Programma T-X .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 agosto 2016, 9:29

Northrop Grumman - Scaled Composites 'Model 400' ..... ulteriori informazioni .....
Northrop T-X breaks cover at Mojave .....
Guy Norris - Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (AW&ST) - Aug. 19, 2016

LOS ANGELES – Northrop Grumman’s contender for the U.S. Air Force’s T-X next-generation trainer competition has begun taxi tests at Mojave, California.
The aircraft, which was designed by Northrop’s Scaled Composites special projects company, is believed to have begun high speed taxi work this week.
Northrop’s offering is a low-wing, single-engine aircraft with side-mounted inlets and a conventional horizontal and large vertical tail.
Similar to the T-38 merged with features of Northrop’s long-abandoned F-20 Tigershark, the design also incorporates area ruling aft of the inlets for transonic capability and a notably tall vertical fin, as well as a distinct dorsal spine.
The fuselage incorporates a semi-chined forebody and is mounted on a simple tricycle gear arrangement with an extended wheelbase between the nose and main gear legs.
From initial images released on Aug 19, the aircraft also appears to have simple trailing edge flaps and horizontal stabilizers mounted at a slightly negative dihedral (or anhedral) angle.
The images also appear to indicate a baseline, non-afterburning engine – at least for the initial demonstrator.
Northrop first revealed a brief glimpse of the concept to reporters in December 2015 and specified at the time the design was tailored to meeting the Air Force’s requirements for sustained G, instantaneous G, angle-of-attack maneuvering and turn rate/ turn radius – without being too expensive.
According to FAA registration details, the demonstrator is designated the Model 400 according, to its Scaled Composites design number.
It is powered by a single General Electric F404-102D engine.
The aircraft was registered with the FAA in mid-June 2015.
Northrop, which is teamed on T-X with BAE Systems and L-3, is expected to make the first flight of the demonstrator before year end.
Competition for the T-X program is intense with Lockheed Martin and KAI offering a variant of the T-50A, while Boeing and Saab are working together on a clean-sheet design.
Raytheon has partnered with Leonardo to offer the T-100, an upgraded version of the Leonardo (Alenia Aermacchi) M-346 advanced jet trainer.
The Air Force is planning to release a request for proposals for T-X in December, with a contract award expected by early 2018.
The T-X is now expected to have operational capability in 2034 with initial operational capability in 2024.


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 20 agosto 2016, 9:38

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 agosto 2016, 10:11

Si tratta piuttosto di un incrocio fra T-38 e F-20 (come scritto nell' articolo) condito, ovviamente, con moderne tecnologie (ed era cosa prevedibile) ..... e c' è da considerare che, con tutta probabilità, si tratta di un dimostratore tecnologico ..... per ora .....

FAA ..... "N400NT is Assigned" .....

Quanto al MAKO .....


..... è un progetto, per giunta europeo (cosa che gli attuali Americani considererebbero scarsamente accettabile), ormai defunto da anni ..... :wink:

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 agosto 2016, 21:05

Quell' ormai arcinoto blog d' oltralpe che rafforza i titoli dei suoi articoli con un ! riporta la notizia delle prove di rullaggio del dimostratore T-X di Northrop Grumman/Scaled Composites e ..... udite udite ..... scrive .....
L’avionneur se montre en effet très discret.
Le N4400NT a déjà effectué des essais en vol, mais là encore, aucune information n’a filtré.
Dove abbia pescato tale notizia è, almeno per il sottoscritto, un mistero ..... in quanto le poche fonti che, dato il fine settimana, hanno sinora riferito il fatto, si sono limitate a parlare di 'taxi test' senza fare cenno alcuno ad eventuali voli già effettuati .....
Fonte ..... "Programme T-X : Northrop-Grumman présente le N400NT !" .....

Alle volte ..... il voler dare efansi ad una notizia ..... porta a scantonare nella fantasia ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 agosto 2016, 21:11

Ora tocca a Boeing che ....... dopo aver lasciato trapelare, tempo addietro, questa scarna immagine .....


..... ha postato sul suo sito, forse spinta dalla rivelazione di Northrop Grumman/Scaled Composites, quanto segue ..... "Ready to Train Future Pilots" ..... lasciando intendere che, a Settembre, vi sarà 'Il Giorno della Rivelazione' .....


