USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2012, 8:56

Il generale Norton Schwartz, Capo di Stato Maggiore uscente dell' USAF, fa il punto, nella sua ultima conferenza stampa, sul futuro bombardiere strategico americano .....
Daily Report .... Wednesday July 25, 2012 - Immagine

Schwartz Expects New Bomber Fielded by Mid 2020s

In his final appearance for Pentagon reporters as Chief of Staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz on July 24 offered up a full-throated defense of the Air Force's next-generation long-range strike platform, and contended that the Air Force will field assets by next decade.

Schwartz said the Air Force had worked hard to convince the Office of the Secretary of Defense that the capability was "needed for the nation" and the ability to place targets at risk is "an American strong suit, largely performed" by the service.

Schwartz made it clear that he expects a combat-capable aircraft delivered by the middle of next decade.

"We've talked about beginning to field the platform in the mid [20]20s," he said.

"There are requirements and we are going to pursue this program in a very disciplined fashion, and do it in a way that capitalizes on already proven technologies" in aircraft manufacturing, sensors, and avionics integration, he added.

Any future "family of systems" long-range strike concept depends on this capability, argued Schwartz.

"Extending a sense of vulnerability on others is a tool of statecraft and one we should not concede," he said.

Schwartz transcript
.... ... iptid=5086

—Marc V. Schanz

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da Paolo_61 » 25 luglio 2012, 10:08

Che gli USA vogliano conservare la capacità di colpire "duro" ovunque nel mondo entro poche ore mi sembra ovvio, che la missione debba per forza essere effettuata da un aereo con equipaggio forse lo è un filo meno.

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2012, 10:16

Paolo_61 ha scritto:..... che la missione debba per forza essere effettuata da un aereo con equipaggio forse lo è un filo meno .....
Sarà ..... ma nella deprecata ipotesi dovesse portare un'arma nucleare ..... sarei dell'avviso che un equipaggio a bordo non ci starebbe poi male .....

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da Paolo_61 » 25 luglio 2012, 10:26

richelieu ha scritto:
Paolo_61 ha scritto:..... che la missione debba per forza essere effettuata da un aereo con equipaggio forse lo è un filo meno .....
Sarà ..... ma nella deprecata ipotesi dovesse portare un'arma nucleare ..... sarei dell'avviso che un equipaggio a bordo non ci starebbe poi male .....
Già oggi 2 dei 3 bracci della triade sono fire and forget ... e gli UAV hanno solo spostato il luogo dove si trova il pilota, non l'hanno (ancora) abolito del tutto.

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 25 luglio 2012, 10:48

Sul Next Gen Bomber era uscito questo articolone su avweek in febbraio:
The U.S. Air Force chief of staff says the service is not going to go through the B-2 experience again—overdesigning a bomber and then having to buy fewer of them.

Analysts suggest the requirement for the Long Range Strike-Bomber (LRS-B) program could be as high as 200 aircraft as the aircraft begins to replace aging B-1s and B-52s.

The problem is how to take advantage of the new technology without breaking the budget or generating so much political backlash that the bomber program is reduced or canceled. The B-2s ended up costing more than $2 billion apiece because the program was closed down so early.

The 2013 budget request asked that the LRS program receive $292 million. The total through 2017 is $6.3 billion. Pentagon comptroller Robert Hale suggests a per-unit cost target of $550 million per aircraft.

“We see it as an important goal,” Hale says. “I'd like to treat it as absolutely [hard and] fast.”

However, industry executives attending the Defense Technology and Affordability Requirements conference in Washington last week contend the unit-cost target is far too optimistic. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is publicly squeezing the Air Force to keep the cost of the classified project down.

“We are going to make our best effort to not over-design the aircraft,” says Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz. “We are intent on ordering a capability that is not extravagant.”

Schwartz calls for delivery of a bomber by the mid-2020s that is capable of intelligence gathering, conducting electronic warfare and linking to offboard sensors. The combination is expected to produce a stealth aircraft that can penetrate enemy air defense, but that is sufficiently affordable to buy in numbers.

The first question then is what is the magic number? The Air Force has called for 80-100 aircraft. However, analysts are saying that twice that number is needed to create a sustainable, operationally effective force, which can continually be modified and upgraded as technology evolves.

