MV-22 Osprey

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 marzo 2018, 11:18

richelieu ha scritto:V-22 ..... Israele ci ripensa .....
The Israeli air force has frozen its evaluation of the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, with a senior defence source indicating that the tiltrotor is unable to perform some missions currently conducted using its Sikorsky CH-53 transport helicopters.
Fonte: ..... "Israel steps back from V-22 purchase" .....
Ed ora, dopo un' esercitazione con i Marines, potrebbe forse esservi un ennesimo ripensamento ..... #-o
Israel last year froze a potential acquisition process for the V-22, which had emerged as a possible solution for supporting its special forces personnel following flight evaluations conducted four years go.
In January 2014, the US Department of Defense notified Congress about its intention to sell six of the tiltrotors to the nation.
Following the type's participation in the recent exercise, Israeli sources indicate that a re-evaluation of a V-22 deal could be considered, "even in small numbers".
Fonte: ..... "Israel revives interest in V-22 purchase" .....

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 luglio 2018, 9:56

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2018, 10:23

Il canto delle sirene .....
The V-22 Joint Programme Office is encouraging foreign militaries at Farnborough air show to place orders for the Osprey before the end of FY2020 so as to take advantage of multi-year contract discounts that the US and Japanese military services have secured.
The US Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy, as well as Japan Self-Defense Forces, signed a $4.2 billion multi-year contract in June 2018 for 78 of the tiltrotors with the Bell-Boeing joint venture which manufactures the aircraft.
The purchase was the US government's third multi-year contract for the aircraft.
The bulk purchase came with a price reduction that the Joint Programme Office is able to pass on to foreign militaries, said Col Matthew Kelly, programme manager for the V-22 Joint Programme Office.
Fonte: ..... "FARNBOROUGH: V-22 office urges foreign militaries to buy on shared bulk discounts" .....

Volete vedere che ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 agosto 2018, 13:47

Problemùcci ..... :mrgreen:

..... ..... "Pair of Okinawa-based Ospreys make emergency landings in Japan" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 agosto 2018, 10:41

Dal 'Daily Report' dell'AFA del 24 Agosto 2018 .....
Yokota Osprey Deployment to Officially Begin Oct. 1 .....

The US military is deploying five CV-22 Ospreys to Yokota AB, Japan, beginning Oct. 1, the Japanese military announced this week.
While the deployment will officially begin this fall, the aircraft have been at the base since this spring.
In late July, when Air Force Magazine visited Yokota, the tilt-rotor aircraft were positioned on the base’s flight line though USAF officials directed questions about their presence to Air Force Special Operations Command.
The Japanese Ministry of Defense said Thursday the deployment will help Japan and the US respond to “various circumstances” in the area, according to the Japan Times (*).
Fifth Air Force Chief of Staff Col. Jean Eisenhut said during a July interview that the CV-22s are part of an increasing AFSOC presence in Japan, a location that is “ideal for their mission.”
The base will eventually house 10 of the aircraft.

- Brian Everstine
(*) ..... ... 4EQoOgzaM8 .....

Non è che i Giapponesi, a causa dei ben noti precedenti in fatto di sicurezza, amino in modo particolare la presenza di tali velivoli sul loro territorio metropolitano .....
L' accettano obtorto collo .....


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 ottobre 2018, 15:28

richelieu ha scritto: Non è che i Giapponesi, a causa dei ben noti precedenti in fatto di sicurezza, amino in modo particolare la presenza di tali velivoli sul loro territorio metropolitano .....
L' accettano obtorto collo

Infatti ..... a Okinawa ..... [-X
Denny Tamaki, the son of a Japanese mother and a United States Marine, became the first mixed-race governor in Japan on Sunday after winning a close election in Okinawa, a southern archipelago heavily populated by American military installations.
His victory poses a setback to plans by the Japanese government and the United States to transfer a busy Marine air base on Okinawa from the city of Ginowan to a less populated coastal area on the island.
Mr. Tamaki wants the base moved out of Okinawa altogether.
His opponent, Atsushi Sakima, who was backed by Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party, was until recently the mayor of Ginowan and supported the base’s transfer.

