I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 dicembre 2012, 10:48

Quando poc'anzi affermavo che la notizia "circola da parecchio tempo" .....

..... sempre ad opera dello stesso Dr. Carlo Kopp ..... (A.D. 2004) .....

http://www.ausairpower.net/PDF-A/Analys ... t-04-P.pdf

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 2 gennaio 2013, 11:18

Ci mancherebbe che non confermassero lo sviluppo dell'Y-20 dopo che tutti l'han visto :mrgreen:
Beijing has officially confirmed that it is developing the Xian Y-20 strategic transport aircraft, following the emergence of images on Chinese defence sites during the last week of 2012.
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... rt-380599/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 gennaio 2013, 13:33

MatteF88 ha scritto:Ci mancherebbe che non confermassero lo sviluppo dell'Y-20 dopo che tutti l'han visto :mrgreen:
Beijing has officially confirmed that it is developing the Xian Y-20 strategic transport aircraft, following the emergence of images on Chinese defence sites during the last week of 2012.
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... rt-380599/
Potenza del web ..... che riesce ad aver ragione anche di taluni segreti militari ..... ho detto, e lo sottolineo, "taluni" .....


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Iscritto il: 9 dicembre 2011, 18:47

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da mach789i » 5 gennaio 2013, 22:12

copia quà e copia là, poi fessi non sono, ed ecco che tirano fuori novità a tutta birra. Poi verrà anche un giorno in cui le novità saranno frutto proprio al 100%. Gli asiatici sono gente in gamba, guardate i coreani cosa stanno facendo nell' automotive e nell' elettronica :)
Cuba se desarolla!

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 gennaio 2013, 23:18

Immagini dallo spazio .....
IN FOCUS: China’s new strategic airlifter .....

Following Beijing's confirmation of the aircraft, US satellite imagery firm GeoEye emailed journalists and bloggers photos shot by its Ikonos and GeoEye-1 satellites showing the aircraft on the runway at China's Yanlian air base.
Fonte ..... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... er-380780/


Un articolo su "Danger Room" ("WIRED") .....

http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/01 ... transport/

..... ed un breve commento, con altre immagini, su "INTERCEPTS" ..... il blog ufficiale di "DefenseNews" .....

http://blogs.defensenews.com/intercepts ... flown-yet/


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 8 gennaio 2013, 23:28

Curiosa quella struttura rossastra circa al centro dell'immagine..sembra sopraelevata ad una estremità ..sarà mica uno ski-jump? Vista anche la posizione al termine di una striscia d'asfalto piuttosto corta, potrebbe essere una riproduzione di un ponte di portaerei..(a miramar mi pare ci fosse, a fianco delle piste principali, una piccola striscia d'asfalto che veniva usata per addestrarsi a "centrare" il ponte)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 gennaio 2013, 0:02

MatteF88 ha scritto:Curiosa quella struttura rossastra circa al centro dell'immagine .. sembra sopraelevata ad una estremità .. sarà mica uno ski-jump?
Vista anche la posizione al termine di una striscia d'asfalto piuttosto corta, potrebbe essere una riproduzione di un ponte di portaerei .. (a miramar mi pare ci fosse, a fianco delle piste principali, una piccola striscia d'asfalto che veniva usata per addestrarsi a "centrare" il ponte)

Complimenti per l'occhio d'aquila .....



Potrebbe benissimo trattarsi di uno "ski-jump" (la striscia asfaltata che precede la struttura, misurata sull' immagine di "Google Earth" risalente al 21 Agosto 2012, raggiunge ben 578 metri di lunghezza) e .....


..... e, guarda caso, in un'altra zona della base è presente un aereo che somiglia parecchio al J-15 navale ..... anche nel colore giallino !


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 gennaio 2013, 10:47

Il "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina pubblica un commento sul nuovo cargo cinese ..... con un interessante link ad un articolo apparso sul quotidiano di Hong Kong "South China Morning Post" .....

China's Globemaster? .....

The Chinese government acknowledged developing the country's first domestically designed heavy airlifter, reported the South China Morning Post.

http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/ ... pabilities

Grainy photos appeared on the Internet in late December showing a purported prototype of the Xian Aircraft Industry Y-20 airlifter undergoing taxi trials at China's flight test center in Xi'an in the central part of the country, according to the newspaper's Jan. 4 report.

"We are developing large transport aircraft on our own to improve the capability of air transport," said Chinese defense spokesman Yang Yujun, reported Xinhua.

http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china ... 067341.htm

He added that "the research and development of the large transport aircraft is going forward as planned," without giving further details.

The Y-20 strongly resembles the McDonald Douglas YC-15 demonstrator—the C-17's slightly smaller progenitor.

The Chinese airlifter prototype is apparently powered by four Russian-built turbofans, but production variants would ostensibly be equipped with more modern powerplants, according to the press reports.
Mi lascia alquanto perplesso il fatto che il "DR" definisca il McDonald Douglas YC-15 "slightly smaller progenitor" del C-17 .....

Andate a verificare le dimensioni e ve ne rendeterete conto .....




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Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da mormegil » 11 gennaio 2013, 16:55

SNAFU: Situation Normal All Fucked Up

Scusate l'OT ma adoro questo acronimo (assieme al fratello FUBAR) :oops:
N176CM ha scritto:[...] in questo caso non si può usare lo stratagemma dei COA multipli... anche perchè una destinazione del tipo Frankfurt (Munchen) nemmeno Ryanair riuscirebbe a farla :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 26 gennaio 2013, 19:08

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 gennaio 2013, 20:39

Showing the flag .....



Dal blog "The DEW Line" ....

http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-d ... nspor.html


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 gennaio 2013, 23:42

A proposito della presunta vendita alla Cina di bombardieri supersonici Tupolev Tu-22M3 da parte della Russia .....


..... ci sono smentite .....
Russia not selling Tu-22M3 Backfire bombers to China .....

Despite rumors to the contrary, Russia has not sold 36 Tupolev Tu-22M3 Backfire supersonic bombers to China, Russian news agency ITAR-TASS reports.
Fonte ..... http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-d ... 3-bac.html

Anche su "The Aviationist" ..... il blog di David Cenciotti ..... http://theaviationist.com/2013/01/25/ba ... QRa-H5d6M8


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 27 gennaio 2013, 0:00


Le proporzioni dovrebbero essere giuste...se il C-17 é lungo 53m e il Y-20 47metri...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 gennaio 2013, 0:06

Se quel profilo color verde limone è pienamente attendibile ..... si direbbe, almeno a prima vista, che lo Y-20 sia una specie di ibrido fra C-17 e Il-76 .....


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 27 gennaio 2013, 11:01

richelieu ha scritto:Se quel profilo color verde limone è pienamente attendibile .
Effettivamente potevano impegnarsi di più con la texture..

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Iscritto il: 16 ottobre 2011, 13:28

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da Vultur » 28 gennaio 2013, 0:25

L'ala mi sembra assomigli molto a quella dell'Il-76.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 gennaio 2013, 9:47

Vultur ha scritto:L'ala mi sembra assomigli molto a quella dell'Il-76.
Non solo ..... alla pari di quella del velivolo russo, è installata nettamente al di sopra della fusoliera ..... cosa che consentirebbe di mantenere costanti le dimensioni della sezione della stiva per tutta la sua lunghezza .....


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 28 gennaio 2013, 10:28

Infatti è circa costante per tutta la sua estensione http://web.ana-aviation.com/anaweb/web. ... endocument

Mentre se guardate le foto della stiva del C-17 in corrispondenza dell'ala il soffitto fa uno scalino verso il basso...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 gennaio 2013, 11:16

Sentite ..... anzi ..... leggete questa ..... ed esultate .....
The Y-20 flew took off from its development base near the northwestern city of Xi'an on Saturday, the China Daily and other newspapers reported Monday.
The plane can fly 44,000 kilometers (27,300 miles) with 66 tons of freight, and is designed to fill the need for a stronger, long-range heavy lift capacity.
..... i Cinesi hanno, evidentemente, risolto i problemi relativi all'autonomia ..... forse un loro genialissimo professor Lambicchi ha inventato l' arcicarburante .....


Fonte ..... http://abcnews.go.com/International/wir ... r-18332635


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 30 gennaio 2013, 11:35

Alla faccia del global reach! :D 44000km con 66 ton di carico!!

Ormai ai cinesi manca solo un cargo king size tipo il C-5/An-124 no?

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 febbraio 2013, 20:41

Alcune caratteristiche presunte dello Y-20 a confronto con quelle note dello IL-76T ..... secondo AW&ST .....
Y-20 --- vs. --- IL-76T* (*Standard military transport version)

Wingspan ..... 47.5 meters/156 ft --- 50.5 meters/165 ft.