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 agosto 2016, 0:09

Boeing/Saab T-X ..... il commento di FlightGlobal .....
After photos leaked of Northrop Grumman and BAE System’s new T-X trainer offering, Boeing and Saab revealed their own T-X sneak peak this week.
A few shadowy glimpses of the trainer appeared over four videos posted on Boeing’s new T-X website over the weekend.
The clean sheet design has two engine inlets, a high mounted wing and a conventional, vertical tail.
That design marks a departure from Boeing’s original V-tail concept the company put forth before partnering with Saab. (*)
Il testo completo ..... "Boeing offers sneak peak of new T-X trainer" .....

(*) .....


Anche DefenseNews tratta l' argomento ..... unificando nell' articolo anche la notizia riguardante il prototipo di Northrop Grumman/Scaled Composites .....

"New Images Offer Sneak Peak of Boeing, Northrop T-X Designs" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 agosto 2016, 17:39

Mentre Boeing conferma l' appuntamento al prossimo 13 Settembre .....


..... per il roll-out, a Saint Louis, del suo T-X ..... "Boeing, Northrop T-X Sneak Peeks" ... l' USAF sembra dare una bella spinta a quello di LM/KAI ..... fornendo il suo appoggio alla certificazione di aeronavigabilità della versione da combattimento FA-50 .....
But while Textron’s CRADA positions the Scorpion for foreign markets, the FA-50 has already scored numerous foreign buyers.
The Republic of South Korea has at least one operational squadron of FA-50s and the Philippines has ordered a total of 12 aircraft, the first of which were delivered last fall.
In 2013, Iraq also ordered 24 T-50IQs, a variant of the FA-50.
Meanwhile, Lockheed still has potential South American customers in their sights for an FA-50 buy.
Instead, Lockheed’s CRADA could mean an inexpensive advertisement for its USAF T-X trainer bid, according to Richard Aboulafia, vice-president of analysis for the Teal Group.
“With the Scorpion, it’s more complicated because there’s no civil approval,” he says.
“But with the FA-50, there are several operators in various incarnations. It might be good publicity at a low price, if nothing else, for T-X.”
Lockheed’s bid for the T-X trainer, the T-50A, shares the same airframe and single General Electric F404 engine as the FA-50.
The fighter variant is distinguished by its Elta Systems EL/M-2032 pulse doppler radar, which helps enable the aircraft’s air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.
“I think an assessment of its combat effectiveness probably hinges on more than the US assessment,” Aboulafia says.
“But on the other hand, I guess this couldn’t hurt.”
Fonte ..... "Air Force and Lockheed to initiate airworthiness tests for FA-50" .....

Come dire ..... tutto fa brodo ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 agosto 2016, 17:33

Secondo quanto riportato dal sito del mensile britannico Combat Aircraft ..... il dimostratore T-X di Northrop Grumman/Scaled Composites avrebbe effettuato ieri il primo volo .....


"First flight for Northrop T-X ?" .....

La pagina riassuntiva che il sito della rivista dedica al programma T-X .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 settembre 2016, 0:15

Mancano poche ore ..... e si alzerà finalmente il sipario .....
Next Tuesday September 13, Boeing and partner Saab will roll out their brand new T-X trainer design for the world to see.
Reporters are invited to Boeing’s St Louis, Missouri, plant for the unveiling ceremony, which will finally end years of speculation regarding what exactly Boeing and Saab will offer with their joint ‘clean sheet’ aircraft design.
Fonte ..... "What does the Boeing T-X ‘clean sheet’ aircraft need to offer? #CATX" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 settembre 2016, 9:53

Intanto LM ..... pur di non rimanere nell' ombra .....

"Lockheed Martin releases new T-X video" .....

Uno con la gobba ..... l' altro senza ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 settembre 2016, 18:55

Boeing T-X ..... il sipario si è finalmente alzato .....

Il primo commento di Combat Aircraft ..... "Boeing’s T-X revealed" .....

Ad una prima occhiata ..... sembra avere un aspetto decisamente 'militare' ..... foriero di futuri sviluppi quale velivolo da combattimento .....
E c' è già un secondo esemplare in produzione .....


