I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 gennaio 2019, 10:39

FlightGlobal analizza la parte 'aeronautica' del recente rapporto USA sulla potenza militare cinese .....

..... https://www.flightglobal.com/news/artic ... ow-455083/ .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 febbraio 2020, 10:58

In arrivo la versione aero-cisterna del velivolo da trasporto strategico Xian Y-20 ...
New variants of the Xian Y-20 strategic transport look set to make their public debut, as the four-engined type assists relief operations related to the Coronavirus outbreak in the city of Wuhan.
In addition to the transport variant, a tanker variant and an airborne early warning (AEW) variant are planned, according to a Global Times report (*) citing Teng Hui, who commands an air force aviation regiment and is a Y-20 pilot.

... flightglobal.com ... "Tanker variant of China’s Y-20 set to emerge: report" ...

(*) ... globaltimes.cn ... "Y-20 aircraft tanker's variant to debut soon, AEW variant to follow: Air Force officer" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 maggio 2020, 9:37

Rientrata sulla Terra una capsula spaziale cinese di seconda generazione ...

... air-cosmos.com ... https://air-cosmos.com/article/retour-s ... -xzf-23062 ...



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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 gennaio 2021, 10:28

I motori russi non sono adeguati ... utilizzeremo i nostri ...
China will cease using the Russian engine currently fitted on China’s new generation J-20 stealth fighter jet, replacing it with an upgraded home-grown engine.
A military insider told the South China Morning Post Chinese aircraft engineers found their domestically built WS-10C, the modified version of the WS-10 engine, to be as good as the Russian AL-31F engines.
“It’s impossible for China to rely on the Russian engine, because Russia asked China to purchase more Su-35 fighter jets in exchange for the AL-31F engine deals,” the insider, who requested anonymity, said.

scmp.com/newsChina’s next-gen J-20 stealth fighter jettisons Russian engine in favour of home-grown technology

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 gennaio 2021, 10:13

Ed ora, del J-20, hanno sfornato anche la versione biposto ...
A twin-seat variation of China's J-20 stealth fighter jet and a J-20 version equipped with a domestically made engine have been spotted for the first time in official videos recently released by its developer and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force, only days before the 10th anniversary on Monday of the aircraft's maiden flight.
The twin-seat variation of the J-20 could be used for electronic warfare, command of wingman drones or bombing, and the domestic engine means the J-20 is no longer reliant on Russian engines, analysts said on Sunday.
Depicted by computer-generated imagery, four twin-seat J-20 variations were seen flying in formation in a video released by state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), the developer of the aircraft, on Friday, in celebration of the 10th anniversary on Monday of the original aircraft's maiden flight.

globaltimes.cnTwin-seat variation & domestic engine-equipped version of J-20 make official appearances

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 gennaio 2021, 11:15

Sotto un lenzuolo bianco ... ovvero ... a proposito del futuro bombardiere furtivo cinese ...
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force for the first time gave a hint on the design of its next-generation, long-range strategic stealth bomber by including it in a scene in the service's 2021 recruitment video released on Tuesday, leading analysts to say that the new bomber, allegedly designated the H-20, could make its public debut soon.
In the closing minute of the video, an unknown aircraft rendered in computer-generated imagery enters the stage.
It is covered in a white blanket and only the front outline can be seen, which suggests that the aircraft boasts a flying wing design with two intakes on the back of the plane.
It has no visible tail wings and no winglets on the tips of the wings.
In the video, the blanket is then removed, giving a view of the aircraft from its left reflected in the goggles of a pilot's helmet.
From this side view, the aircraft seems to be bulky, observers said.

globaltimes.cnChina's long-range stealth bomber outlined in PLA Air Force recruitment video

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 gennaio 2021, 15:53

A 10 anni dal primo volo ... si esaltano le qualità e le potenzialità del J-20 ...
“The J-20 was the first possession of the PLA comparable to the most advanced US equipment.
It was also the first with air superiority that could pose a threat to the Americans,” said military commentator Song Zhongping.
“It was, for sure, shocking news and also inspiring to the Chinese.”
The J-20’s design benchmarked Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor, developed for the US Air Force.
Both are single-seat twin-engined craft of similar length, wingspan and weight.
They also share a flight ceiling of 20km (12.4 miles) and a maximum speed of Mach 2.
Compared to the F-22, which was developed in the 1990s and commissioned in 2005, the J-20 has the advantage of more modern electronic technologies and updated avionics, fire control systems and data command chain systems.
--- --- ---
The J-20 was finalised and commissioned in 2017.
Since then, it has evolved into the modified version J-20B, with thrust vector controls.
Its maker, the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China revealed this month that a twin-seat version was under development.
Debates also continue over whether it should be modified for loading on to aircraft carriers.

