Nuovi elicotteri per la Bundespolizei tedesca ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Nuovi elicotteri per la Bundespolizei tedesca ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 settembre 2019, 15:23

Lo AW189 in competizione per la sostituzione dei vecchi elicotteri della Bundespolizei tedesca ...
Germany's Bundespolizei federal police hopes to launch in the next 12 months a procurement effort to replace a significant number of the helicopters operated by its air support division.
That acquisition will focus on the 19 ageing Airbus Helicopters H155 medium-twins – the first of which was delivered in 1999, according to Cirium fleets data - and the most elderly examples of its heavier AS332 L1s, the oldest of which arrived in 1982.
In total, 12 of the early Super Pumas are around 30 years old.
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... the Budespolizei is looking to replace the two helicopter models with a single type in the 9-10t class, narrowing the field to the H215, H225, the Leonardo AW189 and possibly the Bell 525.
... ... "German Federal Police plans helicopter fleet renewal" ...

Provate un pò a indovinare quale verrà scelto ... :mrgreen:
