B-747 della National Air Cargo cade subito dopo il decollo

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Re: B-747 della National Air Cargo cade subito dopo il decollo

Messaggio da G3nd4rM3 » 9 luglio 2013, 14:30

Quindi questa sarebbe la "sentenza finale"!?

Ottimo 3d comunque, qui si apprende sempre. grazie
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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: B-747 della National Air Cargo cade subito dopo il decollo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 4 febbraio 2015, 1:26

Aggiornamento, da avherald

On Feb 3rd 2015 the NTSB opened the docket into the investigation with all factual information available so far. The operational factual report stated, that the captain and first officer of the flight did not have prior experience in transporting armoured vehicles, 2 of which weighed 13 tons each and 3 18 tons each. It has been the first itime for National Air Cargo to transport 18 ton vehicles when those were taken aboard in Camp Bastion. The flight was originally planned to depart Camp Bastion directly for Dubai, the flight however did not receive overflight permission over Pakistan out of Camp Bastion. Hence the flight was planned to Bagram for a refuelling stop and then depart to Dubai. No additional cargo was loaded in Bagram, just 48 tons of fuel were added.

The NTSB reported that while on the ground in Bagram the captain was informed by one of the crew members that one of the straps had broken. The crew engaged in a discussion about a possible load shift while landing in Bagram, there was also discussion of re-securing the load prior to departure. The aircraft departed an hour later. (Editorial note: in the entire docket The Aviation Herald was unable to find any answer to the question, whether the cockpit discussion about the broken strap and possible load shift on landing resulted in action or whether nothing was done about)

The takeoff roll on runway 03 was normal, the aircraft rotated at the usual point. 9 seconds after the "rotate" call by the crew the cockpit voice recorder stopped recording just after the "gear up" call, 3 seconds later the flight data recorder at 171 KIAS, 13 degrees nose up, 4 degrees right bank and 33 feet AGL with no warnings or unusual recordings until and at that point. According to witnesses on the ground including tower controller and several other observers on the ground the aircraft continued to pitch up until it appeared to be stalling, turned to the right and impacted ground just right of the runway and beyond the departure end of the runway.

According to interviews 26 straps were used for tie down of the 18 ton Cougars, 24 straps for the 13 ton vehices. Each strap was capable of a load of 5000 lbs (2.27 tons). A number of witnesses interviewed were quoted stating that "only" two straps were added to the heavier Cougar in comparism to the 13 ton vehicle.

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Re: B-747 della National Air Cargo cade subito dopo il decollo

Messaggio da albert » 28 giugno 2015, 16:32

FAA ha proposto una multa di 77 mila dollari per National Air Cargo, per presunto mancato rispetto di requisiti per il carico e il fissaggio di carichi pesanti a bordo.

https://www.faa.gov/news/press_releases ... wsId=19116

"Press Release – FAA Proposes $77,000 Civil Penalty Against National Air Cargo Group
For Immediate Release

June 26, 2015
Contact: Lynn Lunsford
Phone: 817-222-4455; Email: lynn.lunsford@faa.gov

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes a $77,000 civil penalty against National Air Cargo Group Inc., of Orlando, Fla., for allegedly failing to comply with requirements for loading and securing heavy cargo.

The FAA alleges that during March and April 2013, National failed to comply with Federal Aviation Regulations while loading heavy military vehicles onto two Boeing 747 jetliners that the company operated. The jets were flown on seven flights while loaded with one or more Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs), each weighing between 23,001 pounds and 37,884 pounds.

Federal Aviation Regulations require operators to comply with all operating limitations specified in an aircraft’s approved flight manual. The FAA alleges that National did not comply with the operating limitations set forth in the Boeing 747s’ flight manuals, resulting in cargo that was not properly restrained to prevent shifting that could affect the safe operation of the aircraft.

On April 29, 2013, one of the 747s crashed immediately after takeoff from Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan while loaded with five MRAPs, killing its crew of seven and destroying the aircraft. The FAA alleges that National did not secure those vehicles in accordance with the limitations set forth in the aircraft’s flight manual. The probable cause of the accident is still under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.

National Air Cargo has asked to meet with the FAA to discuss the case."
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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: B-747 della National Air Cargo cade subito dopo il decollo

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 14 settembre 2015, 18:32

È uscito il report finale: http://avherald.com/h?article=46183bb4/0008&opt=0

Se ho ben capito dai paragrafi riportati su avherald, quindi, parte del carico liberatosi dalle cinghie durante la rotazione dell'aereo ha distrutto i sistemi idraulici e il meccanismo dello stabilizzatore rendendolo ingovernabile.

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Iscritto il: 23 dicembre 2008, 12:08

Re: B-747 della National Air Cargo cade subito dopo il decollo

Messaggio da sigmet » 14 settembre 2015, 23:31

MatteF88 ha scritto:È uscito il report finale: http://avherald.com/h?article=46183bb4/0008&opt=0

Se ho ben capito dai paragrafi riportati su avherald, quindi, parte del carico liberatosi dalle cinghie durante la rotazione dell'aereo ha distrutto i sistemi idraulici e il meccanismo dello stabilizzatore rendendolo ingovernabile.
Si e come immaginavo si e' trattato di una violazione.
Ci sedemmo dalla parte del torto visto che tutti gli altri posti erano occupati.