Length overall ..... 44.1 meters/144.5 ft. --- 46.6 meters/153 ft.

Fuselage length ..... 40 meters/131 ft. --- 43 meters/141 ft.

Fuselage diameter ..... 5.4 meters/17.5 ft. --- 4.8 meters/15.7 ft.

Propulsion ..... 4 X Saturn D-30KP, 12,000 kgf/26,500 lb. thrust --- 4 X Saturn D-30KP, 12,000 kgf/26,500 lb. thrust

Max. takeoff weight ..... 180 metric tons/395,000 lb. --- 170 metric tons/375,000 lb.

Max. payload ..... 40 metric tons/90,000 lb. --- 40 metric tons/90,000 lb.

(Source: AW&ST research and manufacturer documents)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 febbraio 2013, 18:30

New Airplane, Old Engines .....

Bill Sweetman (da Washington) e Bradley Perrett (da Pechino) fanno il punto sul nuovo cargo strategico cinese .....
Avic Y-20 Airlifter Awaits Better Engines .....

By Bill Sweetman, Bradley Perrett
Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology - February 04, 2013

If ever there were an aircraft that should grow in capability, China's newly flown Y-20 airlifter would be it. The prototype that took to the air on Jan. 26 mates what looks like a modern airframe with obsolete 1960s-technology engines. Together, they probably represent no more than a serviceable design standard, offering only modest advances in capability over the Ilyushin Il-76 that China already operates.

But a better engine is under development for the Y-20. If and when China's technologically challenged aero-engine industry can get that high-bypass turbofan ready, then the airlifter should surge in performance. More distantly, a truly modern engine under development for the Comac C919 airliner could also be available.

Successful development of the Y-20 airframe is in itself an important accomplishment for the Chinese industry, which in more than six decades of Communist history has been only slowly and haltingly weaning itself from copying foreign types, mostly Soviet-era Russian designs. Underscoring this point, the Y-20 is the largest indigenous Chinese aircraft built so far, exceeding the unsuccessful Y-10 airliner tested in the early 1980s.

The Y-20 will not enter service before 2017, according to two Chinese military academics, Zhang He and Li Wei, writing in China Youth Daily, a major national newspaper. They also say that the Y-20 airframe incorporates composite materials (although most of it appears to be aluminum) and a “supercritical” wing. It is not clear whether the objective is to have a new engine ready by service entry.

The Y-20 is an entirely new design, even though it is close in size and shape to the Il-76, which uses the same Saturn D-30KP medium-bypass engine as the Chinese airlifter's prototype. Compared with the Il-76, the Y-20 has a shorter wingspan and a shorter, but slightly wider, fuselage. The Y-20 is larger than the Airbus A400M and has about the same fuselage diameter, but is much smaller than the Boeing C-17.

Specifications estimated by Aviation Week (see table) and including dimensions determined photometrically, vary from figures quoted by Zhang and Li. The academics say the Y-20's span is 45 meters (148 ft.), length 47 meters, height 15 meters, gross weight “over 200 tons” and payload 66 tons. They give no source, but their figures could be preliminary numbers estimated in 2006, when the project was launched after about 15 years of study. Comparison with the Il-76 suggests that the published weight and payload figures are too high for a version fitted with the D-30KP.

In late 2009, Hu Xiaofeng, the general manager of Avic Aircraft—the large-airplane specialist subsidiary of aeronautics group Avic—said the Y-20 was in the “200-ton class” and would be unveiled at the end of that year. But it was not unveiled then, suggesting that the airframe or engine program had hit trouble. The Xian Aircraft plant is building the Y-20, which was rolled out in December 2012.

The Y-20 follows the configuration set by the Lockheed C-141, with a high-mounted wing, moderately swept to combine good low-speed performance with reasonable cruising speed, fuselage-mounted landing gear and a T-tail. (Since the C-141, all successful jet airlifters have used that configuration, except the An-124, which has a low tail.) The Y-20's wing has full-span SLAT and triple-slotted trailing-edge flaps, the latter comprising two articulated segments with a fixed vane on the forward surface. The engines are hung low as on the Il-76—in its current form at least, the Y-20 does not use externally blown flaps in the same way as the C-17.