... scmp.com ... China military’s landmark J-20 stealth fighter started a decade of modernisation

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 febbraio 2021, 0:22

Il futuro bombardiere furtivo cinese ... considerazioni e ipotesi ... in salsa australiana ...
What will we see when it appears?
Almost certainly an all-wing or blended-wing-body aircraft, maybe without stealth-degrading vertical surfaces.
It should remind us much of the US Northrop Grumman B-2 bomber, though Trevithick sensibly points out that the H-20’s planform could be simpler (and better) than the B-2’s.
The PLAAF’s rendering of an H-20 under wraps shows no sign of the winglets that appeared in another apparently official hint at the configuration in 2018; that depiction may have been intended to confuse us (but, then again, so could the latest).
The image in the video does, however, show curious pairs of bumps near the tips of each side of the upper wing surface.
Whatever they are, they will degrade stealth - if the H-20 really has them.

... aspistrategist.org.au ... China’s new bomber should be cause for concern for Australia

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Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da airplane » 5 febbraio 2021, 22:20


A me,

Quello che c’è "sotto il velo",
sembra la "Fotocopia” del B2 Northrop Grumman;

“Tutt’al più gli avranno allungato e cambiato un po’ la coda”,

(….e altri particolari minori)


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 febbraio 2021, 1:11

Dove si discetta circa la reale denominazione dell'altro caccia furtivo cinese ...
China’s FC-31 is a twin-engine stealth fighter demonstrator, which includes two iteratively different flying airframes that have been under active flight test since late 2012 and late 2016, respectively.
This aircraft has often incorrectly been dubbed the “J-31” and been given various other names over the years, such as “J-21.”
None of these J-designations remain true to the aircraft’s current state.
It is a self-funded technology demonstrator from Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) and AVIC rather than a project being actively developed by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Therefore the names “J-31” or “J-21” are incorrect.

thediplomat.comThe FC-31, China’s ‘Other’ Stealth Fighter

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 aprile 2021, 0:59

J-20Mighty Dragon” ... ancora un paio d'anni all'impiego del motore ad hoc ...
China’s “Mighty Dragon” J-20 stealth fighter jet is expected to get purpose-built new engines within the next two years, according to a military source.
The WS-15 engine has been specially designed for the J-20 and is designed to improve its manoeuvrability and combat capabilities.
“The development of WS-15 is nearly complete … or may be finished within one or two years,” said the source, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the topic.

scmp.com/newsChina’s J-20 ‘Mighty Dragon’ fighters set to get purpose-built engines ‘within next two years’


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 aprile 2021, 22:29

Chinese firm claims ...
A Chinese drone maker says it has manufactured a prototype unmanned stealth aircraft that it claims could rival the B-21 Raider being developed for the US Air Force.
Zhongtian Feilong Intelligent Technology, based in Xian, said in a statement on its WeChat social media account on Tuesday that the Feilong-2 – or Flying Dragon-2 – prototype had recently been completed.
It said the multirole high-subsonic unmanned aerial vehicle could be used for precision strikes on key assets such as enemy command centres, military airstrips and aircraft carriers.
The Feilong-2 could also be used with a swarm of drones to carry out reconnaissance and surveillance, a saturation attack or damage assessment, the statement said.

scmp.comChinese firm claims new stealth drone may rival US Air Force’s B-21 Raider


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 aprile 2021, 23:58

J-20Mighty Dragon” ... due teste sono meglio di una ...
A twin-seater version of China’s most advanced fighter jet the J-20 would be able to target enemy electronic equipment and operate in tandem with swarms of drones, according to a defence industry magazine.
The article, published by Chinese military magazine Ordnance Industry Science Technology, said the fifth-generation fighter would be expected to carry out more tasks as the technology evolved, and a second crew member would be needed to carry out some of those functions.
“The emergence of a twin-seat version of the J-20 is because the J-20’s mission has diversified and China needs a more capable fighter jet,” the article said.
The article predicted that the J-20’s twin-seat version would be equipped with more advanced electronic equipment than is found in other Chinese twin-seaters.