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 settembre 2016, 20:44

Boeing T-X ..... il commento di DefenseNews .....
Boeing on Tuesday revealed its candidate for the Air Force’s next trainer: a single-engine, twin-tailed aircraft made in a partnership with Swedish firm Saab.
After a dramatic rollout ceremony punctuated with dubstep music, flashing lights and a dropcloth unveiling of the plane, company executives dropped another bombshell: Boeing has already manufactured two of the jets.
"Boeing Unveils T-X Advanced Trainer Aircraft" .....

Boeing Defense (con filmato) ..... "Boeing T-X Sees the Light" .....

Boeing Defense CEO Leanne Caret in front of Boeing Saab T-X

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 settembre 2016, 23:13

Boeing T-X ..... il commento di FlightGlobal .....
Boeing and Saab finally took the wraps off a purposely-designed jet trainer today to offer as a replacement initially for the US Air Force’s fleet of more than 400 Northrop T-38s.
Showing off a design featuring twin, canted tails and a shoulder-mounted, anhedral wing, the Boeing/Saab team will compete with a high-powered trainer with a 17,700lb-thrust GE Aviation F404-GE-402 with full afterburner.
"Boeing unveils contender for Northrop T-38 replacement" .....

Un altro filmato ..... in verità molto suggestivo .....

phpBB [video]


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 settembre 2016, 23:48

Lara Seligman .....


..... presente all' avvenimento per conto di AW&ST ..... riferisce .....
Boeing, Saab Roll Out Clean-Sheet T-X Trainer .....

Lara Seligman - Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (AW&ST) - Sep. 13, 2016

Boeing finally lifted the curtain on its proposal for the U.S. Air Force’s advanced pilot trainer completion during a much-anticipated rollout ceremony at the company’s factory in St. Louis Sept. 13.
Boeing and partner Saab unveiled a twin-tailed, single-engine jet that looks like a hybrid of an F/A-18 Super Hornet and a Gripen, bringing to a close months of speculation about the team’s mysterious clean-sheet design.
The Air Force’s planned 350-aircraft T-X program aims to replace the 55-year-old Northrop Grumman T-38 Talon with a modern jet for training the next generation of fighter pilots.
The Boeing-Saab design, which is powered by a single General Electric F404, is designed to meet the Air Force’s T-X requirements, but not to exceed them, said Boeing Phantom Works president Darryl Davis.
The decision to focus on affordability over exceeding requirements comes as a bit of a surprise, as the Air Force in its latest draft request for proposals (RFP) incentivized competitors to submit high-performance aircraft.
“The number one mission is to meet the threshold requirements of the Air Force advanced pilot training,” Davis said after the ceremony.
“If you are really going to control cost you have to really drive how do you actually meet all those requirements.”
Boeing and Saab officials also revealed today that the team has already built two T-X prototypes, which will soon begin structural testing.
The first aircraft, displayed during the rollout event, has already started ground tests, and will complete its first flight by the end of the year.
Company leaders showed reporters the second aircraft after the ceremony.
The Boeing-Saab team is still discussing where the aircraft will be built, but the engineering and manufacturing development phase of the program will be completed at Boeing’s St. Louis factory, Davis said.
Officials would not disclose details about the planned workshare between Boeing and Saab on the aircraft.
A key aspect of the clean-sheet design is the use of Boeing’s closely held manufacturing technology initiative, code-named Black Diamond, which the company hopes will drive down costs.
But officials revealed after the rollout that the T-X design goes beyond Black Diamond, with engineers even 3D-printing certain components of the jet.
The Boeing-Saab design has an all-digital, glass cockpit designed to resemble that of the fifth-generation F-35s and F-22s, Davis told reporters.
The aircraft also features an open architecture software that pushes data across the jet and its associated ground-based training systems for flexible operation and maintenance.
The jet features two hard points on each wing and one on the centerline fuselage to accommodate weapon stations, as well as a built-in space for an aerial refueling receptacle.
Although the design was purpose-built for the T-X competition, the airframe has built-in growth potential to one day meet requirements for an aggressor aircraft, Davis hinted.
Boeing is the last of the four competing prime contractors to show its hand in the T-X competition.
Northrop’s alternative clean-sheet aircraft, designed with partners BAE Systems and L-3, made its first flight in Mojave, California, last month.
Meanwhile, Lockheed and Korea Aerospace Industries are teamed on the T-50A proposal, a block upgrade of the T-50 Golden Eagle fighter-trainer that will be assembled in Greenville, South Carolina.
Finally, a team comprising Raytheon, Honeywell and CAE is proposing Leonardo’s M-346, offered as the T-100.
Winning the T-X competition is not only key to a lucrative Air Force contract to build 350 new jets, but also gives the winning team a foothold in the international trainer market for decades to come.
The Air Force is planning to release a final RFP to industry in December, with a downselect to a single vendor planned in 2017.
Initial operational capability is expected in 2024.
Aviation Week accepted travel and hotel accommodations from Boeing for the rollout event.