“I would double that and look at something near 200 aircraft to provide a credible deterrent force and begin to look at replacement of the entire bomber fleet,” says Rebecca Grant, author of “The Case for a New Stealth Bomber,” a white paper recently published by Washington Security Forum. “I think we see the need for more rather than less.”

“There is also the aspect of credibility,” says Gen. (ret.) John Corley, former chief of Air Combat Command. “That is related to quantity. How credible is a force if you only have a handful of assets, many of which are in depot at any time or are beyond their service life?”

Grant downplays the advantages of an unmanned version of the bomber or an unmanned alternative.

“The bomber is entirely different,” she says. “By the time you look at a payload of 40,000 lb., onboard fuel and the airframe itself, adding a crew and cockpit module aren't that big a deal. We want the value of a manned crew compartment. We are facing a new set of technology trade-offs.”

Some of those trade-offs include non-kinetic weaponry, including high-power microwave weapons, lasers and electronic attack.

“There are things that could potentially be non-kinetic—like a cyber [surveillance or attack] contribution,” Corley says. “The new bomber needs to possess the ability to find a target, attack it and understand the effects of the attack.” He calls for a large magazine, which means small or repeating weapons, long-range radar and the ability to judge the effects of electronic attacks.

“A platform that will be effective for the next 40 years has to have the ability to add new technology,” Grant says. “I'd like to see at least the consideration of adding laser weapons, should those become viable. We know this bomber will have to swim in the information battlespace. And there is a challenge we have not successfully met yet in our combat aircraft programs. [We need to get] communications architectures that talk among the aircraft and deal with ISR [intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance]. Getting that right is a major challenge.”

A basic need for the bomber is more speed than the B-2 can provide.
“Stealth needs a new partner in the bomber design—additional speed,” Grant says. “In the F-22 we have a supersonic, stealthy fighter. I believe American industry can create a stealthy bomber with at least some supersonic dash speed. That's another of the technology goals we should work toward as we develop the new bomber.”

“Another basic need is for [additional] stealth, because air defenses continue to improve and proliferate,” Grant adds. “Even modest air defenses create big problems. In 2003, Iraqi forces launched 3,884 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) in 25 days and 66% of the mobile SAMs were [not found]. During the Kosovo conflict in 1999, the Serbians launched 894 SAMs in 78 days. Worse is to come.

“In the future we will see far more modern air defense missiles like the Russian-made SA-20 and SA-21, plus the ability to net and integrate them that we've not had to face,” Grant says. “Asia-Pacific adds another element—adversary fighters.” She emphasizes that there is a need for around-the-clock strikes, from an aircraft that “can go anywhere and take any information it [requires].” ... 32.xml&p=1

Operativo per la metà degli anni '20, piú stealth piú veloce piú economico del B-2, forse optionally manned, con la capacità di poter integrare armi a energia diretta. In piú ne servirebbero parecchi perchè deve sostituire il trio B-1, B-2, B-52....ho come l'impressione che vogliano la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca :mrgreen:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2012, 13:39

MatteF88 ha scritto:In piú ne servirebbero parecchi perchè deve sostituire il trio B-1, B-2, B-52....ho come l'impressione che vogliano la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca :mrgreen:
Non sarebbe la prima volta che gli Americani partono in quarta con programmi dai contenuti straordinari ..... salvo poi ritrovarsi, prima o poi, a doverli drasticamente ridimensionare a causa di problemi tecnici o economici di difficile soluzione .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 agosto 2012, 21:07

I Russi, dal canto loro, lo vorrebbero ipersonico .....
Russian deputy prime minister calls for hypersonic PAK-DA bomber .....
Fonte ..... ... ister.html


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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da sochmer » 28 agosto 2012, 23:37

richelieu ha scritto:I Russi, dal canto loro, lo vorrebbero ipersonico .....
Russian deputy prime minister calls for hypersonic PAK-DA bomber .....
Fonte ..... ... ister.html

Russi, se non stravolgono le carte in tavola non sono contenti :mrgreen:
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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da butterfly » 29 agosto 2012, 9:59

Beh nel frattempo peró le commesse sono state tagliate e molti del settore (leggasi ad esempio P&W) hanno mandato centinaia di persone a casa del comparto militare.
vedremo se riusciranno a convincere nuovamente i contribuenti ad aprire i pirtafogli per un nuovo effort bellico.
La morte non sta nel non comunicare, ma nel non poter essere più compresi (Pier Paolo Pasolini)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 ottobre 2012, 11:11

A qualcuno piace ..... "bivalente" .....