The ailerons can also droop to increase lift at low speeds, and large spoilers are fitted for roll control and lift dumping. Like the C-17, the Y-20 has a four-piece rudder, with upper and lower double-hinged segments. This provides both redundancy and the ability to use higher deflection on the lower half than on the upper rudder panels, reducing loads on the vertical tail.

In comparison with the Il-76, a smaller cockpit for just three crew members should have helped designers to increase cargo volume. Chinese media stress that the aircraft is fatter than the Il-76, the skinniest of the strategic airlifters now in service, though the difference may not be great. Extra diameter should help in stowing outsize items such as helicopters and engineering vehicles, but the Y-20's cargo bay is shorter than the Il-76's.

The landing gear looks similar in layout to the A400M's, with three separate twin-wheel units on each side. Operating jet airlifters from truly unimproved surfaces is more spectacular than practicable, but the Y-20 should be as good as any of its contemporaries in this regard. Zhang and Li say it can operate from “relatively simple” fields. The nose wheel can pivot 90 deg., they add, giving a detail that suggests they have been well-briefed. (Zhang is on the faculty of the Command College of the Second Artillery and Li is of the National Defense University.)

The Y-20's overall size and weight are such that it could be an effective aircraft with D-30KP engines, which China already imports for its H-6K cruise-missile carrier. At least 20% more thrust will probably be available from the Chinese turbofan that Avic Engine is developing at Shenyang, possibly under the name WS-20. It is believed to be a derivative of the WS-10 Taihang fighter engine.

In contrast to the medium-bypass D-30KP, it will have a high bypass ratio, making it comparable with the CFM56, to which it may be related (AW&ST Nov. 7, 2011, p. 28). The Y-20 must have entered flight testing with the D-30KP because the Chinese engine was not ready—perhaps not fully developed or maybe just not trusted for early flights.

A more distant prospect is the CJ-1000, which Avic Commercial Aircraft Engines is developing for the Comac C919 airliner as an alternative to the CFM Leap-1 and with the aim of matching the performance of that Franco-U.S. engine. CJ-1000 development faces great technical challenges but is probably being well funded. With abundant thrust and, it is hoped, world-class efficiency, the CJ-1000 would transform the performance of the Y-20.

The prospective use of the Y-20 raises a contradiction that has become familiar as the Chinese navy has developed its amphibious assault capability and commissioned an aircraft carrier. China's government consistently downplays its interest in power projection. And, like all authoritarian states, it strongly promotes the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries. No wonder, then, that state media stress the humanitarian and disaster-relief role of the Y-20. Those will undoubtedly be prominent roles of the Y-20, internationally as well as domestically, helping China's image abroad.

As a tool of power projection, the Y-20 will probably not worry China's neighbors too much, says Andrew Davies, an analyst with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Canberra. Naval forces, which can transport much more than aircraft can, are likely to be of greater concern. “The Y-20 is part of the bigger picture of Chinese power projection, but it is a less significant element,” he says. Also, China is such a big country that the aircraft has obvious internal uses.

The country does, however, place strong emphasis on airborne forces, as Russia does. China has built a rapid reaction force around the 15th Airborne Corps, which is able to respond to crises within China and around its borders. It has continued to develop specialized combat vehicles designed to be air-dropped. The most recent type is the Norinco ZBD03, derived from the Russian BMD-3 and armed with a 30-mm 2A72 cannon. The 15th Airborne also operates with its own helicopter force, so the Y-20's relatively high and wide cabin will be useful in ferrying helicopters with minimal dismantling and reassembly. China's airborne force has been restricted in its mobility by the small available force of Chinese Il-76s.
Link ..... http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.asp ... 542650.xml

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 8 febbraio 2013, 12:44

Un lungo articolo sulle "Red Flag" cinesi (in Cina sono chiamate "Red Sword/Blue Sword")

http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/02 ... k-air-war/

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 14 maggio 2013, 20:20

Un nuovo drone sulla falsariga del neuron e del X-47

http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... ed-385842/

Stealth, mica come il nuovo drone iraniano spacciato per invisibile (http://theaviationist.com/2013/05/09/ha ... ZKAPkpa-O4)

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 23 dicembre 2013, 14:39

Questa volta é un elicottero...sí, si sono ispirati al Black Hawk :mrgreen:


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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 8 gennaio 2014, 22:10

in effetti non è nuovo, ma il J-16 è una variante "made in china" del SU-30

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 gennaio 2014, 23:43

MatteF88 ha scritto:in effetti non è nuovo, ma il J-16 è una variante "made in china" del SU-30
Nuovo motivo d'in :censored: ra per Vladimir ..... :copy:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 febbraio 2014, 14:10

Cari Russi ..... sarà meglio che con "quelli" ci andiate piano ..... altrimenti ve lo copiano ..... di nuovo ..... :wink:
UAC takes cautious approach to China Su-35 buy .....

