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Messaggio da richelieu » 10 settembre 2022, 1:09

F-35 ... c'è ottimismo su una prossima ripresa delle consegne ...
Pentagon acquisition boss William LaPlante is optimistic that the pause in new F-35 fighter deliveries will not drag on for long - but the problem does highlight a “constant” issue with the supply chain, he told reporters Sept. 9.
The halt in deliveries, announced Sept. 7, came after Honeywell, a sub-contractor for the F-35, informed Lockheed Martin that an alloy in a magnet in the jet’s turbomachine came from China.
LaPlante said the U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement mandates the pause until an investigation is completed.
“They’re moving pretty quickly,” LaPlante said of the investigation.
“They’re looking at two things … impact on security, if any, and impact on airworthiness or safety, if any. Right now, so far, it doesn’t appear to be either of them, but I’m waiting for them to finish what they’re looking at and come to me. It’s likely, if in fact we find neither of those to be the case, we’ll be able to do a waiver and do the replacements and get the production line moving again. So I’m hoping this can be resolved pretty soon.”
airandspaceforces.comPentagon Acquisition Czar ‘Hoping‘ F-35 Deliveries Will Resume Soon


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Messaggio da JT8D » 13 settembre 2022, 18:22

La U.S. Air Force e GE hanno concluso con successo i test sul secondo XA100 adaptive cycle engine di GE presso l’Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) dell’Air Force:

https://www.md80.it/2022/09/13/ge-compl ... n-program/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 15 settembre 2022, 10:36

JT8D ha scritto:
13 settembre 2022, 18:22
La U.S. Air Force e GE hanno concluso con successo i test sul secondo XA100 adaptive cycle engine di GE presso l’Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) dell’Air Force:

https://www.md80.it/2022/09/13/ge-compl ... n-program/

La stessa notizia appare sul sito dell'AFA corredata da ulteriori dettagli circa la posizione di P&W ...

airandspaceforces.comGE’s AETP Engine Completes Milestone Tests as Air Force Faces Decision on F-35

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Messaggio da richelieu » 21 settembre 2022, 0:14

F-35 ... otto esemplari attendono che il Dipartimento della Difesa autorizzi la loro consegna ...
Lockheed Martin has eight completed F-35 fighters it is waiting to ship to the U.S. military after the discovery of a Chinese alloy in the aircraft prompted the Defense Department to halt further deliveries.
In an interview with Defense News on Tuesday, Greg Ulmer, Lockheed Martin’s executive vice president for aeronautics, said the company has continued to build F-35s while it awaits a waiver from the department allowing deliveries to resume.
Ulmer said it would take about a month or two of building undelivered F-35s before the company would run out of space to store the finished fighters.
But he added that Lockheed does not think it will reach that point and expects the department to issue the waiver “sooner rather than later.”
defensenews.comEight F-35 jets await delivery during halt over Chinese alloy


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Messaggio da richelieu » 21 settembre 2022, 15:18

Perché il motore AETP è la migliore soluzione per l'F-35 ... il commento di Erin Conaton, consulente presso "The Defense Concepts Organization", una società di consulenza analitica privata ...

aviationweek.comOpinion: Why AETP Is The Best Solution For The F-35


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Messaggio da richelieu » 21 settembre 2022, 17:27

Sono stati effettuati due test di sgancio di armi plananti "StormBreaker" (già "Small Diameter Bomb II") da un F-35B ...
Raytheon Missiles & Defense together with the US Navy have successfully completed StormBreaker weapon release tests from a F-35B Lightning II aircraft.
The tests involved the release of two StormBreaker smart weapon guided test vehicles at a speed of 0.9 Mach.
It is the fastest release performed by an F-35 aircraft.
The second smart weapon was deployed within 30 minutes of the first weapon’s release.
Raytheon claimed that the two weapons performed the required flight behaviours after being released from the aircraft.
This resulted in the completion of a seven shot rate capture series, which is necessary to propel the F-35B test programme into the next weapon capability evaluation phase.
naval-technology.comF-35B aircraft conducts two StormBreaker weapon release tests


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Messaggio da richelieu » 22 settembre 2022, 1:00

Un'altra campana ...

Perché il Pentagono dovrebbe modernizzare il motore F135 ... il commento del deputato John B. Larson, democratico, che rappresenta il primo distretto congressuale del Connecticut ed è il copresidente più longevo del "Joint Strike Fighter Caucus" ...

aviationweek.comOpinion: Why The Pentagon Should Modernize The Existing F135 Engine


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Messaggio da richelieu » 22 settembre 2022, 8:56

Riporto da "Flight International" ...
USAF hopes for decision on F-35 engine this year ...
By Ryan Finnerty - 21 September 2022 ...