Fonte ..... ... -base.html .....

Tempi duri per gli Yankees ..... nel paese dei fiori di ciliegio ..... :agrue:

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 ottobre 2018, 15:58

CMV-22B ..... la Marina USA accelera la sostituzione dei vecchi C-2A COD .....

..... ..... ... t-set-2021 .....

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 febbraio 2019, 0:45

Ritorno a Danang ..... tanti anni dopo .....

..... ..... ... irst-time/ .....

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 marzo 2019, 10:53

Trent'anni dopo ...
The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey first flew 30 years ago today on 19 March 1989.
Since, the Bell-Boeing joint venture behind the tiltrotor has produced more than 375 examples, which have accumulated more than 450,000 flight hours, the manufacturers say.
The transport is flown by all American military services except the US Army.
The US Marine Corps operates the bulk of the aircraft inventory, followed by the US Air Force and the US Navy.
The USN is in the process of introducing the Ospreys into service and projects an initial operational capability for 2021.
The Japan Self-Defense Forces also operates the V-22.
L'articolo ... ... "PICTURES: 30 years since Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey’s first flight" ...

Acquirenti esteri ... sino ad ora solo il Giappone.
E' stato offerto anche a Israele e ad altri paesi ... ma senza risultati apprezzabili ...

... ... to-450407/ ...

... ... _operators ...

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 maggio 2019, 11:06

Boeing consiglia caldamente di acquistare e ... di farlo al più presto ...
The armed services should hurry up and order more V-22 tiltrotors if they want them, because the program of record is rapidly being built out and there’s a risk of a break in the production line, potentially higher costs, or closing of the line, Boeing has advised.
“If you want more V-22s, you need to start planning for that acquisition now, ” Rick Lemaster, Boeing director of Global Sales and Marketing, said at a press tour of the company’s Philadelphia plant, where CH-47 Chinook helicopters and V-22 fuselages are built.
The company is in the middle of fulfilling a five-year multiyear procurement, Lemaster said, and “we’re pretty close to wrapping up our programs of record” for US domestic customers.
If the services want more airplanes, “we need your order by the third quarter of 2020,” he advised.
But for international customers, they should make their intentions known this summer, because the Foreign Military Sales process needs time to play out.
Any FMS customers would need to have their letter of offer and acceptance in hand by September of 2020, he said.

... ... "Get Your V-22 Orders In Now, Boeing Says, Or Risk Missing Out" ...

Cercheranno di appiopparlo anche a noi, ma ... ne abbiamo veramente bisogno ?


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 giugno 2019, 10:41

Da Parigi ... Boeing disposta ad offrire sconti considerevoli ai potenziali acquirenti ... nonostante lo scarso interesse sino ad ora dimostrato nei confronti del velivolo ...
With its ability to offer bulk discounts to foreign militaries closing within about a year, the Bell-Boeing joint venture that makes and sells the V-22 Osprey hopes to close deals for up to 50 aircraft.
Boeing says that about a dozen prospective customers are on its radar, and it is encouraging them to sign a letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) for the tiltrotor by the third quarter of 2020.
Prospective customers include Israel and possibly blue water navies that need to resupply ships on long voyages.
... ... "PARIS: Bell-Boeing tries to sell V-22 despite lacklustre interest" ...

E l' Italia, stando all'articolo, potrebbe essere uno degli obiettivi ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 giugno 2019, 11:04

Una macchina ancora carica di problemi.
E l' USAF sta cercando di correre ai ripari ...
Air Force Special Operations Command’s CV-22 fleet is raising alarm amid low readiness levels and combat availability concerns as it heads into multiple years of upgrades.
CV-22 readiness keeps me up at night,” Col. Dale White, the Air Force’s program executive officer for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and special operations forces, said in a June 19 interview here.
“It's not what it needs to be. It's a tough platform to maintain.”
The high-demand, rough nature of special operations, and the stress that tilting the iconic nacelles - the giant columns that hold the rotors and allow the platform to take off vertically, then pivot to fly forward - puts on the aircraft and its wiring system are driving down the Osprey’s ability to enter combat.
White declined to provide current CV-22 readiness figures.
... ... "Improving CV-22 Readiness Becomes Top SOF Priority" ...