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 settembre 2016, 0:05

Ed ora tocca al Daily Report dell' AFA .....

"Boeing Unveils Twin-Tail T-X" .....

E c' è anche un aggiornamento di Combat Aircraft ..... "Boeing T-X update: not one, but two jets" .....


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 settembre 2016, 8:06

Il commento di AINonline ..... che non manca di mettere in evidenza le somiglianze del velivolo con la famiglia F/A-18 .....
The BTX-1 jet, registered as N381TX, is powered by the GE Aviation F404-GE-402 afterburning turbofan engine that powers the Boeing F/A-18C/D Hornet.
The jet’s twin canted vertical tails also resemble the F/A-18’s, but it features a more bulbous canopy with a stepped tandem cockpit for the instructor and training pilots.
"Boeing Pulls Wraps Off New Jet for Air Force's T-X Competition" .....

Altre immagini .....




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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 settembre 2016, 18:22

Anche la più autorevole Rivista Italiana del settore Difesa commenta il roll-out del T-X di Boeing .....

"Boeing e Saab per il T-X" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 settembre 2016, 20:03

Nuovo aggiornamento di Combat Aircraft .....

"Boeing/Saab go ‘all out’ on T-X" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2016, 10:18

In quattro ..... pronti per la disfida ..... :knight: :knight: :knight: :knight:
With the unveiling on 13 September in St Louis of the Boeing/Saab trainer, the four-way competition to claim the $10 billion contract to replace the US Air Force’s Northrop T-38C Talon fleet is now set.
For a change, a military aircraft customer will enjoy a diverse range of competitive options.
The Boeing/Saab team and Northrop Grumman are offering new designs purposely crafted for the T-X requirements. Lockheed Martin/Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and the Raytheon/Leonardo teams are proposing bids based on mature aircraft designs with operational pedigrees.
Fonte ..... "OPINION: T-X trainer bidders ready for dogfight" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2016, 10:31

Boeing chiarisce ..... "Clarification" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2016, 15:22

Lara Seligman .....


..... ritorna sulla della presentazione del dimostratore T-X di Boeing/Saab e riporta, fra l' altro, i commenti in proposito di alcuni noti analisti .....
Boeing All-In To Win U.S Air Force T-X Contract .....

Teamed with Saab, Boeing bets on affordability in U.S. Air Force’s next-gen trainer competition.