scmp.comWhy two heads would be better than one for China’s ‘Mighty Dragon’ fighter jet


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 maggio 2021, 0:57

Chengdu J-10C ... in servizio operativo con un motore di produzione locale ...
Chengdu J-10 jets powered by indigenous engines have entered operational service with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, representing China’s confidence in the local technology to equip the single-engine, multirole aircraft.
Images posted by China National Radio of a PLAAF live-firing exercise at an unspecified location show J-10C Vigorous Dragons with the distinctive exhaust nozzles of the WS-10B Taihang turbofan engine, marking the first time the WS-10 has been officially seen on an operational J-10.
The serial numbers on the tails of the J-10Cs were removed from the images by Chinese censors, making it impossible to identify the PLAAF unit operating the jets.

defensenews.comChina fields J-10 jets powered by homemade engine


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 maggio 2021, 10:18

Chengdu J-10 ... un pò di storia ...
The recent appearance of an operational Chengdu J-10C powered by a domestically produced engine marks a key moment for the single-engined type in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).
As with so much in Chinese airpower, much of the J-10’s history is shrouded in mystery.
It is understood that the type, which originated in the 1980s, traces its lineage to the J-9, a canard/delta fighter that was abandoned in 1980.
It is also believed that the J-10 benefited from the 1980s Israel Aircraft Industries Lavi programme.
The fighter was regarded as a state secret until January 2007, when official media finally disclosed that it had entered PLAAF service.
A few months later, in May 2007, Russia’s Rosoboronexport arms agency announced a $300 million deal to sell 100 Saturn AL-31 engines for China’s planned J-10 fleet.
Then, in late 2008, the J-10A made its public debut at Airshow China in Zhuhai.

flightglobal.comChina’s J-10 comes of age with indigenous engine


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 settembre 2021, 11:11

Intanto ... viene alla luce una nuova avio-cisterna ...

Une version ravitailleur en vol du Xian Aircraft Industrial Corporation Y-20 « Kunpeng » est maintenant disponible pour ravitailler les avions de combat chinois.
Connu sous la désignation d’Y-20U.
Des photographies montrant l’Y-20U ravitaillant un avion de combat Shenyang J-11 ou 16 sont disponible depuis peu et confirment ce l’on pensait depuis un certain temps.
La variante ravitailleur Y-20U se distingue par l’emport de nacelles de ravitaillement placées sous les ailes.
Le Xian Y-20U est basé sur la version de transport stratégique du Y-20A.

psk.blog.24heures.chUn nouvel avion ravitailleur pour la Chine !


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 settembre 2021, 16:03

Shenyang J-16D ... ultimo velivolo di realizzazione cinese discendente dallo Su-27 di origine sovietica ...
China is set to debut its dedicated electronic-attack aircraft on public display at the upcoming Zhuhai airshow, giving observers a first look at the newly developed type.
A single example of the type, which is officially designated the Shenyang J-16D, has been parked at the static display area of the airshow in Guangdong Province ahead of the event, which is due to run from Sept. 28 to Oct. 3 next to the city’s airport.
The twin-seat J-16D is based on the J-16 multirole strike fighter, which is itself a development of the J-11B interceptor and the Russian Sukhoi Su-30MK-series, both of which can trace their lineage back to the Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker interceptor.

defensenews.comChina to show off its new electronic-attack jet


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Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da Guren » 29 settembre 2021, 7:13

vorrei davvero andarci ma i costi sono leggermente alti... vediamo se trovo qualche offerta lampo dell'ultimo minuto.
Ciao, Marco
In tutta la sua vita,
quante volte puo' riuscire un uomo
a fermare le lacrime di una donna?

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 ottobre 2021, 23:58

E' probabile che la Cina aumenti la produzione di caccia stealth ...
Chinese manufacture of the J-20 Mighty Dragon, touted by China as a stealth fighter, will likely increase, based on comments offered at the recent Zhuhai air show (Airshow China 2021) by program officials, who nevertheless did not disclose any production ramp rates.
Some 15 J-20s flew in formation at Zhuhai, which took place in late September and early October, and observers reported an additional group of the aircraft parked on the runway.
Global Times, a state-run news organization, quoted J-20 deputy designer Wang Hitao as saying Chinese industry can “satisfy any level of demand from the People’s Liberation Army Air Force for the J-20.”
Wang said advanced aircraft development usually takes a long time, but “particularly for equipment like the J-20, we need to do it faster in all aspects, including designing, production, testing, and crafting.”
He reported the fighter has turned in “outstanding” performance in stealth, sensors, and firepower, Global Times said (*).

airforcemag.comChina Likely Stepping Up Stealth Fighter Production

(*)globaltimes.cnTop designers announce J-20 production capacity, Y-20 domestic engines, new carrier-based fighter at Airshow China

Inoltre … globaltimes.cnChina to reveal new progress on next-gen carrier-based fighter in 2021: chief designer


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 ottobre 2021, 0:36

Emerge ora un video che mostra una versione biposto del J-20 ...
A short video of a Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon circulated on the internet Oct. 28 shows a taxiing new two-seat version of the stealth fighter, still in primer and untreated composite, which could indicate at least a trainer version of the airplane or possibly China’s future approach to manned-unmanned air combat teaming.
China has hinted at the existence of a two-seat J-20 - possibly known as the J-20B or J-20S - in social media videos and trade show presentations, but the new images, if authentic, indicate the airplane has reached the fabrication stage.
China has leaked or allowed videos to be circulated of Mighty Dragons taxiing at the same test facility since the J-20’s existence was first revealed during former Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ visit to that country in 2011.
The U.S. opted not to develop a two-seat/trainer version of the F-22 and F-35.
This was both to save money but also because it was believed pilots could become proficient enough in the simulators that their first flight in the types could also safely be their first solos.
That decision was based on experience with the A-10 and F-117, neither of which had an operational two-seat version for training.

airforcemag.comChina’s New Two-Seat J-20: Trainer or Manned-Unmanned Teaming Platform?


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 ottobre 2021, 1:12

Ormai le notizie sui caccia cinesi arrivano a valanga ...
Immediatamente dopo quella relativa all'apparizione di una versione biposto del caccia "pesante" J-20, ecco ora la segnalazione del primo volo di una possibile versione navale del caccia "leggero" FC-31 ...
... photos surfaced earlier today of what appears to be China’s stealthy carrier-borne fighter taking to the air for the first time.
As previously reported, industry officials said during the recent Zhuhai air show the new carrier-borne stealth fighter would make its first flight in 2021.
The photos also confirm the aircraft, whose exact designation is also unknown and is also left in primer, is a development of the redesigned Shenyang FC-31 stealth fighter that has also been called the J-31 in some quarters and was previously suggested as an export design.
The photos, taken while the aircraft was in flight, show the catapult launch bar on the nose landing gear and what appears to be hinges on the wings that allow them to be folded, a typical feature of carrier-based aircraft to allow the limited space on the flight deck and hangars to be maximized.

defensenews.comNew variants of Chinese stealth fighters break cover

Anche qui … theaviationist.comChina’s New Carrier-Based Stealth Fighter Makes First Flight


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 maggio 2022, 17:42

Primo volo dell'elicottero trimotore cinese AC313A ...
China's independently-developed AC313A large utility civil helicopter successfully conducted its maiden flight on Tuesday, announced the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), the country's leading aircraft maker.
The 13-tonne-class large helicopter conducted the flight at an airport in Jingdezhen, east China's Jiangxi Province, marking a major step forward in the development of China's air emergency rescue system, the AVIC said.
With the completion of the maiden flight, AC313A will now enter the flight test phase, according to the developer.
It is expected to receive an airworthiness certification during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), and thereafter enter the market to serve customers.
english.news.cnChina's AC313A large civil helicopter makes maiden flight

Anche qui … english.scio.gov.cnChina's AC313A large civil helicopter makes maiden flight