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 agosto 2019, 19:37

Boeing comunica ... non senza una punta di orgoglio ...

... ... "Boeing, Marines, Navy Celebrate $115 Million V-22 Facility" ...

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 novembre 2019, 9:08

A Rolls-Royce un contratto miliardario per la manutenzione dei motori ...
The United States Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force have signed a $1.2 billion contract with Rolls-Royce for engine maintenance of the Bell-Boeing V-22 fleet.
The five-year contract comes under R-R’s MissionCare services, and will cover the AE 1107C engines that power the tiltrotor fleet.

... ... "R-R scores $1.2b contract for US V-22 engine maintenance" ...

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 dicembre 2019, 9:17

Con la "configurazione comune" i Marines puntano ad una drastica riduzione nel numero delle sotto-versioni del velivolo ...
Boeing and Bell Textron have redelivered the first MV-22B Osprey to be upgraded under the Common Configuration—Readiness and Modification (CC-RAM) program.
This initiative seeks to improve the overall readiness and reliability of the Osprey force by reducing the number of “mini-fleets” of aircraft in different standards and configurations.
At the start of the program in mid-2017 the Marine Corps fleet had around 70 distinct sub-variants with differing maintenance and spares requirements, even within squadrons: CC-RAM was implemented to reduce that number to as few as five.

... ... "First Modified MV-22 Osprey Delivered" ...

Anche qui ... ... "US Marines try to cut MV-22 downtime with first CC-RAM delivery" ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da JT8D » 21 gennaio 2020, 21:28

Primo volo per la variante CMV-22B che sarà utilizzata dalla U.S. Navy: ... rimo-volo/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 gennaio 2020, 23:51

JT8D ha scritto:
21 gennaio 2020, 21:28
Primo volo per la variante CMV-22B che sarà utilizzata dalla U.S. Navy: ... rimo-volo/

La cosa strana e' che 'The Aviationist' aveva già dato la notizia, con tanto di foto, già dal 19 Dicembre ...

... ... en-flight/ ...

E che Boeing la comunica soltanto oggi ... ... rst-Flight ...

Ed anche FlightGlobal ... ... 57.article ...

Nonché l' USNI ... ... rst-flight ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 aprile 2020, 0:11

Ad uso dei VIP ...
Bell has begun promoting a VIP version of the V-22 tiltrotor it produces in partnership with Boeing, designed for head-of-state transport missions.
To date, the airframer has sold the Osprey solely for military applications, chiefly to the USA, where is it operated by the air force, marine corps and navy; Japan is the only export customer, with an order for 17 examples.
But Bell believes the “versatile” nature of the platform could open additional sales opportunities: “VIP transport is one of many missions the V-22 is capable of for potential customers,” says the airframer.

... ... "Bell promotes potential of VIP V-22 tiltrotor" ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 maggio 2020, 0:31

V-22B ... i primi due esemplari sono arrivati in Giappone ...
The first Bell-Boeing V-22B Osprey tilt rotors ordered by Japan have arrived in their home country late last week, as the Asian nation continues to grapple with the dilemma of where to base the controversial aircraft.
Two Ospreys with the markings of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, or JASDF, arrived at the joint U.S. Marine Corps-Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force base at Iwakuni, near the city of Hiroshima.
The Ospreys, carrying the serial numbers JG-1701 (91701) and JG-1705 (91705), were shipped across the Pacific Ocean on a commercial car carrier to the pier adjoining the air base.
And according to local media, they will be assembled, checked and test-flown before flying to another location in Japan.

... ... "First Japanese Ospreys arrive on home soil" ...

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 giugno 2020, 10:01

E fanno 400 !!!
The Bell Boeing V-22 team recently delivered its 400th aircraft, a CV-22 for U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command.
The first production V-22 was delivered on May 24, 1999, and today deliveries occur under the Multi-year Procurement III contract valued at $5 billion.
That contract runs through 2024 and includes variants for the Marines, Air Force, and Navy, as well as the first international customer, Japan.

... ... "Bell Boeing Delivers 400th V-22 Osprey Tiltrotor Aircraft" ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 giugno 2020, 20:06

Rotola, rotola, rotola ... strada facendo rotola ... :mrgreen:
A civilian Twin Otter airplane rolled and crashed into a Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey parked on a ramp at an airfield and caused extensive damage to both aircraft, according to officials and an incident report.
No one was injured in the May 30 mishap at Brown Field Municipal Airport, a San Diego city-run general aviation facility near the U.S.-Mexico border.
The Marine Corps is investigating the incident, which involved an Osprey belonging to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 163, based at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station in San Diego.
Marines had been conducting routine training in the area and had parked the Osprey at the airfield.
“No Marines were present at the time of the mishap,” 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing officials said in a statement to USNI News.

... ... "Skydiving Plane Rolls into Parked MV-22B Osprey at San Diego Airfield, Damaging Both" ...

Anche qui ... ... ... 20200530-1 ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 giugno 2020, 19:32

Il primo CMV-22B "Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD)" è arrivato alla Naval Air Station North Island ...

... ... ... d-squadron ...

... ... ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 luglio 2020, 19:09

MV-22 Block C ... approvata la vendita di 8 esemplari all' Indonesia ...

... ... "Indonesia – MV-22 Block C Osprey Aircraft" ...

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 luglio 2020, 16:08

richelieu ha scritto:
7 luglio 2020, 19:09
MV-22 Block C ... approvata la vendita di 8 esemplari all' Indonesia ...
Ed ora l'Indonesia ... smentisce ... [-X

... ... ... whzRigzaM8 ...


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 marzo 2021, 11:08

The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey has logged more than 600,000 flight-hours, providing continuous customer support to maintain mission readiness and transport critical cargo and personnel.
Built by Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. company, and Boeing, the V-22 fleet has grown to more than 400 aircraft and is operated by the United States Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force.



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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 aprile 2021, 23:58

Ci risiamo con il "downwash" ...
A hospital in the United Kingdom is currently unable to receive patients directly via air ambulance helicopters after the powerful downwash from a U.S. Air Force CV-22B Osprey tiltrotor destroyed its helipad.
The Osprey had touched down at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge yesterday as part of a training exercise.
Spokespersons for the Air Force, Cambridge University Hospitals, which includes Addenbrooke's, and East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA), one of a number of air ambulance services that regularly flies to this particular hospital, all confirmed the incident, which occurred on April 21, 2021, and did not cause any injuries. This CV-22 Osprey's Rotor Downwash Absolutely Demolish A Hospital's Helipad

🇺🇸 :oops: >>> 🇬🇧

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 ottobre 2021, 16:54

Bell V-280 Valor ... prima mandato in pensione ... ainonline.comBell Retires V-280 Demonstrator ,,,

... poi sottoposto pure ad autopsia ... #-o
Bell pulls apart V-280 tiltrotor in post-demonstration autopsy ...

By Garrett Reim (Flight International) - 12 October 2021

After flying its V-280 Valor tiltrotor for 214h, Bell is picking apart the decommissioned aircraft to see if it can find signs of wear and tear.
The company flew the V-280 over the past three years as part of the US Army’s Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator and Competitive Demonstration and Risk Reduction programmes.
Those demonstration efforts were precursors to the service’s formal Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) competition, an effort to find a replacement for the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopter.
A competing Sikorsky-Boeing team built and flew the SB-1 Defiant, a co-axial helicopter with a pusher propeller, for the demonstration programmes.
Bell decided to disassemble its V-280 to see if the aircraft was working as designed.
“We really wanted to dig into the aircraft, tear it down and understand the inner workings,” Paul Wilson, programme manager for the V-280, said on 11 October.
The company “took an especially close look at the rotor systems and the drive systems. We broke those down, went and inspected them to see if there were any wear concerns.”
After visual and non-destructive testing on the mechanics of the aircraft, the V-280 performed as expected, Wilson says.
However, he declines to say if Bell plans to make any design changes for its final bid for the FLRAA production contract.
Besides assessing the Valor’s performance, Wilson says Bell also demonstrated removing the aircraft’s gearboxes and rotors using a US Army Self-Propelled Crane Aircraft Maintenance and Positioning system.
That was done to show that the aircraft could be maintained with standard service equipment.
Since then, the V-280 has been partially reassembled and is being used as a display model for visiting delegations from the US Army.
Wilson declines to say if Bell will ever fly the aircraft again.
The US Army wants to equip its first unit with FLRAA no later than 2030.
Its timeline for awarding the FLRAA contract has yet to be laid out.


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 gennaio 2022, 0:38

Osprey ... Bell sta procedendo all'aggiornamento delle gondole ...
While winding down its CV-22 Osprey tiltrotor deliveries under contract with the U.S. Air Force, Bell is looking to improve the maintainability of the multi-role fleet with a nacelle upgrade program.
Work on the initial Osprey was completed at Bell’s Amarillo Assembly Center facility in Texas during December and returned to the 20th Special Operations Squadron at Cannon Air Force Base.
Upgrades, meanwhile, have begun on the second aircraft.
The nacelles house the power components for the Osprey’s vertical takeoff and landing, as well as transition to forward flight.
The program, which essentially involves the replacement of the nacelle, is designed to improve the wiring and components to reduce maintenance time and cost and improve flying readiness, the company said (*).

ainonline.comBell Upgrading USAF Osprey Tiltrotor Nacelles



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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 febbraio 2022, 12:23

Capacità Operativa Iniziale (IOC) per il CMV-22B Osprey dell'U.S. Navy ...
The Navy announced initial operational capability (IOC) for the CMV-22B Osprey, confirming the platform’s operational readiness following the successful completion of its maiden deployment, on Feb. 17, 2022.’s V-22 Achieves Initial Operational Capability Designation


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 marzo 2022, 10:05

Un MV-22B Osprey del Corpo dei Marines è precipitato in Norvegia ...
A U.S. Marine MV-22B Osprey tilt-rotor with four aboard crashed on Friday during a training mission in Arctic Norway, local officials said.
The Osprey was reported missing after it failed to arrive at Norwegian Air Force Base Bodø by 6 p.m. (1 p.m. East Coast time), according to the Armed Forces and the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre of Northern Norway.
The Osprey’s last known whereabouts were over the Saltfjellet mountains – a vast range about less than 100 miles south of the airbase, according to Norwegian officials.

news.usni.orgOfficials: Marine MV-22B Crashes in Arctic Norway, Rescue Teams Unable to Reach Crash Site by Air

Anche qui … aviation-safety.netASN Wikibase Occurrence # 276644

🇺🇸 😢

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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 marzo 2022, 15:50

Due MV-22B Osprey del Corpo dei Marines hanno preso parte alle esercitazioni invernali delle Truppe Alpine ...
Two MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft assigned to the North and West Africa Response Force (NARF) have operated Italy’s western Alps, not far from the French border along with the Alpine Troops of the Esercito Italiano (Italian Army).
The aircraft, belonging to the Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 (VMM-365) “Black Knights” from MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) New River, in North Carolina, deployed from NAS Sigonella, Sicily, to Cameri Air Base where they obtained operational and logistical support by the Italian Air Force.
From there the two aircraft have supported the first phase of Volpe Bianca 2022 – Ca.STA 2022 an annual, two-week exercise, dedicated to combat in the mountains and at high altitudes, whose aim is to verify the level of training of the Alpine Troops of the Italian Army and validate their ability to operate in the winter mountain scenery and in demanding weather conditions.

theaviationist.comTwo MV-22B Osprey Tiltrotor Aircraft Have Trained With The Italian Alpine Troops During Mountain Warfare Ex.

🇺🇸 & 🇮🇹

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 agosto 2022, 0:01

L'Air Force Special Operations Command ha messo a terra i suoi 52 convertiplani CV-22 Osprey a tempo indeterminato ...
Air Force Special Operations Command has grounded all 52 of its CV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft indefinitely as the result of a “increased number of safety incidents” involving an unknown and potentially dangerous issue with the clutch, Breaking Defense has learned.
AFSOC Commander Lt. Gen. Jim Slife ordered the safety standdown on Tuesday in the wake of two safety incidents that had occurred over the past six weeks, with a total of four such events occurring since 2017, AFSOC spokeswoman Lt. Col. Becky Heyse said in a statement.
AFSOC describes the problem as a “hard clutch engagement.”
Basically, the clutch inside a gearbox that connects one of the CV-22’s two Rolls-Royce Liberty AE1107C engines to the propeller rotor is slipping for an unknown reason, Heyse said.
When that happens, the power load transfers nearly instantaneously to the other engine - a design feature that would allow the Osprey to keep flying even if one engine fails.
Then, in most cases, the initial clutch re-engages, and the power load rapidly shifts back to the original propeller rotor and engine.
As a result of the rapid movement of power across engines, however, the aircrew is forced to land the CV-22 immediately, and Heyse added that “if the aircrew were unable to control the aircraft when the incident occurs, it could result in loss of control and uncontrolled landing of the aircraft.”
breakingdefense.comAir Force Special Operations Command grounds CV-22 Ospreys due to safety issue


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Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 agosto 2022, 12:10

Ancora a proposito della messa a terra dei CV-22 Osprey dell'Air Force ... si sta ancora indagando sulle possibili cause del problema ...
AFSOC hadn’t yet gathered enough engineering data analysis to identify the cause of the issue, “so it’s unknown if it’s mechanical, design, software or some combination of any of those,” Heyse said.
And until a root cause is determined and risk control measures are put in place, “no AFSOC CV-22s will fly,” she said.
Ultimately, “the goal is to determine a viable long term materiel solution,” she added.
The Marine Corps and Navy both operate their own versions of the Osprey, and AFSOC has been in contact with Naval Air Systems Command about the issue, Heyse said, deferring comment on any stand down of those aircraft to the respective services.
airforcemag.comAFSOC Grounds CV-22 Osprey Fleet Over Safety Issue


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 agosto 2022, 23:40

US Navy e USMC continueranno a far volare i loro "Ospreys" tenendo, comunque, gli occhi ben aperti 👁️ 👁️ ...
The Navy and Marine Corps will keep their Ospreys flying after the Air Force grounded its fleet of the tilt-rotor aircraft.
Both services said they are keeping an eye on a clutch issue that led the Air Force to halt operations for the CV-22 Ospreys flown by Air Force Special Operations Command.
“All Navy CMV-22 Osprey units continue to conduct operations throughout the fleet. We are aware of the issues affecting other Osprey variants and are closely monitoring our CMV-22 aircraft for similar occurrences,” Cmdr. Zach Harrell, a spokesperson for Naval Air Forces, told USNI News in a statement.
In a call with reporters on Thursday, a Marine Corps official acknowledged the clutch problem could affect all three Osprey variants, but said it has not happened to any of the Navy’s CMV-22Bs.
The Navy only started deploying its CMV-22Bs last year, while the Marine Corps and Air Force have been flying their respective variants for much longer.
news.usni.orgNavy, Marine Corps Will Continue to Fly MV-22s Ospreys After Air Force Grounds Fleet


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Messaggi: 14075
Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: MV-22 Osprey

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 settembre 2022, 0:51

I CV-22 dell'Air Force tornano a volare ...
After a little more than two weeks, the Air Force’s CV-22s have been cleared to fly again.
Air Force Special Operations Command has ended its stand down for the Osprey, which began Aug. 16 in response to a safety issue, Lt. Col. Rebecca Heyse, director of AFSOC public affairs, confirmed to Air Force Magazine on Sept. 2.
Breaking Defense first reported the end of the grounding (*).
The stand down began Aug. 16 after two incidents of “hard clutch engagement” in the course of six weeks.
airforcemag.comCV-22 Fleet Cleared to Start Flying Again After Safety Stand Down

(*)breakingdefense.comEXCLUSIVE: Air Force clears CV-22 Ospreys to fly after 2-week safety shutdown