Lara Seligman - Aviation Week & Space Technology - Sep. 16, 2016

As production of Boeing’s venerated F-15 and F/A-18 fighters winds down, the company is struggling to stay in the tactical aircraft business beyond this decade.
So it is taking no chances in the U.S. Air Force’s T-X advanced trainer competition, which may offer St. Louis a lifeline.
Boeing and partner Saab finally lifted the curtain on their T-X offering here on Sept. 13, bringing to a close months of speculation about the clean-sheet aircraft.
Boeing-Saab’s T-X is a purpose-built, production-ready trainer that hews closely to the Air Force’s threshold requirements for the new program.
The sleek, twin-tail design focuses on affordability over performance, drawing on Boeing’s secretive Black Diamond initiative to drive down manufacturing and sustainment costs.
Boeing is the last of the four competing prime contractors to show its hand in the competition.
The 350-aircraft program is a coveted prize for all four of the competing teams, but Boeing arguably has the most to lose.
In a major blow, the company lost the next-generation bomber competition to Northrop Grumman last year; meanwhile, any work on the U.S. Air Force and Navy’s sixth-generation fighter will likely come too late to keep Boeing in the tactical aircraft business.
Absent new orders from the U.S. military or its allies, production of Boeing’s Strike Eagle and Super Hornet will end by 2020.
“St. Louis will never close, but the fighter business that was the heart of the enterprise is in danger,” warns Loren Thompson, an analyst with the Lexington Institute.
“To be out of that business is a wrenching prospect, and T-X is one way they might be able to keep a toehold.”
Richard Aboulafia, an analyst with the Teal Group, is blunter: “When Super Hornet and F-15 go, St. Louis goes,” he says.
So there is no question the stakes were high last week when Boeing finally unveiled its T-X offering.
In perhaps the biggest surprise of the day, company officials revealed they have two production-ready aircraft on hand - in contrast to Northrop Grumman’s clean-sheet T-X demonstrator, which made its unannounced first flight from rapid-prototyping subsidiary Scaled Composites’ plant in Mojave, California, on Aug. 26.
The first Boeing aircraft, displayed during the rollout event, has already started ground tests and will complete its first flight by year-end, company officials say.
The Boeing-Saab design certainly looks the part of a purpose-built next-generation trainer.
But does it have what it takes to win?
The Sept. 13 rollout ceremony revealed a single-engine T-X design that looks like a hybrid of an F/A-18 Super Hornet and a Saab Gripen.
The aircraft features a shoulder-mounted, shallow-anhedral wing and fuselage-mounted landing gear.
The wing has F/A-18-style leading-edge root extensions, under which appear Gripen-style pitot inlets.
The aircraft can be most obviously distinguished from the competition by its twin vertical tails, which officials say add maneuverability and control.
While most modern fighter jets are twin-tail, the other three T-X proposals feature a single tail.
Boeing’s is powered by an afterburning General Electric F404—the same engine used by Lockheed Martin and Korea Aerospace Industries’ offering, the T-50, and, in nonreheated form, in Northrop’s T-X demonstrator.
Boeing appears to have concluded the competition will come down to affordability, with officials promising to “shatter the cost curve” - a reference to the Air Force’s cost-cutting initiative dubbed “Bending the Cost Curve.”
The Boeing-Saab proposal prioritizes affordability over exceeding performance requirements, says Boeing Phantom Works President Darryl Davis - a decision that comes as a bit of a surprise, as the Air Force in its latest draft request for proposals (RFP) incentivized competitors to submit high-performance bids.
“The No. 1 mission is to meet the threshold requirements of the Air Force advanced pilot training,” says Davis.
“If you are going to control cost you have to drive how you actually meet all those requirements.”
Boeing may have concluded the performance incentives in the RFP were not enough to offset the price of increasing the aircraft’s power and G-capability, Aboulafia hypothesizes.
Meanwhile, Byron Callan of Capital Alpha Partners questions how much the service will be willing to pay for increased performance at the end of the day, particularly given the bow wave of modernization bills coming due in the 2020s.
“The Air Force has an ‘eyes bigger than its stomach’ problem right now,” he says.
“They may be looking at Porsches, but they are going to end up buying Fords.”
Officials revealed after the rollout that the T-X design goes beyond Boeing’s Black Diamond initiative, with engineers 3-D-printing certain components of the jet to lower manufacturing costs.
In order to bring down life-cycle costs, the aircraft also features large, conveniently positioned access panels so that technicians can more easily perform maintenance.
Experts read Boeing’s emphasis on affordability as an indication the company sees Lockheed’s T-50 as its main competition for T-X.
Like Boeing’s offering, the T-50 can easily meet the Air Force’s performance parameters, but Lockheed may struggle to bring down the cost of the existing airframe.
As to the T-100, a version of Leonardo’s M-346 offered by Raytheon, Honeywell and CAE, its main advantage is the companies’ simulation and training expertise.
However, there is still some question about whether the T-100 can meet the stringent performance requirements.
But while Boeing is seen as a leading contender in the competition, the company’s partnership with Saab may pose a problem, Aboulafia says.
While officials declined to say what parts of the jet were developed by which industry partner, experts believe Saab did much of the design and engineering work.
Ulf Nilsson, president of Saab Aeronautics, says Saab is responsible for the mid- and rear-fuselage sections, according to a recent news report.
Meanwhile, a large Russian cargo aircraft believed to be carrying portions of the new aircraft flew from Sweden to the U.S. in June.
The disconnect between the design and manufacturing of the Boeing-Saab T-X may add risk - something the Air Force is seeking to avoid, Aboulafia speculates.
He contrasted the team’s three-year design effort with Northrop’s, whose Scaled Composites subsidiary quickly built its own T-X demonstrator after the company, in February 2015, abandoned plans to propose an updated version of BAE Systems’ Hawk trainer.
But Callan points out that two of the three other competitors are in the same boat, as Raytheon is relying on Italy’s Leonardo for the T-100 airframe and Lockheed’s T-50A is based on South Korea’s Golden Eagle fighter-trainer.
The Boeing-Saab team is still discussing where the aircraft will ultimately be assembled, but the engineering and manufacturing development phase of the program will be completed at Boeing’s St. Louis factory, Davis says.
The Air Force is planning to release a final RFP to industry in December, with a downselect to a single vendor planned in 2017.
Initial operational capability is expected in 2024.

Gallery .....
See more on the Boeing-Saab team’s next-generation T-X trainer ..... "Boeing’s Next-Generation T-X Trainer"

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 settembre 2016, 17:35

Ora che i concorrenti sono tutti noti ..... per l' USAF è arrivato il momento dei grattacapi .....

"The challenge is, can the clean sheet designs catch up to T-50 and to a lesser extent, the T-100?” asked Rebecca Grant, president of IRIS research, referencing the Lockheed Martin and Raytheon offerings.
“Can the clean sheet designs catch up and demonstrate what the off-the-shelf aircraft already have?"
Lockheed Martin and KAI are offering the T-50A, a version of the Korean company’s T-50 in use by South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines and Iraq.
Raytheon, Leonardo and CAE have teamed up on the T-100, which is based on Leonardo’s M-346 flown by Italy, Israel and Singapore.
The big question, according to Grant, is whether the Air Force ultimately will prioritize cost or performance in its final request for proposals due for release in December.
Fonte ..... "Different By Design: Clean Sheet T-X Designs Stir Up Excitement, But Face Uphill Battle" .....


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 settembre 2016, 9:24

Il rischio minore ?
E' il T-50 ... e se poi è LM a dirlo ..... :mrgreen:
Lockheed Martin’s T-50 entrant in the T-X competition is “nothing new” and meets all the Air Force’s needs with little development, program chief test pilot “Red” Ward told reporters at ASC16.
The T-50, which is “a Lockheed airplane through and through,” has served in the Republic of Korea Air Force since 2005, has racked up over 100,000 hours, can be turned in under 30 minutes and is producing a mission capable rate just under 90 percent, Ward asserted, calling it the “lowest risk” option among the entrants.
Fonte ..... "Lockheed Says T-50 is Lowest Risk" .....


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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 settembre 2016, 10:36

Una decina di giorni fa FlightGlobal aveva indetto un sondaggio internazionale sul possibile vincitore della competizione T-X .....
Alla sua conclusione il risultato ha di gran lunga favorito il progetto presentato da Boeing ..... mentre è si è rivelato letteralmente catastrofico per il T-100 di Raytheon/Leonardo ..... ... ht-429418/

Volendo lasciarsi andare ad un pò di dietrologia spicciola ..... si potrebbe ipotizzare che i dipendenti di Boeing abbiano votato in massa per il loro 'gioiello' .....
Ma, lo ripeto, si tratta soltanto di dietrologia spicciola ..... molto spicciola ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 ottobre 2016, 20:30

Il mensile britannico Combat Aircraft rivela nuovi dettagli .....

"Boeing T-X evaluated" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 ottobre 2016, 12:05

Scricchiolii ..... :(
Raytheon, Leonardo Clash Over T-X Bid .....

Lara Seligman and James Drew - Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (AW&ST) - Oct. 11, 2016

As the U.S. Air Force prepares to officially kick off the competition for a next-generation T-X trainer, partners Raytheon and Leonardo have run into an eleventh-hour snag in their joint bid for the lucrative 350-aircraft contract.
Raytheon and Leonardo recently had a “disagreement” over certain details in the arrangement, a source familiar with the competition told Aviation Week.
Spokesmen for both Raytheon and Leonardo declined to comment on the nature of the disagreement, simply saying the two companies “continue to negotiate” on the final terms of their proposed T-X, the T-100 trainer aircraft.
Although officials would not confirm the details of the ongoing negotiations, it is possible the discussions involve the workshare agreement between the two companies.

Raytheon was not originally part of the bid - Leonardo was initially teamed with General Dynamics on the T-100, which is based on Leonardo’s existing M-346 trainer design.
But General Dynamics withdrew from the bid in March 2015, leaving Leonardo without a crucial U.S. prime contractor.
Raytheon announced it was joining the T-100 bid in February.
Under the current teaming arrangement, Raytheon is the prime contractor, while Leonardo will provide the airframe, CAE will design and manufacture simulation equipment, training systems and courseware, and Honeywell Aerospace will provide the aircraft’s twin F124 turbofan engines.
If selected, the T-100 will be built, tested and fielded in the U.S., company officials have said.
But the team still has not chosen a facility for the project.
It is unlikely Leonardo will back out of the competition.
Winning the T-X contest is key to Leonardo’s ambitions of expanding its footprint into the U.S. aerospace market, Giovanni Soccodato, Leonardo’s executive vice president for strategy, marketing and business development, said in a July interview.
The two-seat M-346 will give the Air Force the best bang for its buck, Soccodato said, noting that it is already in use with the Israeli, Italian, Polish and Singapore air forces.
“We believe it is really the best value for money, not just the cost of the aircraft, but if you look at the whole of the training capability,” Soccodato said.
“The reduced time that pilots have to fly on real aircraft and the cost of flying the trainer rather than flying the fighter aircraft, it will be a much more effective and much cheaper, in the end, solution to deliver fifth-generation training.”
It is also possible the disagreement is over concerns that the T-100 may not be able to meet the Air Force’s stringent performance requirements for T-X, including a maximum g-capability of 8, a sustained g-capability of at least 6.5 and a minimum 20-deg. angle of attack.
The Raytheon-Leonardo team has argued the T-100’s twin engines offer a safety advantage for student pilots over single-engine aircraft.
But the F124 is not as powerful as General Electric’s F404, used by all three of the other competitors: both Northrop Grumman’s and Boeing-Saab’s clean-sheet proposals, as well as Lockheed Martin and Korea Aerospace Industries’ T-50A.
As Raytheon and Leonardo hammer out the details, any delay in formalizing a teaming arrangement could unnerve key suppliers Honeywell and CAE, which are supporting the bid.
The Honeywell F124 turbofan engines are currently produced by the Honeywell/International Turbine Engine Company in Taiwan.
But victory for the T-100 would mean turning the lights back on at Honeywell’s site in Phoenix, where the F124 was assembled for Israel’s Master training fleet up until this year.
The F124 and its after-burning derivative, the F125, power the Czech-built Aero L-159 Alca and Taiwanese AIDC F-CK-1 Ching-kuo light combat aircraft.
As the powerplant provider, Honeywell could build as many as 700 new engines in the U.S. if the T-100 is chosen for T-X, and perhaps many more engines if the T-100 attracts international sales or spawns a light-attack derivative.
If you count the U.S.-assembled engine and proposed cockpit avionics and large-area display, the T-100 already has significant U.S. content - almost 50% according to Leonardo.
The type will also need a boom refueling port or adapter installed.
Meanwhile, CAE has been supplying full-mission simulators for the M-346 since the type’s inception, and it has high hopes of winning big under the Raytheon-Leonardo banner to supply the T-X’s all-important Ground-Based Training System, which blends live, virtual and constructive elements.
If the Raytheon-Leonardo team falls apart, CAE would become a free agent and might seek a last-minute partnership with the other competitors in the race: Boeing, Lockheed or Northrop.
It could also compete for future training requirements.
The Canadian firm has faced uphill battles in the past around politicking over foreign ownership and parochial interests to win many important contracts with the U.S. government, and likely feels comfortable partnering on a foreign-made aircraft.
The company supplies either flight simulator hardware, training services or both for the Lockheed C-5M, C-130J, KC-130J, P-3C, Sikorsky MH-60R, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9, MQ-1, Airbus UH-72A Lakota, Boeing P-8A, E-3 and KC-135, among others.
But many of those projects pale in comparison to the T-X opportunity because of the size of the base order and significant overseas sales interest.
We understand Raytheon and Leonardo continue to negotiate on terms that would allow the T-100 team to deliver a comprehensive training solution that meets the requirements of the Air Force,” a company spokesman said on Oct. 11.
“CAE is ready to contribute its proven ground-based training system expertise and experience to a T-100 integrated air training system.”
At the T-100 announcement in Washington, CAE Group President Gene Colabatistto said the T-100 would be “very, very competitive,” even when pitted against clean-sheet alternatives being offered by Boeing and Northrop.
In terms of Raytheon’s credibility as a prime contractor, Colabatistto pointed to the company’s production of the T-1 Jayhawk and T-6 Texan II through what is now known as Beechcraft, the Wichita-based light aircraft manufacturer now owned by Textron.
The Air Force plans to release the final request for proposals for T-X in December and anticipates a contract award by December 2017.
Initial operating capability is expected in 2024.
The Air Force will not be able to fully replace all of its aging T-38 trainers with the all 350 new T-X aircraft until 2034 - otherwise known as full operational capability - due to budget constraints.