The US Air Force’s (USAF’s) top officer says his service aims by year-end to reach a decision about future propulsion for Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
General Charles Brown made the remarks on 20 September at the Air & Space Forces Association’s (AFA’s) annual conference near Washington, DC.
“We would like to get through a decision this year,” says Brown.
At issue is whether the USAF’s F-35As will receive an entirely new powerplant, or whether the service will upgrade the type’s existing Pratt & Whitney F135 engine.
The advanced fifth-generation aircraft, which carries an increasingly powerful array onboard sensors, has outpaced the power generation and cooling envelopes of its original engine.
P&W says F135s are capable of meeting current demands but require more-frequent maintenance as a result.
In 2016, the USAF gave $1 billion each to P&W and GE Aviation to design competing new powerplants for F-35s under an initiative called the Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP).
So-called adaptive engines can adjust internal airflow to provide the high performance of a conventional fighter and the cruising efficiency of a commercial jet.
GE says it completed final testing of its AETP prototype, the XA100, earlier this month.
P&W is developing its XA101 for the programme.
But it is also offering an alternate option – an F135 upgrade called the Enhanced Engine Package (EEP).
The company says the EEP core upgrade represents a substantially cheaper and faster option for addressing the power and cooling issues, without requiring a total engine replacement.
While the USAF has shown interest in the increased thrust and acceleration that AETP engines offer, service leaders have also expressed cost concerns.
The US Navy and US Marine Corps, which operate the F-35C and F-35B variants, have expressed little interest in buying a new engine, meaning the USAF might be on the hook for the total programme cost.
Speaking at the AFA event, Brown declines to say which way the USAF is leaning.
He says it is working with other services and the Department of Defense to reach a solution.
“We want to look at all the options,” he says.
The USAF recently issued nearly $5 billion in contracts to five defence contractors, including GE and P&W, to develop adaptive engines for its Next Generation Adaptive Propulsion programme, which will provide a powerplant for an envisioned sixth-generation fighter.

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Messaggio da Maxx » 23 settembre 2022, 10:00

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Messaggio da richelieu » 6 ottobre 2022, 15:56

Gli F-35A della Corea del Sud sono risultati non disponibili troppe volte a causa di malfunzionamenti ...
The reliability of the ROKAF (Republic Of Korea Air Force) F-35A fighters is causing concern in South Korea according to an article published by the Yonhap News Agency (*).
According to the report, citing Air Force data, Rep. Shin Won-sik of the ruling People Power Party lawa said that the South Korean F-35s have been “operationally unready” 234 times over 18-month period ending in June 2022.
The low availability rate, caused by malfunctions, grounded the ROKAF F-35s on 172 instances, while in 62 cases the jets could fly but they were somehow limited, and unable to carry out certain missions.
“Grounded fifth-generation fighters could carry out missions for only 12 days on average last year and 11 days in the first half of this year” the report says.
theaviationist.comLawmaker Says South Korea’s F-35As Grounded By Malfunctions 172 Times Over 18 Months

(*)en.yna.co.krF-35A fighters operationally unready 234 times over 18-month period: lawmaker


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Messaggio da Maxx » 6 ottobre 2022, 16:05

Mica tutti hanno i nostri specialisti!

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Messaggio da richelieu » 6 ottobre 2022, 18:03

Maxx ha scritto:
6 ottobre 2022, 16:05
Mica tutti hanno i nostri specialisti!

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Messaggio da richelieu » 10 ottobre 2022, 18:05

Il Pentagono ha approvato una deroga che consentirebbe a Lockheed Martin di riprendere le consegne degli F-35 sospese per la scoperta di una lega realizzata con materiali non approvati di provenienza cinese ...
The Pentagon has approved a waiver that would allow Lockheed Martin to resume F-35 deliveries that were halted over the discovery of an alloy made using unapproved materials from China.
A Senate aide confirmed to Defense News that key lawmakers - including leaders from both parties on the Armed Services committees and members of other relevant committees - on Friday received a letter from the Pentagon saying undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment William LaPlante had signed a waiver and that deliveries can resume.
defensenews.comDoD inks waiver for deliveries of F-35s, halted over Chinese material

Anche qui … reuters.comF-35 jet deliveries can resume following waiver for Chinese-origin alloy, Pentagon says