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2022, 23:38

Il caccia cinese J-10 avvistato nella nuova configurazione "Big Spine" ...
Photos of a new configuration of China’s primary medium-weight fighter, the J-10, possibly representing a new J-10D model, have begun circulating online.
The images show the aircraft with a relatively familiar modification - an enlarged fairing running along the length of the jet’s spine.
Similar to specific export variants of the F-16D and F, the snapshots show the J-10 in a prominent dorsal “big spine” configuration.
This addition could potentially house a variety of systems, including expanded countermeasure and electronic warfare systems, as well as communications and passive sensors, not to mention the cooling needed to support those features.
It could also potentially provide additional space for fuel, but this is less likely.
The extra room is especially important for two-seat fighter derivatives that usually give up extra space and fuel for a second crewman.
Andreas Rupprecht, a Chinese aviation analyst and author ... suggested that the jet in the pictures could also be a variant of the J-10 designated as J-10CY, however that has yet to be confirmed.
thedrive.com/the-war-zoneChina’s J-10 Fighter Spotted In New “Big Spine” Configuration


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 settembre 2022, 1:11

La Cina sta lavorando al suo programma di caccia di sesta generazione ...
China is busy developing an answer to the U.S. Air Force’s Next Generation Air Dominance program, or NGAD, according to Gen. Mark D. Kelly, the head of Air Combat Command (ACC).
Gen. Kelly expects that the highly secretive Chinese efforts will yield the same kind of air combat ‘system of systems’ that the Air Force is pursuing, including a sixth-generation manned fighter jet.
As we have explored in the past, the NGAD program is much more than a sixth-gen manned fighter.
It’s also planned to include collaborative drones to work alongside manned aircraft, plus new weapons, sensors, and communications architecture.
The U.S. Air Force wants NGAD to be fielded as real capability before 2030 and the Chinese are keeping pace, Kelly says.
thedrive.com/the-war-zoneChina Is Working On Its Own Sixth-Generation Fighter Program: Official

Anche qui … breakingdefense.comChina ‘on track’ for 6th-gen fighter, US Air Force needs to get there first: ACC chief


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 settembre 2022, 15:12

Ancora a proposito della Cina ... che sta lavorando a un suo programma di caccia di sesta generazione ...

airandspaceforces.comChina ‘Knows What It’s Doing,’ Pursuing Fighter Similar to NGAD, Kelly Says


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 ottobre 2022, 1:04

L'aviocisterna cinese YU-20 ha effettuato esercitazioni di rifornimento in volo con due caccia stealth J-20 ...
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force on Thursday published for the first time a video showing a YU-20 tanker aircraft hosting aerial refueling exercises for two J-20 stealth fighter jets, displaying the YU-20's high flexibility and the increasing number of J-20s in active service, analysts said.
This is the PLA Air Force's special way of celebrating the upcoming National Day on Saturday, reads a press release by the PLA Air Force posted on social media platforms.
Previously, the PLA Air Force published a video showing a YU-20 tanker aircraft hosting aerial refueling exercises for two J-16 fighter jets, and another video showing a YU-20 hosting aerial refueling exercises for a J-16 and a J-20.
The YU-20 can conduct aerial refueling for warplanes including the J-20, the J-16 and the J-10C, and such aerial refueling exercises have been carried out multiple times in high-altitude plateau regions and above the sea, enhancing the PLA Air Force's long-range maneuvering capabilities, Senior Colonel Shen Jinke, a spokesperson for the PLA Air Force, said at a press conference on Tuesday (*).
globaltimes.cnChina’s YU-20 tanker aircraft hosts aerial refueling drills for two J-20 stealth fighter jets

(*)eng.chinamil.com.cnNew PLA refueling aircraft to feature at Changchun public event


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 ottobre 2022, 17:47

La presentazione pubblica, da parte della Cina, del nuovo bombardiere strategico "furtivo" Xian H-20 potrebbe essere vicina ...
A new combat aircraft with “strategic and historical” significance to the Chinese military was close to an important flight-test event in July.
The Global Times, a daily newspaper published by the Chinese Communist Party, quoted Ge Heping, the political commissar of the Chinese Flight Test Establishment, as urging his staff to work harder to achieve the milestone test.
The identity of the new aircraft has not been confirmed.
Beijing has made a number of advances in the last two decades on the combat aircraft front.
Nearly a dozen years ago, the first Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter broke cover during high-speed taxi tests.
The first images of the Xian Y-20 airlifter emerged a decade ago, and the first flight of the Harbin Z-20 utility helicopter took place more than nine years ago.
As the 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Airshow China 2022, prepares to open in Zhuhai on Nov. 8, the status of the fourth, final and possibly most interesting of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s (PLAAF) “20-series” military aircraft remains unknown: the Xian H-20 stealth bomber.
aviationweek.comChina Teases New Bomber, But Timing Remains Unclear


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 novembre 2022, 16:40

Il caccia cinese J-20 in mostra allo Zhuhai Airshow ...

Le considerazioni di Andreas Rupprecht ... autore di pubblicazioni dedicate alle Forze Aeree Cinesi ...

c4isrnet.comChina’s J-20 with low-observable tech on display at Zhuhai Airshow


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 novembre 2022, 15:23

Da "Aviation Week & Space Technology" ...

La Cina intenderebbe utilizzare vecchi caccia ormai in disuso, trasformati in velivoli senza pilota, in occasione di un'eventuale guerra con Taiwan onde saturare le difese antiaeree dell'isola ...
How China May Have Resurrected A 1950s Fighter For A New Combat Role ...
By Steve Trimble - November 14, 2022

The heyday of the Shenyang J-6 Farmer – a Chinese copy of the MiG-19, the first mass-produced supersonic fighter – appeared to expire decades ago, as the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) began restocking with hundreds of fourth- and fifth-generation fighters.
But some military analysts now think the J-6 – and contemporaries such as the MiG-21-derived J-7 and the indigenous J-8 and Q-5 fighters – still may play a critical role in a Taiwan conflict, but this time in a theorized role as a cheap, potentially reusable vanguard of uncrewed combat air vehicles (UCAVs).
For several years, the U.S. Air Force has been experimenting and demonstrating different concepts for low-cost, attritable aircraft, ranging from artificial intelligence-piloted Kratos XQ-58 UCAVs to missionized versions of Boeing QF-16 target drones.
China, however, arguably invented the concept in the early 1960s, fashioning a “disposable" 100-flight-hour design for the J-6, which would then require a depot maintenance cycle to remain airworthy.
The concept may have reflected the limits of China’s nascent aerospace manufacturing capability in the 1960s and 1970s, but it appears to have come full circle as part of a new warfighting concept that prizes quantity in some cases as much as quality.
The theory that China could use expired, second-generation jet fighters as armed drones has been going around in defense circles for several years, but new research by an analyst at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies may reveal where and how the PLAAF’s horde of converted UCAVs could be employed in a Taiwan scenario.
Media reports already had identified 32 hardened shelters at three bases on China’s east coast across from Taiwan.
In fact, China has constructed another 94 hardened shelters at a total of five bases within range of Taiwan, Daniel Rice, a Mitchell Institute non-resident fellow, writes in a newly published paper (*).
The additional 94 shelters are sized to house as many as three UCAVs each, or up to 294 converted fighters.
In addition to the shelters at all five bases (namely, Longtian, Luocheng/Huian, Shantou, Shuiman and Zhangzhou), satellite imagery indicates significant new infrastructure, including the construction of buried fuel depots and hardened storage facilities, Rice says.
“With the large number of seemingly unused hardened, underground and concealed shelters identified at the airfields, it is possible that the PLAAF could pre-position a variety of UCAVS in operation against Taiwan,” Rice writes.
Requiring less maintenance than crewed fighters, a fleet of hundreds of converted UCAVs can be stored inside the hardened shelters for long periods.
In the event of a conflict with Ukraine, the PLAAF can roll them out to execute an initial assault on Taiwan.
All five bases lie within the combat radius of the Q-5, J-6, J-7 and J-8.
“UCAVs make it possible for the PLAAF to use relatively cheap, capable, low-risk airframes as a first-in asset to either strike or soften Taiwan’s air defense systems,” Rice says.
Operating reusable UCAVs also may address persistent PLAAF concerns about the risk of pilot defections.
“In more recent years, concerns over defections and a lack of trust between PLAAF commanders and pilots may be one of the reasons why incursions into Taiwan’s [air defense identification zone] have occurred only infrequently toward the centerline with Taiwan,” Rice writes.
A strategy of concealment creates operational opportunities.
During large-scale exercises in 1996, the PLAAF deployed fighters based elsewhere to front-line bases.
After the converted UCAVs complete the initial assault on Taiwan’s air defense, a second wave of crewed fighters could re-occupy the hardened shelters, allowing the PLAAF to carry out sustained attacks with 4.5- and 5th-generation fighters, Rice says, referring to this strategy as the “Cicada concept.”
Counters emerge to any new technology.
Hardened shelters can be targeted with penetrating missiles.
Runways can be deactivated with well-placed precision munitions.
But Rice notes that runways also can be repaired within hours, and defeating 126 hardened shelters may consume a significant portion of Taiwanese or allied missile stocks.
Moreover, the Chinese may have constructed other hidden facilities, in addition to the five bases identified by Rice.
“This implies more [U.S.] strike capacity may be needed than is currently planned,” Rice concludes.
(*)mitchellaerospacepower.orgWatch These Airfields to Know if China May Attack Taiwan

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Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 novembre 2022, 20:47

Sorpresa a Zhuhai :wohow: ...
La Cina ha rivelato il concetto di un possibile caccia di sesta generazione ...
China has introduced a stealthy sixth-generation combat aircraft model believed to rival the US Air Force’s Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter.
The futuristic military plane concept was displayed during an airshow and aerospace trade expo in Guangdong province.
It is unclear if the tailless fighter-like airframe spotted at a Chinese jet production facility in 2021 was the same as the one displayed during the Zhuhai Airshow earlier this month.
thedefensepost.comChina Unveils Rival Sixth-Gen Fighter Concept


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Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 febbraio 2023, 0:45

Secondo "Global Times" ...
A promotional video released by the Chinese aviation industry on Tuesday featured computer generated images showing what analysts said on Wednesday could represent a concept of the country’s next-generation fighter jet, which reflects China’s determination to outpace the US in new warplane development.
The video, published in the WeChat video channel of the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), introduced China’s airborne radar development and featured near its end a computer-generated clip showing three unknown aircraft flying in formation.
The aircraft looked like the J-20 stealth fighter jet, but with no canards, tails or fins, and the diamond-shaped wings appeared bigger than those of the J-20, giving it what seems to be a blended wing-body configuration, observers said, who also speculated that it might be China’s next-generation fighter jet.
China reveals tailless concept for next-generation fighter jet


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 giugno 2023, 20:55

La Cina possiede ora la galleria del vento ipersonica più potente del mondo ...
Dopo cinque anni di costruzione, la galleria del vento più potente del pianeta ha preso vita nella capitale cinese, una struttura che sarà la chiave per far avanzare le ambizioni ipersoniche di Pechino.
Situata nel distretto montuoso di Huairou, a nord di Pechino, la galleria del vento JF-22 ha un diametro di 4 metri (13 piedi) e può generare velocità del flusso d'aria fino a 10 km (6,2 miglia) al secondo, secondo una valutazione finale condotta il 30 Maggio scorso.
Ciò la rende la galleria del vento più grande e veloce del mondo, in grado di simulare condizioni di volo ipersoniche fino a Mach 30, secondo l'Institute of Mechanics, proprietario della struttura.
scmp.comChina now has the world’s most powerful hypersonic wind tunnel

Anche qui … globaltimes.cnChinese scientists finish development of hypervelocity wind tunnel


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 giugno 2023, 15:03

La Cina sviluppa un caccia STOVL?
La CNIPA o Amministrazione nazionale cinese per la proprietà intellettuale ha pubblicato qualche settimana fa un brevetto relativo ad un layout di un caccia supersonico a decollo corto e atterraggio verticale (STOVL) sviluppato da un team di ingegneri della Chengdu Aviation Design and Research Institute (CADI), facente parte della Chengdu Aircraft Construction Company (CAC).
Si tratta dell’azienda con sede nell’omonima città di Chengdu nota per aver sviluppato e prodotto il caccia pesante di 5^ generazione stealth J-20, senza contare la realizzazione dei caccia multiruolo di 4^ generazione J-10 e Joint Fighter-17 (JF-17) Thunder (o FC-1), un caccia prodotto con la collaborazione del Pakistan.

... analisidifesa.it ... La Cina sviluppa un caccia STOVL? ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: I cinesi ne sfornano uno nuovo

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 aprile 2024, 1:03

Secondo un funzionario americano il bombardiere stealth cinese H-20 “non è davvero” motivo di preoccupazione

twz.comChina’s H-20 Stealth Bomber “Not Really” A Concern: U.S. Official