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 ottobre 2016, 12:01

Ancora Combat Aircraft sul T-X di Boeing/Saab ..... "Boeing/Saab T-X" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 ottobre 2016, 14:16

I problemi recentemente sorti fra Leonardo e Raytheon sono stati risolti ..... almeno si spera .....
The partnership between Raytheon and Italy’s Leonardo-Finmeccanica to sell jet trainers to the US is back on track after nearly falling apart thanks to a dispute over who calls the shots, multiple sources knowledgeable of the talks have told Defense News.
The partnership was saved at the end of last week,” one source said.
Fonte ..... "Raytheon, Leonardo Hash Out Differences Over T-X Trainer Partnership" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 ottobre 2016, 21:12

Meridian, Mississippi .....

Raytheon will assemble the T-100 in Meridian, Miss., if it wins the Air Force’s T-X competition, the company announced Monday.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Rick Yuse, president of Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems, said the site was chosen for final assembly because it “provides the right blend of infrastructure, proximity to our customers, government support, and a talent base that's ready for the high tech jobs critical to our success," according to a Raytheon release.
Fonte ..... "Raytheon Picks Meridian, Miss., for T-100 Final Assembly" .....

Raytheon ..... "Raytheon chooses US site to manufacture Air Force jet trainer" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 ottobre 2016, 10:24

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 novembre 2016, 17:38

Il primo T-50A è già negli USA .....
Lockheed Martin has commenced flight operations of its T-50A at its Greenville, South Carolina, T-50A final assembly and check out (FACO) facility.
TX-2 was shipped from South Korea and returned to flight status in mid-November, and TX-1 is expected to follow upon completion of its supersonic trials, in order to be flying from Greenville in early February.
Fonte ..... "Lockheed Martin begins T-50A flight ops at Greenville" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 novembre 2016, 18:48

Intanto ..... il T-50 .....


..... "S. Korea's jet trainer successfully completes 5,000 test flights" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 novembre 2016, 9:40

T-X di Boeing-Saab ..... manca poco al primo volo .....
The Boeing-Saab T-X trainer is on track to fly by the end of the year after completing afterburner engine runs last week, Boeing officials said.


Only a few more major tests remain before the plane makes its inaugural flight, said program manager Ted Torgerson during a Nov. 23 interview ahead of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).
Fonte ..... "Boeing T-X Headed Toward First Flight" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 dicembre 2016, 0:19

Lockheed Martin, colta da un irrefrenabile attacco di ottimismo, mostra alla stampa lo stabilimento ove intende produrre l'aereo che vorrebbe si imponesse nella competizione T-X .....
Lockheed Martin offered a vivid glimpse on 8 December of the company’s preparations to win US Air Force’s hotly-contested contract to supply 350 trainers to the US Air Force.
A newly-converted factory in Greenville, South Carolina, was opened for to the press for the first time to give journalists a tour of the company’s proposed final assembly line, suite of ground-based training system demonstrators and even a brief flying display of the first of two Lockheed/KAI F/A-50s to arrive in the USA for risk reduction activity.
“We are ready now to start building T-50As in support of the [advanced pilot training] programme,” says Don Erickson, Lockheed’s site director in Greenville.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "Lockheed showcases T-X readiness in South Carolina" .....

Sempre ammesso che riesca a vincere ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da sidew » 12 dicembre 2016, 9:08

io tiferei per Boeing-Saab (il piu bello tra i concorrenti) e Leonardo-Rockwell....

"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory
