in FY19 budget request" .....

Anche qui ..... ..... "USAF plans to re-open A-10 re-winging contract" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 gennaio 2018, 0:29

L' atteso comunicato della Rappresentante McSally .....

..... "Air Force Announces A-10 Wings Included in FY19 Budget in Response to McSally Request" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 febbraio 2018, 10:18

Super Bowl 52 ..... anche due A-10 hanno preso parte, quest'anno, a quello che può essere considerato uno dei più importanti eventi sportivi statunitensi .....
The Air Force’s Heritage Flight is scheduled to visit Minnesota to represent the Air Force Feb. 4 at the Super Bowl
For the first time in the unit’s history, the Heritage Flight will perform an aircraft flyover -- consisting of two A-10C Thunderbolt IIs, an F-16 Fighting Falcon and a P-51 Mustang -- over U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis during the Super Bowl’s opening ceremonies.
Fonte: ..... "Air Force Prepares Heritage Flyover for Super Bowl" .....

Anche qui: ..... "Heritage Flight to bring airpower to Super Bowl LII" .....

Four members of the Heritage Flight Team’s A-10 crew, left to right: Senior Airman Betty Chevalier, Tech. Sgt. Hale Bradley, Staff Sgt. Andre Gonzales, and Staff Sgt. Nick Reider

Il sorvolo ..... negli ultimi secondi del video .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 febbraio 2018, 9:47

Fusse che fusse la vorta bbona ..... :mrgreen:

A quanto pare l' USAF intenderebbe procedere nel programma di sostituzione delle ali su 116 A-10 indirizzandosi, però, verso un altro produttore .....
La cosa non è comunque ancora del tutto certa in quanto esistono delle riserve .....
The US Air Force has released draft acquisition documents showing plans to buy up to 116 new wing sets for the Fairchild Republic A-10 fleet that call for reviving production after March 2019 with a new contractor.
The service’s intentions for equipping the remainder of the A-10 fleet seemed uncertain after a contract with Boeing to re-wing the fleet lapsed last month with more than 100 of the tank-killing aircraft still in the queue for the structural upgrade.
But hundreds of pages of draft acquisition documents released on 8 February (*) appear to back up the Air Force’s statement that it will move forward with the upgrade after a new contractor is selected.
The documents released on 8 February are marked “draft” and do not commit the Air Force to completing the acquisition.
Fonte: ..... "Draft documents reveal USAF plans for more A-10 upgrades" .....

(*) ... ... "A-10 Thunderbolt Advanced-Wing Continuation Kitting (ATTACK) - Federal Project" ...

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 marzo 2018, 0:05

Un pilota italiano vola sugli A-10C dell' USAF .....

Il Capitano Roberto M., soprannominato "Pinna", è oggi a capo di una formazione di A-10 Thunderbolt II della United States Air Force (USAF) del 74th Fighter Squadron.
"Pinna" nel 2015 è entrato nel "Military Personnel Exchange Program", programma che consente l'interazione delle forze aeree di tutto il mondo attraverso lo scambio di alcuni tra i più esperti piloti di nazionalità diverse.

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 marzo 2018, 10:53

Dal Daily Report dell' AFA del 9 Marzo 2018 .....

Gen. Mike Holmes, from left, Air Combat Command commander, Maj. Tyler Schultz and Capt. Samantha Harvey, 354th Fighter Squadron A-10 fighter pilots, and Chief Master Sgt. Frank Batten III, Air Combat Command command chief pose for a picture at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona.
Holmes presented Schultz and Harvey with the Distinguished Flying Cross for conducting an emergency aerial flight in support of U.S. Army forces near Shaddadi, Syria, on May 2.
(Giovanni Sims/Air Force)

Davis-Monthan A-10 Pilots Awarded Distinguished Flying Crosses for Syria Mission .....

Two A-10 pilots at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., received Distinguished Flying Crosses on March 2 for a May 2017 mission supporting US forces that were surrounded inside Syria.
Maj. Tyler Schultz and Capt. Samantha Harvey, pilots with the 354th Fighter Squadron, were deployed as part of Operation Inherent Resolve when they flew a close air support mission as US Army forces were in contact with ISIS fighters near al-Shaddadi, Syria.
A US joint terminal attack controller called in the A-10s at night as they were under direct fire.
“Talking with the JTAC - I learned what fear sounds like,” Harvey said in an Air Force release.
“All that mattered was he needed us at that moment.”
The A-10s flew four strafe runs “directly onto the enemy threat,” the release states, saving more than 50 US personnel with no casualties.
“It was dark, but I had a job to do,” Harvey said.

- Brian Everstine
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 marzo 2018, 23:54

Nuove ali ..... fondi approvati .....
The U.S. Air Force can continue installing new wings on the venerable A-10 Warthog thanks to $103 million in the omnibus spending bill that will restart the production line.
Congress on Thursday passed a $1.3 trillion spending measure for fiscal 2018, which was signed by President Donald Trump on Friday afternoon.
Now that the bill is law, the service will get the money it needs to stand up a new production line for A-10 wings and buy the first four wing sets.
The Air Force has already rewinged 173 A-10s (including one aircraft that has since crashed), but 109 Warthogs are still flying with their original wings.
Fonte: ..... "FY18 budget deal yields life-sustaining new wings for the A-10 Warthog" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 aprile 2018, 0:37

Nuove ali ..... ci risiamo ..... l' USAF traccheggia ..... e la Rappresentante McSally incalza un generale a tre stelle .....
The Air Force expects it will have to ground a portion of the A-10 fleet in the years running up to fiscal year 2025, as the life of their wings runs out, but the service believes it will not effect operations, a three-star general said Thursday.
“We are not confident that we’re flying all of the A-10s that we currently possess through 2025 with our plan,” said Lt. Gen. Jerry Harris, deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and requirements, during a House Armed Services Committee panel.
“So as we are looking at a CAF [combat air force] roadmap and with our modernization program, our intent is not to have groundings that impact the fleet.”
Fonte: ..... "Portion of A-10 fleet to move into backup status in lead up to FY25" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 aprile 2018, 0:24

A volte ..... si scontrano ..... :blackeye:

Il rapporto ..... ... Nellis.PDF .....

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