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) feels there is scope to sell the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter to China, despite lingering concerns about Beijing’s view toward intellectual property.
“We have a good opportunity to work with China on [the Su-35] despite the success Chinese industry demonstrated [replicating earlier Russian fighters],” says Mikhael Pogosyan, chief executive of Sukhoi parent company UAC.
Fonte ..... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... uy-396043/

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 5 agosto 2014, 22:01

Prossimamente, un idro quadrimotore TA-600 http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... 15-402372/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 ottobre 2014, 18:54

richelieu ha scritto:Cari Russi ..... sarà meglio che con "quelli" ci andiate piano ..... altrimenti ve lo copiano ..... di nuovo ..... :wink:
UAC takes cautious approach to China Su-35 buy .....

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) feels there is scope to sell the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter to China, despite lingering concerns about Beijing’s view toward intellectual property.
“We have a good opportunity to work with China on [the Su-35] despite the success Chinese industry demonstrated [replicating earlier Russian fighters],” says Mikhael Pogosyan, chief executive of Sukhoi parent company UAC.
Fonte ..... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... uy-396043/
Infatti ..... ora che la conclusione di un accordo sembra essere vicina ..... la prospettiva è sempre quella ..... :lol:
Russia, China Seem Close To Agreeing On Su-35 Order .....

Aviation Week & Space Technology (Oct 27, 2014, p.18)

To Russian analysts, it is perfectly obvious that China’s primary aim in seeking a batch of Sukhoi Su-35s is to copy the technology of the powerful fighters.
The Russian industry has experienced this before.

Yet the deal, under negotiation for several years, looks close to completion.
Russian Vice Premier Dmitry Rogozin says the partners may sign a contract in November.
“There will be a meeting of the joint [Russo-Chinese] commission on military-technical cooperation in November. I think they will solve this issue there,” Interfax-AVN news agency quotes Rogozin as saying.

The vice premier, who is responsible for the defense industry, adds he is unaware of bottlenecks or unresolved issues.
The partners are discussing “some price conditions” of the deal, he says.

China reportedly wants 24 Su-35 airframes.
That modest number alone is a clue that access to technology is being sought; an air force as large as China’s should avoid buying small, uneconomical batches of fighters.
But Sukhoi is evidently willing to accept the high risk of copying because it needs an order to cover the development cost of the aircraft as well as to preserve manufacturing skills.

The Russian air force ordered 48 Su-35s in 2009, about half of which have been delivered; Sukhoi expects to complete production of that batch next year.
There is little chance of another Russian order because the air force is moving toward all-new T-50s, for which Sukhoi has a development, but not a production, contract.
Apart from that and the domestic Su-35S contract, Sukhoi’s Komosmolsk-on-Amur factory has only a Russian order for 16 units of the Su-30M2, a domestic version of Su-30MKK, an export version of the Flanker fighter family.

The single-seat Su-35 is the latest development of the series.
It combines the proven Flanker aerodynamics with the NPO Saturn 117S engine and completely new digital avionics, including the new Tikhomirov NIIP Irbis phased-array radar with an aerial target detection range of up to 400 km (250 mi.).
The 117S powerplant, an advanced derivative of the AL-31F on the early Flankers, has thrust-vector control and more power.
It can propel the Su-35 at supersonic speeds without afterburning, a capability that should be of particular interest to the Chinese.

The Russian air force’s version is the Su-35S, the S signifying stroyevoy, Russian for “line duty.”
The type is expected to serve along with the T-50, which Sukhoi has been flight testing since January 2010.

Sukhoi parent United Aircraft Corp. forecasts sales of about 200 Su-35s in Russia and abroad.
The company says it will display one of the fighters at the Chinese air show in Zhuhai in November.
China is seen as an important market opportunity because the country has become a major Flanker operator since its first order for Su-27s in 1991.

But China is also known for copying the fighter.
It agreed in 1996 to buy up to 200 Su-27 kits for Avic to assemble at Shenyang as J-11s.
But China accepted only 95 kits, declining to exercise an option on the other 105.
Then, around 2007, a copy with Chinese radar, avionics and engines, the J-11B, entered production.

Industry analysts warn that this behavior could easily be repeated.
According to Konstantin Makienko, the deputy head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a Moscow-based defense think tank, China has requested an abnormally high number of spare 117S engines.
“This raises natural suspicions that the real goal of the Chinese partners is to get access to two major Su-35 innovations—the very powerful Irbis radar and S-117S powerplant,” he says.

Conceivably, the extra engines could be used in a reverse-engineering initiative, and perhaps as powerplants for a copy of an interim aircraft pending availability of a copied engine or a new Chinese one.

Makienko emphasizes that the research and technological capabilities of the Chinese industry have grown tremendously since the early 2000s, when China simply copied the Su-27.
“So the main plot of the possible Su-35 sale to China is whether Chinese industry will be capable of copying the engine and radar and how long it will take. There is no doubt that such a reverse engineering attempt is imminent,” he says.

Aviation Week estimates that as of May China had 292 Flankers: 59 Su-27s, 95 J-11s, 29 J-11Bs (with production ongoing) and 109 Su-30MKKs, including 23 with the naval aviation service.
Two-seat trainers are included in the count, in all cases.

The Su-27 is not the only Flanker variant China has copied.
Avic’s Shenyang works is also building the J-15, a carrier-based Flanker whose design appears to be based on its Russian equivalent, the Su-33, one unit of which China acquired from Ukraine.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 novembre 2014, 17:37

Da 'AW&ST' ..... nuove informazioni sul J-20 .....
Chengdu’s J-20 stealth fighter represents the pinnacle of China’s aerospace engineering, but its existence and development have posed mysteries since the unexpected appearance of the first prototype at the end of 2010, followed in May 2012 by the debut of a second, similar aircraft.
The past few months, however, have seen the first flights of a pair of significantly different J-20s, identified by the serial Nos. 2011 and 2012.
L'articolo ..... "J-20 Stealth Fighter Design Balances Speed And Agility" .....
http://aviationweek.com/defense/j-20-st ... nd-agility

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 novembre 2014, 20:51

Probabile presentazione pubblica del J-31 al prossimo salone di Zhuhai .....
A Chinese airshow official has confirmed that China will unveil its stealthy J-31 fighter aircraft at China’s biggest commercial and defense airshow next week in Zhuhai, in the southern province of Guangdong near Hong Kong.
Known officially as the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, the event will be held from Nov. 11-14. About 700 aviation companies and 120 aircraft will participate.
Fonte ..... "China Airshow Will Unveil J-31" .....
http://www.defensenews.com/article/2014 ... nveil-J-31

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 novembre 2014, 9:36

Su-35 ..... le trattative fra Russia e Cina proseguono .....
Russia started negotiations to sell the Chinese on a batch of 24 Su-35S single-seat multirole fighters in 2012.
Speaking to the media recently, an official with Russia’s arms export agency Rosoboronexport acknowledged that the talks have seen only limited progress.
“The matter is at the stage of the reconciliation procedure,” said Sergei Ladygin, Rosoboronexport deputy director general, who headed the company’s delegation to the Euronaval 2014 conference in Paris.
“Russia and China continue discussions on the matter of the Su-35S. The process of preparing mutually agreeable documents goes on,” Ladygin stated.
Fonte ..... "Russia, China Continue Negotiations for Su-35S Fighters" .....
http://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/ ... s-fighters

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 novembre 2014, 13:59

Udite, udite, udite .....


..... i piloti USA cominciano ad esprimere, oltre alle consuete perplessità, anche una certa preoccupazione riguardo ai velivoli cinesi di nuova generazione .....
“They’re still in the glossy brochure phase of development, so they still look ten feet tall and bulletproof,” one senior U.S. fighter pilot familiar with the F-35 program told USNI News.
“I think they’ll eventually be on par with our fifth gen jets — as they should be, because industrial espionage is alive and well.”
Many suspect the J-31 is designed using technology stolen from the Pentagon’s nearly $400 billion Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.
Fonte ..... "U.S. Pilots Say New Chinese Stealth Fighter Could Become Equal of F-22, F-35" .....
http://news.usni.org/2014/11/05/u-s-pil ... -f-22-f-35