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Messaggio da richelieu » 27 ottobre 2022, 0:06

Le discussioni sull'eventuale installazione di un motore AETP (Adaptive Engine Transition Program) sugli F-35 continuano e pressioni di varia provenienza ed incertezze non mancano ... senza contare che, a livello politico, viene esclusa la soppressione del JPO (Joint Program Office) ...
The Pentagon will soon decide whether to move ahead with a new engine for the F-35, and officials won’t simply table the issue indefinitely, Defense Department acquisition and sustainment chief William LaPlante said at an acquisition conference.
He also said calls to break up the F-35 Joint Program Office and distribute its development functions to the services are premature but that he supports the services taking over sustainment of their own F-35 fleets.
“It’s predecisional. We’re in the middle of lots of meetings” on the Adaptive Engine Transition Program, or AETP, LaPlante said at an Oct. 25 acquisition conference sponsored by the Potomac Officers Club.
But, he pledged, “We are not going to kick the can. We are going to make a decision,” he said, suggesting that the choice will appear in the fiscal 2024 budget request.
“And that’s what’s going on right now.”
The Pentagon has been debating for more than a year whether some or all of the F-35 fleet should be refitted with new engines, after some members of Congress urged the Pentagon to pursue such a program.
General Electric has prototyped the XA-100 and Pratt & Whitney the XA-101, both of which can fit the F-35A, but which are less easy to fit to the F-35B and C models.
airandspaceforces.comLaPlante: DOD Won’t ‘Kick the Can’ on F-35 New Engine Decision; Won’t Break Up JPO


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Messaggio da richelieu » 2 novembre 2022, 0:51

Sono nove i motivi per cui l'F-35 ha bisogno di un nuovo motore ...
Questa è l'opinione di John "JV" Venable, un ex pilota di caccia che ha servito per 25 anni nell'USAF ... attualmente ricercatore senior presso il Center for National Defense della Heritage Foundation ...
Fighter engines are incredibly complex machines.
We may think of them as things that merely produce thrust, but every engine is born with indelible traits and functions that culminate in the success of the fighter it powers.
Thrust is at the top of the list, but an engine’s appetite for fuel, its ability to provide cooling and electrical power for system components and its durability establish the paradigms of performance for the weapons system.
Once fielded, increasing the demand on those capabilities ultimately becomes a zero-sum game, where satisfying the demand on one area comes at the cost of the others.
Collectively, the demands on the F-35 weapons system have now outpaced the capabilities of its F135 powerplant.
So, right now, the Air Force is weighing two options: make incremental upgrades to the current F135 engine, or pivot to a new program of record by selecting a winner from two competitors from the service’s Adaptive Engine Transition Program.
There are at least nine reasons why the Air Force should forgo upgrading the current engine and move to acquire the AETP winner if it wants to get the most out of its future F-35s.
breakingdefense.com9 reasons why the F-35 needs a new engine


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Messaggio da richelieu » 18 novembre 2022, 21:03

Aria di cambiamento in vista ... e non sembra essere una buona aria :-o ...
In an interview with Defense News during a Nov. 2 visit to the plant, Edward Smith, Lockheed’s director of F-35 domestic engagement, said the company is on track to start delivering the first Lot 15 fighters in late 2023, and it’s a few years away from making up the production losses caused by the pandemic.
Recent economic turmoil complicated and prolonged the contract negotiating process for lots 15 through 17, but Lockheed expects to sign a final agreement by the end of the year.
“Think about what was happening when we were finalizing the [2021] budget [proposal] - it was pre-COVID,” Smith said.
“Since then, we’ve gone through a worldwide shutdown of the supply chain. … We’ve seen inflation that we haven’t seen since the ’70s. … We had suppliers that are so uncertain about their supply chain that some of them were unwilling to predict out further than six months on what their costs were going to be.
”Now, several years of declining per-unit prices - the cost of an F-35A steadily decreased from $89 million in Lot 11 to nearly $78 million by Lot 14 - are about to come to an end.
The lower quantity of purchased fighters, the pandemic and the addition of more capabilities will cause the price of an F-35 to rise in the coming lots, Smith said.
“You’re adding capabilities, you’re buying more of a jet now,” he explained.
“Your prices are going to go up a bit. You can’t [get the price lower] by cutting 100 airplanes out of a lot buy.”
defensenews.comF-35 costs have been declining. That’s about to change


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Messaggio da richelieu » 21 novembre 2022, 14:35

Un dispositivo delle dimensioni di un pallone da calcio potrebbe trasformare il modo con cui l'USAF Force raccoglie i dati dell'F-35 ...
An Air Force test and evaluation squadron hopes a football-sized device mounted in an F-35 fighter′s weapons bay might revolutionize how it collects in-flight data on operational fighter jets.
Air Combat Command’s 59th Test and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada earlier this year started adding these devices, dubbed the Quick Reaction Instrumentation Package, or QRIP, to operational F-35s.
Before that work began in March, QRIPs had been used in a dozen test F-35s across the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.
And in a Nov. 10 interview with Defense News, squadron commander Lt. Col. Nathan “Sheik” Malafa said he hopes to expand the use of these devices to more Air Force fighters - and perhaps even other aircraft across the fleet - allowing it to collect and “crowd-source” flight data much more cheaply than the service used to.
QRIP is the end result of the gains of technology that we’re able to use to get everything smaller, more compact, and have a bigger impact,” Malafa said.
defensenews.comFootball-sized device could transform how Air Force collects F-35 data


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Messaggio da richelieu » 1 dicembre 2022, 17:38

"Un salto generazionale": ecco perché l'F-35 ha bisogno al più presto del motore XA100 di General Electric ...

airandspaceforces.com‘A Generational Leap’: Why the F-35 Needs GE’s XA100 Engine Today

L'articolo è sponsorizzato ...


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Messaggio da JT8D » 3 dicembre 2022, 19:06

Pratt & Whitney si aggiudica l’F135 Engine Core Upgrade Contract:

https://www.md80.it/2022/12/03/pratt-wh ... -contract/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 11 dicembre 2022, 10:43

Rapporto al Congresso sul motore dell'F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ...
The Department of Defense (DOD) is considering whether to upgrade the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s (JSF’s) existing F135 engine - the Engine Enhancement Package (EEP) - or to develop and procure a new engine for the aircraft - the Adaptive Engine Technology Program (AETP).
Congress has long expressed interest in issues relating to the F-35’s engine.
Section 242 of the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act (P.L. 117-81) required DOD to develop an acquisition strategy for transitioning the engine of the Air Force version of the JSF (the F-35A) to the AETP.
Section 243 required DOD to develop a separate acquisition strategy for transitioning the Marine Corps and Navy versions (the F-35B and F-35C, respectively) to some form of advanced propulsion.
news.usni.orgReport to Congress on F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Engine


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Messaggio da JT8D » 14 dicembre 2022, 19:11

Il German Ministry of Defense ha annunciato l’acquisizione di 35 velivoli Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II:

https://www.md80.it/2022/12/14/la-germa ... htning-ii/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 16 dicembre 2022, 10:29

A un F-35B, che stava effettuando un atterraggio verticale, cede il carrello anteriore e il pilota è costretto a mettersi in salvo usando il sedile eiettabile ...
An F-35B Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter crashed on the runway at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth, Texas, Lockheed Martin said in a statement Thursday.
The pilot ejected safely, according to the statement.
The pilot was a U.S. government employee, Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said during a Thursday press conference.
The plane had not yet been transferred to the U.S. government, Ryder said.
Lockheed manufactures the F-35B for the Marine Corps.
... news.usni.org ... F-35B Joint Strike Fighter Crashes in Texas, Pilot Safely Ejects ...


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Messaggio da JT8D » 24 dicembre 2022, 18:47

Il Pratt & Whitney F135 Engine Core Upgrade (ECU) ha ricevuto 75 milioni di dollari di finanziamenti aggiuntivi:

https://www.md80.it/2022/12/24/f135-eng ... nziamenti/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 29 dicembre 2022, 1:20

Il Pentagono ha messo a terra alcuni F-35 dopo l'espulsione del pilota sulla pista del Texas ...
The F-35 Joint Program Office has grounded a small number of newer F-35 Joint Strike Fighters in response to the Dec. 15 incident in which a hovering fighter crashed on a Texas runway and its pilot ejected.
In a statement to Defense News on Tuesday, the F-35 Joint Program Office confirmed it issued guidance as a result of the incident and that some higher-risk F-35s are grounded, at least until January.
The JPO, which said the guidance was dated Tuesday, declined to specify how many F-35s are unable to fly.
“The F-35 Joint Program Office has issued a Time Compliance Technical Directive (TCTD) to restrict some aircraft, which have been evaluated to be of higher risk, from flight operations while the investigation into the mishap on December 15 continues and until procedures can be developed for their return to flight,” the JPO said.
“The affected aircraft have been identified, and the JPO will work with the [U.S. military] services and [international] partners to ensure compliance with the TCTD.”
defensenews.comPentagon grounds some F-35s after ejection on Texas runway


