Leonardo perde ..... ma non demorde .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Leonardo perde ..... ma non demorde .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 gennaio 2018, 10:42

Airbus UH-72A ..... Leonardo perde la causa .....
An appellate judge has cleared the US Army to buy a new batch of UH-72As from Airbus, ending a three-year-long battle launched by Leonardo over a decision to award the contract without a competition.
The decision by the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on 23 January throws a lifeline to Airbus’s final assembly plant for the UH-72A helicopter in Colombus, Mississippi.
Fonte: flightglobal.com ..... "US Army cleared to buy UH-72As, ending three-year lawsuit" .....

Però ..... decide di non lasciar perdere ..... e contrattacca .....
A three-year-old saga over a US Army plan to buy more Airbus UH-72A Lakota helicopters opened yet another potentially lengthy chapter after Leonardo filed a new legal challenge just as a federal appellate tribunal rejected the last one.
The latest twist in the legal wrangling puts Airbus’ final assembly plant for the UH-72A in Mississippi at risk, despite funded army plans to 51 more Lakotas after the lawsuits are resolved and up to 113 more in the long-term.
Fonte: flightglobal.com ..... "Leonardo extends three-year legal war over US Army helo contracts" .....

Il precedente ..... flightglobal.com ..... "US Army adds 12 more UH-72A Lakotas to trainer order" .....

Da seguire .....