..... nel senso di pilotato e no .....
The case for an optionally manned LRS-B .....

By Dave Majumdar on October 13, 2012 (12:06 AM)

The US Air Force's new ultra-stealthy Long Range Strike-Bomber will be optionally manned when it enters service in the mid-2020s, the service says.

The aircraft will need a crew, particularly when operating inside a comms degraded/comms denied environment deep inside hostile airspace. Moreover, unmanned aircraft just don't have the reaction times and the on-site judgment offered by on-board human pilots.

But crews are mere humans, and as such need food, water, rest, latrines... Unmanned aircraft don't have such frailties, they have enormous persistence. The USAF is hoping to leverage the best of both worlds in the LRS-B.
My acquaintance USAF Lt Col Peter Garretson argues the case for an optionally manned LRS-B in an article he wrote for Armed Force Journal, edited by my former editor and friend Brad Peniston.

Read it here .....

Fonte ..... ... y-man.html


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 ottobre 2012, 14:56

Dal sito di "Flight International" .....
USAF targets long-range strike bomber .....

The US Air Force is developing a new stealth bomber to counter growing anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) challenges around the world - but the programme faces enormous challenges in the face of declining US defence outlays.
The Long Range Strike-Bomber (LRS-B) is part of a so-called "family of systems" being designed to ensure US forces can hold any point on Earth that may be at risk from aerial attack.


The LRS-B project is considered so important to future US military strategy in the Western Pacific and Middle East that the programme is proceeding despite a $487 billion reduction in the Pentagon's budget covering the next 10 years.
L' intero (e lungo) articolo ..... ... er-377597/


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 dicembre 2012, 23:36

Scovato, da "The DEW Line", un brevetto depositato da Northrop Grumman .....
Could this be what a Northrop Grumman LRS-B might look like?

Northrop Grumman, which built the B-2 Spirit, is one of three potential contractors who are likely to be building the new LRS-B.
While the NGB was terminated, many of those technologies are certain to find new life on the LRS-B.
The DEW Line has unearthed a patent filing by Northrop that details some of the features of their old NGB design--it could provide some hints as to what the company is cooking up for the new project.
Fonte ..... ... throp.html

Ma ..... non ne aveva già parlato, più di tre anni e mezzo fa, il "solito" Bill Sweetman sul blog "Ares" di "AW&ST" ? ... 342c6fad53 ... ac712ee534 ... 2ea180b071


Ad ogni modo ..... l'articolo di "The DEW Line" si conclude con queste parole .....
If the rumored Northrop Grumman ISR/Strike aircraft that is purported to be flying does in fact exist, it could share a very similar configuration.

Hopefully more on the LRS family on Monday.
Il riferimento a quel "qualcosa" che dovrebbe/potrebbe essere attualmente in fase segreta di sperimentazione è questo ..... ... -is-1.html

Vedremo se lunedi ci saranno, come preannunciato, ulteriori novità .....


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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da sidew » 9 dicembre 2012, 10:05

E se saranno fortunati, entrerà in servizio fra 100 anni con cost1 100x quello previsto di partenza e totalmente inadeguato ai nuovi scenari.... :twisted:

"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 dicembre 2012, 10:20

sidew ha scritto:E se saranno fortunati, entrerà in servizio fra 100 anni con cost1 100x quello previsto di partenza e totalmente inadeguato ai nuovi scenari.... :twisted:
Che pessimismo ..... :lol:

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 9 dicembre 2012, 10:58

Ma al Pentagono se lo ricordano che l'ATF parti con la RFI all'inizio degli anni '80, la RFP a metà anni '80 e alla fine l'F-22 é entrato in servizio nel 2005/2006 (e non hanno ancora il casco-visore) ?
Che il JSF nacque (con un altro nome) ai primi dei '90 e adesso sappiamo a che punto é ancora e che costa praticamente il doppio di quello che era previsto (e se il Canada conferma il no il prezzo sale ancora..) ?
Che ormai siamo già al 2013?
Considerando quanto sopra e che il B-2 fece il primo volo pubblico nell'89 (e immagino abbia volato segretamente tempo prima, e l'ATB risale al 1979) ed é entrato in servizio nel '97, a spanne, se davvero vogliono l'entrata in servizio verso il 2025 circa, o hanno già qualcosa che vola in gran segreto o secondo me non ce la fanno.. :D

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da sidew » 9 dicembre 2012, 16:39

richelieu ha scritto: Che pessimismo ..... :lol:
Be basta vedere cosa hanno fatto dopo i F16 e F/A18...

"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 dicembre 2012, 20:53

MatteF88 ha scritto:..... se davvero vogliono l'entrata in servizio verso il 2025 circa, o hanno già qualcosa che vola in gran segreto o secondo me non ce la fanno .. :D
E' proprio questo il punto .....
..... ed è quello che ipotizzano, sia pure con le riserve del caso, le fonti che ho già segnalato .....

Dave Majumdar ..... ... -is-1.html

Bill Sweetman ..... ... 29.xml&p=1

Forse, nel "Mondo Nero", sta veramente succedendo qualcosa ..... :dontknow:


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 9 dicembre 2012, 21:16

E allora vuoi vedere che davvero l'X-47 é anche un dimostratore in scala dello NGB (oltre che un UCAS in fase avanzata di test) ?? :drunken: :bom:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 febbraio 2013, 10:10

Dal "Daily Report" dell'AFA di questa mattina .....

Qualche novità sul futuro bombardiere strategico ..... e si parla anche della (altamente improbabile) rimotorizzazione dei B-52H .....

New Strategic Stuff .....
There's an operational requirements document for the new Long-Range Strike Bomber program, according to Air Force Global Strike Command boss Lt. Gen. James Kowalski.

He told defense reporters in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 6 that both Air Combat Command chief Gen. Mike Hostage and he are satisfied with the ORD, but that ACC has the lead on requirements and Global Strike Command is providing the nuclear expertise, to "ensure that bomber, when it comes off the line, is nuclear-capable."

Kowalski said the Air Force's Rapid Capabilities Office is managing the bomber project.

He also reported that the Long Range Standoff vehicle, or LRSO—the planned replacement for the AGM-86 cruise missile—is for now a strictly nuclear program. ... oming.aspx

However, "if there is a requirement, you could certainly spiral off a conventional variant," he said.

There's a significant gap in capability between the JASSM Extended Range conventional stealth cruise missile and the LRSO, noted Kowalski.

A reporter also asked him if, given the shrinking size of the B-52 fleet and its planned retention to the 2040s, re-engining the bombers would make sense.

Kowalski said while he'd "love" to have a new B-52 engine, there are "plenty" of TF-30 engines available—the bombers' current powerplants—and plenty of parts for them.

A re-engining wouldn't pay for itself within the period that the Defense Department requires, so "there's no business case," he said.

—John A. Tirpak

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 30 ottobre 2013, 15:40

Boeing e Lockheed assieme per il LRS-B:
The program is aimed at delivering 80-100 very stealthy, long-range bombers to the Air Force, with an initial operational capability in 2024-26, and with a unit cost ceiling of $550 million. ... 630684.xml

Mentre per Northrop ancora non si sa: ... 630812.xml

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 febbraio 2014, 14:15

MatteF88 ha scritto:Boeing e Lockheed assieme per il LRS-B:
The program is aimed at delivering 80-100 very stealthy, long-range bombers to the Air Force, with an initial operational capability in 2024-26, and with a unit cost ceiling of $550 million. ... 630684.xml

Mentre per Northrop ancora non si sa: ... 630812.xml
Ora si sa .....
Northrop to ‘position’ for future bomber work as LRS-B progresses ....

Northrop Grumman says it has interest in continuing to provide the US Air Force with bomber aircraft, an indication that the company remains a potential bidder to build the service’s next-generation long-range strike bomber (LRS-B) fleet.
Fonte ..... ... -b-395489/

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 febbraio 2014, 0:20

RfP (Request for Proposal) nel prossimo Autunno .....

"James: USAF Expects Long-Range Bomber RFP in Fall" ..... ... r-RFP-Fall

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 maggio 2014, 9:09

Conto alla rovescia per la RfP (Request for Proposal) definitiva .....

"The Bomber Countdown Has Started" ..... ... arted.aspx

"Bomber Variants " ..... ... iants.aspx

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 giugno 2014, 20:30

Il futuro bombardiere strategico avrà, al contrario di quanto era stato affermato in precedenza, piena capacità nucleare sin dalla sua prima versione .....

"First LRS-B Will Have Nuclear Capability" ..... ... ility.aspx

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 giugno 2014, 9:10

RfP per il nuovo bombardiere strategico ..... a domanda ..... l' USAF non risponde .....
“The Air Force is committed to a fair acquisition process to select a new long range strike bomber that supports national security requirements at an affordable price for the taxpayer.
To ensure this occurs, we are prohibited from releasing information while in the current phase of the acquisition lifecycle.
Additionally, many aspects of the program are classified in order to ensure sensitive information is protected from release to potential adversaries.
Future release of acquisition milestones will be considered and released as appropriate.”
Fonte ..... "Air Force Keeps Mum On New Bomber RFP" ..... ... omber-rfp/

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2014, 14:05

Mentre si attende il rilascio della RfP per il nuovo bombardiere strategico ..... ci si appresta ad impostare tutta una serie di aggiornamenti per l'attuale B-2A che ne estenderanno la vita operativa sino al 2058 .....
The Air Force’s B-2 Spirit is receiving a technological upgrade to allow the service’s bat-winged, nuclear capable bomber to fly through 2058.
Air Force officials have started planning the modernization overhaul to include digital nuclear weapons and a new receiver that allows the bomber to receive messages in the event of a nuclear detonation, said Eric Single, chief of the Global Strike division for Air Force acquisition.
Fonte ..... "B-2 Bomber Set to Receive Massive Upgrade" ..... ... e-upgrade/

Sembra dunque vi siano tutte le intenzioni per raggiungere, se non superare, i record di longevità del B-52 .....


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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 27 giugno 2014, 0:12

E chi ti dice che i B-52 non siano ancora sulla cresta dell'onda per quella data? :lol: :lol:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 giugno 2014, 0:37

MatteF88 ha scritto:E chi ti dice che i B-52 non siano ancora sulla cresta dell'onda per quella data? :lol: :lol:
Tu ci scherzi ..... ma, con i tempi che corrono, è davvero possibile che ce li ritroviamo più che centenari, rappezzati e magari tenuti insieme con il fil di ferro .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 luglio 2014, 10:18

L'USAF ha rilasciato l'attesa 'Request for Proposal' per il futuro bombardiere stategico che, secondo talune fonti, potrebbe addirittura già essere in fase di sviluppo .....

"USAF Issues LRS-B Request for Proposals" ..... ... osals.aspx

"Air Force Releases Request for Proposal for Secretive Long Range Bomber" ..... ... nge-bomber

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 luglio 2014, 10:58

Il commento di Jane's .....

"USAF bomber contest under way" ..... ... -under-way

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 agosto 2014, 9:42

Incentivi fiscali per tutti ..... non per uno soltanto .....
The California legislature has passed a last-minute measure to equally offer a tax incentive package to both contracting teams vying for the next-generation U.S. Air Force bomber program, overturning an earlier law that gave a $420 million discount to the Boeing/Lockheed Martin team alone.

Fonte ..... "Northrop Bomber Team Relieved Over California Legislation" ..... ... egislation

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 settembre 2014, 0:25

Un pilota di B-2 indica quali siano le lezioni apprese dal vecchio bombardiere che potrebbero essere utili per la realizzazione di quello nuovo .....
The Air Force very quietly released a Request for Proposal (RFP) this summer for the new Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B).
With a purported fly away cost of $550 million per aircraft — but with estimates up to $810 million — the LRS-B will be one of the largest acquisition programs in history with broad strategic implications to the end of this century.
Although I am not privy to the RFP, as a career stealth bomber pilot I believe the B-2 program can provide important lessons for this new program.
Stealth technology is unique in many ways.
We should learn from past struggles as we start at the ground floor of this new platform.
Fonte ..... "B-2 Pilot’s Lessons For LRSB, America’s New Bomber" ..... ... ew-bomber/

Bill Sweetman, invece, avverte sui rischi dell'eccessiva segretezza che avvolge il programma ..... cosa che potrebbe, alla fine, rivelarsi controproducente .....
The Air Force Association’s annual convention this week will be pervaded by more than the usual unreality.
Like a dark planet that can only be detected by the visible orbits it perturbs, the Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) project will be ever-present but invisible.
The world of classified defense projects didn’t get the memo when a 2008 presidential candidate promised “the most transparent administration in history.”
(It never does.)
The black world rumbles on: mystery aircraft over Amarillo; public affairs officers discovering B-2 three-ship flights that they categorically denied had happened; another burst of new construction at Groom Lake (see photo); and mysterious deck-clearing at Edwards AFB’s South Base complex.
Fonte ..... "Opinion: Bomber Secrecy Should Be Reviewed - Only mushrooms thrive in the dark" ..... ... e-reviewed

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da lorenzo-radi » 13 ottobre 2014, 21:32

Ancora Bill Sweetman, a proposito di "Come la segretezza ucciderá il prossimo bombardiere" ... ext-bomber
Engineering student in Pisa

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ATC:"N123YZ, say cancel IFR"
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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 novembre 2014, 11:31

Il futuro bombardiere strategico ..... quale mezzo di contenimento dell'espansione cinese .....
The LRS-B and US Airpower in the Pacific .....

Marc V. Schanz 11/12/2014

China’s anti-access, area-denial buildup is increasing the vulnerability of US tactical airpower and, at the same time, the importance of US long-range platforms, such as the Air Force’s forthcoming Long-Range Strike Bomber, declared author and analyst Robert Haddick at a talk on Monday that AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies sponsored.
Looking ahead, there is great need for long-range stealthy capability to counter Chinese strengths, he said during the Nov. 10 event in Arlington, Va.
“There is room for a much-expanded mission set for the LRS-B,” he said.
This includes stealthy, long-range maritime surveillance and strike, since the Navy will be increasingly unable to operate non-stealthy intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft closer than 2,000 kilometers from China, he said.
The LRS-B could also be tapped to provide long-endurance ISR and strike against mobile targets, as Chinese mobile missile batteries could be held at risk, said Haddick.
It could also serve in a command-and-control role when space assets are threatened and conduct electronic intelligence gathering and electronic attack in denied airspace, he said.
He spoke of developing more-capable future blocks of LRS-B or designing readily swappable mission modules.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 gennaio 2015, 21:06

E' necessario ..... lo afferma il Segretario (uscente) alla Difesa Hagel .....
Hagel Reaffirms Need for New Bomber .....


The Air Force's Long-Range Strike Bomber is a critical element of the nation's future strategic deterrent and the nation would fail future airmen "terribly" if it does not invest in the platform now, said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Tuesday.
"I think the Long-Range Strike Bomber is absolutely essential to keep our deterrent edge as we go into the next 25 years," he told assembled airmen during his visit to Whiteman AFB, Mo., home of the B-2A stealth bomber fleet.
"You know, I was reminded here that the B-2 started flying 25 years ago, and the average [age of a B-2] is 20 years," said Hagel.
"We have a B-2 today, because we had the foresight, the commitment, and the investment," he added.
That same vision is necessary now with LRS-B, said Hagel.
"We will have it in the budget. It's something that I have particularly put a priority on in the budgets and things that I've talked about with the Congress. I have confidence that the Congress will support us on this," he said.
Hagel is on his last official domestic trip as Defense Secretary, thanking US military personnel for their service, before stepping down later this year.
Hagel transcript ..... ... iptID=5564
Hagel media availability ..... ... iptID=5566
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....