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Messaggio da richelieu » 31 dicembre 2022, 1:31

Le consegne degli F-35 sono state interrotte dopo l'incidente nel Texas ... nel frattempo è stato finalizzato un nuovo contratto ...
Lockheed Martin on Friday announced it halted acceptance flights and deliveries of new F-35 Joint Strike Fighters amid an investigation into the cause of an F-35B mishap on a Texas runway this month.
The halt means Lockheed delivered fewer F-35s than the 148 contractually required in 2022.
“We were on track to meet our delivery commitment” before the F-35B mishap on Dec. 15, Lockheed spokeswoman Laura Siebert told Defense News.
“However, given the delivery pause, we delivered 141 aircraft” this year.
The Pentagon and Lockheed Martin also announced Friday they finalized a contract worth up to $30 billion to deliver up to 398 F-35s for U.S. and international customers over the program’s next three lots, from lots 15 through 17.
However, the contract only guarantees lots 15 and 16, with an option for lot 17.
The contract will also include the first F-35s for Belgium, Finland and Poland, Lockheed said in a release (*).
defensenews.comF-35 deliveries halted after Texas mishap; new contract finalized

(*)news.lockheedmartin.comPentagon And Lockheed Martin Finalize Lot 15-17 Agreement, Capping A Year Of International Growth


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Messaggio da JT8D » 31 dicembre 2022, 15:43

Riguardo il Lot 15-17 Agreement citato nel post sopra, riporto anche l'articolo sul Portale :wink: :

https://www.md80.it/2022/12/31/f-35-il- ... agreement/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 5 gennaio 2023, 17:22

Dopo l'incidente del 15 Dicembre scorso a Fort Worth, sono state sospese anche le consegne dei motori F135 ... mentre l'inchiesta continua ...
Fallout from the Dec. 15 crash of an F-35B is widening, as the Joint Program Office revealed deliveries of new F135 engines for all F-35 fighters were halted Dec. 27 - while deliveries of newly completed F-35 fighters were stopped the day of the crash.
Deliveries of both products are on hold as Naval Air Systems Command continues its investigation into the root causes of the accident, the Joint Program Office reported.
In the mishap, an F-35B making a vertical descent hit the ground hard at Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth, Texas, facilities.
“Currently, acceptance of new engines has been suspended,” a JPO spokesperson told Air & Space Forces Magazine.
“The length of the pause is currently to be determined, and it is hard to say how long it will last,” given NAVAIR’s ongoing investigation and the need to establish criteria “that would allow deliveries to resume,” he said.
“The root cause analysis and accident investigation need to be completed first.”
airandspaceforces.comAll F-35, F135 Engine Deliveries Suspended Pending Crash Investigation

Anche qui … news.usni.orgPentagon Halts F-35 Deliveries Pending Results of Texas Fighter Crash Investigation

E qui … defensenews.comNew F-35 engine deliveries suspended amid ongoing investigation

Il punto di AW&STTechnical Fault Identified After F-35B Crash


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Messaggio da richelieu » 9 gennaio 2023, 14:55

Programma F-35 ... un aggiornamento ...
Je vous propose un récapitulatif du programme F-35 en ce qui concerne les coûts, les livraisons et vous livre également les premières informations sur le futur standard Block4.
Ces dernières offrent de belles surprises en ce début d’année, bien que peu de détails n’aient réellement filtrés pour l’instant.
Les livraisons actuelles et futures ...
Lockheed Martin termine l’année 2022 avec un total de 141 avions F-35 livrés.
La flotte mondiale a atteint 894 appareils le F-35.
Pour cette année le Joint Program Office (JPO) et Lockheed Martin ont finalisé le contrat pour la production et la livraison de 398 F-35 pour 30 milliards de dollars, y compris les avions des partenaires américains et internationaux et des ventes militaires à l'étranger (FMS).
L'accord comprend 145 avions pour le lot 15, 127 pour le lot 16 et jusqu'à 126 pour l'option de contrat du lot 17, y compris les premiers avions F-35 pour la Belgique, la Finlande et la Pologne.
2023 verra le nombre de F-35 passer le cap des 1'000 appareils.

avianews.chLe point sur le programme F-35 !


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Messaggio da JT8D » 9 gennaio 2023, 17:43

Il Canada ha selezionalo l'F-35. La Royal Canadian Air Force riceverà 88 F-35A.

https://www.md80.it/2023/01/09/il-canad ... htning-ii/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 9 gennaio 2023, 21:15

JT8D ha scritto:
9 gennaio 2023, 17:43
Il Canada ha selezionalo l'F-35. La Royal Canadian Air Force riceverà 88 F-35A.

https://www.md80.it/2023/01/09/il-canad ... htning-ii/

Grazie, Paolo ...

Riporto ora la stessa notizia così come è stata pubblicata dal sito "airandspaceforces.com" ...

Canada Officially Signs Deal for 88 New F-35 Fighters


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Messaggio da richelieu » 11 gennaio 2023, 16:47

Un F-35 Lightning II ha volato per la prima volta, il 6 Gennaio, nella nuova configurazione "Technology Refresh 3" ...
The first F-35A fitted with the Tech Refresh 3 update flew Jan. 6 from Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., the Joint Program Office announced.
The TR-3 suite of more powerful processors and memory is the enabling upgrade on which most of the planned F-35 Block 4 improvements rely.
The Block 4 version of the F-35 will have new electronic warfare capabilities, new sensors, and capabilities for new weapons, as well as improved interoperability with fourth-generation fighters, the fifth-generation F-22, and other parts of the Joint Forces.
airandspaceforces.comF-35 Flies for the First Time with Tech Refresh 3, Paving the Way for Block 4

Anche qui … thedrive.com/the-war-zoneF-35 Has Flown With Its New Computer Backbone For The First Time


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Messaggio da richelieu » 12 gennaio 2023, 0:10

Northrop Grumman ha rivelato che sta sviluppando un nuovo radar per l'F-35 ...
Northrop Grumman is building the F-35’s new radar, designated the AN/APG-85, the company announced Jan. 11.
It described the radar as the “cornerstone” of the F-35’s future sensor suite and as the replacement for Northrop’s AN/APG-81, which is fitted to the existing version of the fighter.
The Air Force’s budget documents have referenced the AN/APG-85, an active, electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar, since last year, but Northrop has not been allowed to discuss the program until now and wasn’t cleared to go much beyond its press release (*).
“The capability of the F-35 advanced radar will enhance the DOD’s ability to execute the National Defense Strategy in the future,” the F-35 Joint Program Office said in response to an email query from Air & Space Forces Magazine.
“Therefore, certain information will continue to be protected by enhanced security measures due to the critical nature of the technology.”
airandspaceforces.comNorthrop Grumman Reveals It’s Developing the F-35’s New Radar

(*)news.northropgrumman.comNorthrop Grumman Developing the Next Generation Radar for the F-35 Lightning II


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Messaggio da richelieu » 12 gennaio 2023, 14:51

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Messaggio da richelieu » 13 gennaio 2023, 1:33

Sui jet non basta dire quinta generazione ...
Il contratto canadese per l’acquisto di 88 F-35 è l’ennesimo clamoroso dietrofront sul caccia americano, le cui caratteristiche si sono dimostrate più solide delle critiche alla travagliata fase di sviluppo.
Il confronto con il concorrente russo Sukhoi Su-57 è utile a comprendere la differenza tra realtà operativa e propaganda politica.
Dopo un quarto di secolo, sono stati prodotti 894 F-35 e 75 Su-57
formiche.netSui jet non basta dire quinta generazione. Il punto di Alegi


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Messaggio da richelieu » 1 febbraio 2023, 9:45

Gli F-35 si schierano per la prima volta a Thule in Groenlandia ...
Four Air Force F-35s deployed to Thule Air Base in Greenland in January, operating from the U.S.’s northernmost base for the first time.
The fifth-generation fighters landed at Thule as part of the latest iteration of Operation NOBLE DEFENDER, a series of drills held every few months by North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
The most recent exercise ran from Jan. 15-31.
The F-35s flew into Thule from Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, according to a NORAD release.
Photos show them on a dark, snow-covered flightline, Jan. 16 and Jan. 26.
Thule operates in constant darkness in the winter, and temperatures ranging from –34 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit in January.
The deployment of the F-35s showcases “the agility of capabilities in support of Arctic defense with support from the Kingdom of Denmark to allow air defense operations from this location,” ...
airandspaceforces.comF-35s Deploy to Greenland for First Time, Operate from Thule

:coldcold: 🇺🇸 :coldcold:
